Figure 1: Abstract call graph for the core layer
ELEMID ::= [element(N:GI,Lras,Lre)], { sva_atts_TYPEID(Lras,Lpa,Lpna), sva_content_TYPEID(Lre,Lpe) } <:> info_item(element) && attributes(Lpa) && namespace_attributes(Lpna) && children(Lpe) && local_name(GI) && namespace_name(N) && type_definition_anonymous(Boolean) && type_definition_namespace(URI) && type_definition_name(NCName) && type_definition_type(complex) && validation_attempted(full) && validity(valid) .Later, we will add further grammatical attributes, and use values other than full and valid for invalid elements.
/* e_purchaseOrder: grammatical rule for purchaseOrder element. e_purchaseOrder(ParsedNode,L1,L2): holds if the difference between L1 and L2 (difference lists) is a purchase order element in SWI Prolog notation. And so on for the other element types. */ e_purchaseOrder ::= [ element('':purchaseOrder, Lras,Lre)], { sva_atts_t_PurchaseOrderType(Lras,Lpa,Lpna), sva_content_t_PurchaseOrderType(Lre,Lpe) } <:> local_name(purchaseOrder) && namespace_name('') && type_definition_anonymous('false') && type_definition_namespace('') && type_definition_name('PurchaseOrderType') && type_definition_type(complex) {Common infoset properties for elements in po namespace 2} . e_shipTo_t_PurchaseOrderType ::= [element(shipTo,Lras,Lre)], { sva_atts_t_USAddress(Lras,Lpa,Lpna), sva_content_t_USAddress(Lre,Lpe) } <:> local_name(shipTo) && namespace_name('') && type_definition_anonymous('false') && type_definition_namespace('') && type_definition_name('USAddress') && type_definition_type(complex) {Common infoset properties for elements in po namespace 2} . e_billTo_t_PurchaseOrderType ::= [element(billTo,Lras,Lre)], { sva_atts_t_USAddress(Lras,Lpa,Lpna), sva_content_t_USAddress(Lre,Lpe) } <:> local_name(billTo) && namespace_name('') && type_definition_anonymous('false') && type_definition_namespace('') && type_definition_name('USAddress') && type_definition_type(complex) {Common infoset properties for elements in po namespace 2} . e_items_t_PurchaseOrderType ::= [element(items,Lras,Lre)], { sva_atts_t_Items(Lras,Lpa,Lpna), sva_content_t_Items(Lre,Lpe) } <:> local_name(items) && namespace_name('') && type_definition_anonymous('false') && type_definition_namespace('') && type_definition_name('Items') && type_definition_type(complex) {Common infoset properties for elements in po namespace 2} . e_item_t_Items ::= [element(item,Lras,Lre)], { sva_atts_t_e_item_t_Items(Lras,Lpa,Lpna), sva_content_t_e_item_t_Items(Lre,Lpe) } <:> local_name(item) && namespace_name('') && type_definition_anonymous('true') && type_definition_namespace('') && type_definition_name('t_e_item_t_Items') && type_definition_type(complex) {Common infoset properties for elements in po namespace 2} .
&& info_item(element) && attributes(Lpa) && namespace_attributes(Lpna) && children(Lpe) && validation_attempted(full) && validity(valid)
e_comment ::= [element('':comment,Lras,Lre)], {Guard to check attributes and content of strings 4} <:> local_name(comment) && namespace_name('') {Common infoset properties for elements in po namespace 2} {PSVI properties for strings 5} . e_name_t_USAddress ::= [element(name,Lras,Lre)], {Guard to check attributes and content of strings 4} <:> local_name(name) && namespace_name('') {Common infoset properties for elements in po namespace 2} {PSVI properties for strings 5} . e_street_t_USAddress ::= [element(street,Lras,Lre)], {Guard to check attributes and content of strings 4} <:> local_name(street) && namespace_name('') {Common infoset properties for elements in po namespace 2} {PSVI properties for strings 5} . e_city_t_USAddress ::= [element(city,Lras,Lre)], {Guard to check attributes and content of strings 4} <:> local_name(city) && namespace_name('') {Common infoset properties for elements in po namespace 2} {PSVI properties for strings 5} . e_state_t_USAddress ::= [element(state,Lras,Lre)], {Guard to check attributes and content of strings 4} <:> local_name(state) && namespace_name('') {Common infoset properties for elements in po namespace 2} {PSVI properties for strings 5} . e_zip_t_USAddress ::= [element(zip,Lras,Lre)], { sva_atts_simpletype(Lras,Lpa,Lpna), sva_content_t_xsd_decimal(Lre,Lpe) } <:> local_name(zip) && namespace_name('') {Common infoset properties for elements in po namespace 2} {PSVI properties for decimals 6} . e_productName_t_e_item_t_Items ::= [element(productName, Lras,Lre)], {Guard to check attributes and content of strings 4} <:> local_name(productName) && namespace_name('') {Common infoset properties for elements in po namespace 2} {PSVI properties for strings 5} . e_quantity_t_e_item_t_Items ::= [element(quantity, Lras,Lre)], { sva_atts_simpletype(Lras,Lpa,Lpna), sva_content_t_e_quantity_t_e_item_t_Items(Lre,Lpe) } <:> local_name(quantity) && namespace_name('') {Common infoset properties for elements in po namespace 2} && type_definition_anonymous('true') && type_definition_namespace('') && type_definition_name('t_e_quantity_t_e_item_t_Items') && type_definition_type(simple) . e_USPrice_t_e_item_t_Items ::= [element('USPrice',Lras,Lre)], { sva_atts_simpletype(Lras,Lpa,Lpna), sva_content_t_xsd_decimal(Lre,Lpe) } <:> local_name('USPrice') && namespace_name('') {Common infoset properties for elements in po namespace 2} {PSVI properties for decimals 6} . e_shipDate_t_e_item_t_Items ::= [element(shipDate,Lras,Lre)], { sva_atts_simpletype(Lras,Lpa,Lpna), sva_content_t_xsd_date(Lre,Lpe) } <:> local_name(shipDate) && namespace_name('') {Common infoset properties for elements in po namespace 2} && type_definition_anonymous('false') && type_definition_namespace( '') && type_definition_name('date') && type_definition_type(simple) .
{ sva_atts_simpletype(Lras,Lpa,Lpna), sva_content_t_xsd_string(Lre,Lpe) }
&& type_definition_anonymous('false') && type_definition_namespace( '') && type_definition_name('string') && type_definition_type(simple)
&& type_definition_anonymous('false') && type_definition_namespace( '') && type_definition_name('decimal') && type_definition_type(simple)
sva_atts_TYPEID(Lras,Lpa,Lpna) :- lras_TYPEID(LpaAll,Lras,[]), /* parse w/ grammar */ partition(LpaAll,LpaPresent,Lpna), /* partition result */ attocc_TYPEID(LpaPresent,Lpa). /* check min, max rules */The logical variables have the following meanings:
lras_dt ::= []. lras_dt ::= ras_dt, lras_dt. /* declared attributes */ lras_dt ::= ras_nsd, lras_dt. /* namespace declarations */ lras_dt ::= ras_xsi, lras_dt. /* XSI attributes */ ras_dt ::= [an1=Av], { sva_plf_st1(Av) }. ras_dt ::= [an2=Av], { sva_plf_st2(Av) }.Simple types will, of course, have no declared attributes, and the rules for declared attributes and occurrence-checking (together with the rules for individual attributes) will be omitted. Wildcard support can also be added here when needed.
/* ras_nsd: grammatical rule for namespace-attribute * specifications */ ras_nsd ::= [xmlns=DefaultNS] <:> info_item(attribute) && local_name(xmlns) && namespace_name('') && normalized_value(DefaultNS) && prefix('##NONE') && namespace(DefaultNS). ras_nsd ::= [xmlns:Prefix=NSName] <:> info_item(attribute) && local_name(Prefix) && namespace_name('') && normalized_value(NSName) && prefix(Prefix) && namespace(NSName).Continued in <Grammar rules for XSI attributes 8>
/* ras_xsi: grammar rule for XSI attribute specifications */ ras_xsi ::= ['':type=Value], { sva_plf_t_xsd_qname(Value) } <:> local_name(type) && type_definition_name('QName') && type_definition_anonymous('false') {Common properties for xsi attributes 9} ras_xsi ::= ['':nil=Value], { sva_plf_t_xsd_boolean(Value) } <:> local_name(nil) && type_definition_name('boolean') && type_definition_anonymous('false') {Common properties for xsi attributes 9} ras_xsi ::= ['':schemaLocation=Value], { sva_plf_t_xsd_list_of_qname(Value) } <:> local_name(schemaLocation) && type_definition_name('t_a_schemaLocation') && type_definition_anonymous('true') {Common properties for xsi attributes 9} ras_xsi ::= ['':noNamespaceSchemaLocation=Value], { sva_plf_t_xsd_qname(Value) } <:> local_name(noNamespaceSchemaLocation) && type_definition_name('QName') && type_definition_anonymous('false') {Common properties for xsi attributes 9}
&& info_item(attribute) && namespace_name('') && normalized_value(Value) && type_definition_namespace( '') && type_definition_type(simple) && schema_specified(infoset) && validation_attempted(full) && validity(valid).
/* QName has no meaningful restrictions on lexical form, so we * don't check anything. Even the whitespace normalization is * pointless in the core grammar. */ sva_plf_t_xsd_qname(PLF) :- ws_normalize(collapse,PLF,_LF), atom(PLF). sva_plf_t_xsd_list_of_qname(PLF) :- ws_normalize(collapse,PLF,_LF), atom(PLF). sva_plf_t_xsd_boolean(PLF) :- ws_normalize(collapse,PLF,LF), atom_chars(LF,L), lexform_boolean(_,L,[]).
lexform_boolean ::= bool_true. lexform_boolean ::= bool_false. bool_true ::= ['1']. bool_true ::= [t], [r], [u], [e]. bool_false ::= ['0']. bool_false ::= [f], [a], [l], [s], [e].
attocc_dt(LpaPres,LpaAll) :- atts_present(LpaPres,Lreq), atts_absent(LpaPres,Lnot), atts_defaulted(LpaPres,Ldft,LpaAll).
/* atts_present(Lpa,Lreq): true if a parsed attribute node is present in Lpa for each attribute name in Lreq */ atts_present(_LRAS,[]). atts_present(LRAS,[HRA|RequiredTail]) :- att_present(LRAS,HRA), atts_present(LRAS,RequiredTail). /* An attribute name matches if namespace name and local * name part match */ /* att_present(Lpa,Attname): true if a parsed attribute node * is present in Lpa which has name Attname */ att_present([Pa|_Lpa],NS:Attname) :- Pa^^local_name(Attname), Pa^^namespace_name(NS). att_present([_Pa|Lpa],Attname) :- att_present(Lpa,Attname). /* no base step: if we reach att_present([],Attname) we want * to fail. */Continued in <Utility for checking absent attributes 13>, <Utility for providing defaulted attributes 14>
/* atts_absent(Lpa,Ltabu): true if no attribute named in * Ltabu is present in Lpa */ atts_absent(_LRAS,[]). atts_absent(LRAS,[H|T]) :- not(att_present(LRAS,H)), atts_absent(LRAS,T).
/* atts_defaulted(L1,L2,L3): true if L3 has all the * attributes in L1, plus all of the attributes in L2 which * are not also in L1 */ atts_defaulted(Lpa,[],Lpa). atts_defaulted(Lpa,[Padft|Ldft],LpaAll) :- atts_defaulted(Lpa,Ldft,Lpa2), att_merge(Lpa2,Padft,LpaAll).Continued in <Utility for providing defaulted attributes 15>
/* att_merge(L1,Pa,L2): if Pa is present in L1, then L3 = L1, otherwise L3 = L1 + Pa. */ att_merge([],Padft,[Padft]). att_merge([Pa|Lpa],Padft,[Pa|Lpa]) :- nonvar(Pa), nonvar(Lpa), nonvar(Padft), Pa^^namespace_name(NS), Padft^^namespace_name(NS), Pa^^local_name(Lnm), Padft^^local_name(Lnm). att_merge([Pa|Lpa],Padft,Lpa2) :- nonvar(Pa), nonvar(Lpa), nonvar(Padft), not( (Pa^^namespace_name(NS), Padft^^namespace_name(NS), Pa^^local_name(Lnm), Padft^^local_name(Lnm) ) ), att_merge(Lpa,Padft,Lpa2).
/* sva_atts_TYPENAME(Lras,Lpa,Lpna): true if Lras contains * an input-form list of attribute specifications which * is legal for complex type TYPENAME, and which * corresponds to the list of parsed attributes Lpa plus * the list of parsed namespace attributes Lpna. */ sva_atts_t_PurchaseOrderType(Lras,Lpa,Lpna) :- lras_t_PurchaseOrderType(LpaAll,Lras,[]), partition(LpaAll,Lpa,Lpna), attocc_t_PurchaseOrderType(LpaPres,Lpa). lras_t_PurchaseOrderType ::= [] {Grammatical attributes for empty attribute list 22}. lras_t_PurchaseOrderType ::= ras_t_PurchaseOrderType^^Pa, lras_t_PurchaseOrderType^^Lpa {Grammatical attributes for attribute-list recursion 23}. lras_t_PurchaseOrderType ::= ras_nsd^^Pa, lras_t_PurchaseOrderType^^Lpa {Grammatical attributes for attribute-list recursion 23}. lras_t_PurchaseOrderType ::= ras_xsi^^Pa, lras_t_PurchaseOrderType^^Lpa {Grammatical attributes for attribute-list recursion 23}. ras_t_PurchaseOrderType ::= [orderDate=Value], { sva_plf_t_xsd_date(Value) } {Properties for orderDate attribute 24}. /* Literally copying the pattern would give us this: attocc_t_PurchaseOrderType(LpaPres,LpaAll) :- atts_present(LpaPres,[]), atts_absent(LpaPres,[]), atts_defaulted(LpaPres,[],LpaAll). but that's pointless. Instead, we'll do the equivalent: */ attocc_t_PurchaseOrderType(L,L).
/* ws_normalize(Keyword,Input,Output): true if Output is * an atom identical to the whitespace-normalized form of * Input, with the whitespace mode indicated by Keyword. */ ws_normalize(preserve,Atom,Atom).Continued in <Utility for whitespace normalization 18>, <Utility for whitespace normalization 20>
ws_normalize(replace,In,Out) :- atom_codes(In,Lcin), ws_blanks(Lcin,Lcout), atom_codes(Out,Lcout).
/* ws_blanks(A,B): where A has any whitespace, B has a blank */ ws_blanks([],[]). ws_blanks([9|T1],[32|T2]) :- ws_blanks(T1,T2). ws_blanks([10|T1],[32|T2]) :- ws_blanks(T1,T2). ws_blanks([13|T1],[32|T2]) :- ws_blanks(T1,T2). ws_blanks([H|T1],[H|T2]) :- not(member(H,[9,10,13])), ws_blanks(T1,T2).
ws_normalize(collapse,In,Out) :- ws_normalize(replace,In,Temp), atom_codes(Temp,Lctemp), ws_collapse(Lctemp,Lcout), atom_codes(Out,Lcout).Continued in <Utility to change whitespace characters to blanks 19>, <Utility for collapsing whitespace 21>
/* ws_collapse(A,B): B is like A, with all strings of blanks * collapsed to single blanks, and leading and trailing * blanks stripped. */ /* ws_collapse/2 strips leading blanks, then calls * ws_collapse/3 */ ws_collapse([],[]). ws_collapse([32|T1],T2) :- ws_collapse(T1,T2). ws_collapse([H|T1],[H|T2]) :- not(H=32), ws_collapse(internal,T1,T2). /* ws_collapse/3 walks past non-blanks, and when it hits a * string of blanks, it drops all but the last one before * a non-blank. */ ws_collapse(internal,[],[]). ws_collapse(internal,[32],[]). ws_collapse(internal,[H|T1],[H|T2]) :- not(H=32), ws_collapse(internal,T1,T2). ws_collapse(internal,[32,32|T1],T2) :- ws_collapse(internal,[32|T1],T2). ws_collapse(internal,[32,H|T1],[32,H|T2]) :- not(H=32), ws_collapse(internal,T1,T2).
<:> attributes([])
<:> attributes([Pa|L]) ::- Lpa^^attributes(L)
<:> info_item(attribute) && local_name('orderDate') && namespace_name('') && normalized_value(Value) && type_definition_anonymous('false') && type_definition_namespace( '') && type_definition_name('date') && type_definition_type(simple) && schema_specified(infoset) && validation_attempted(full) && validity(valid)
sva_atts_t_USAddress(Lras,Lpa,Lpna) :- lras_t_USAddress(LpaAll,Lras,[]), partition(LpaAll,LpaPres,Lpna), attocc_t_USAddress(LpaPres,Lpa). lras_t_USAddress ::= [] {Grammatical attributes for empty attribute list 22}. lras_t_USAddress ::= ras_t_USAddress^^Pa, lras_t_USAddress^^Lpa {Grammatical attributes for attribute-list recursion 23}. lras_t_USAddress ::= ras_nsd^^Pa, lras_t_USAddress^^Lpa {Grammatical attributes for attribute-list recursion 23}. lras_t_USAddress ::= ras_xsi^^Pa, lras_t_USAddress^^Lpa {Grammatical attributes for attribute-list recursion 23}. ras_t_USAddress ::= [country='US'] <:> info_item(attribute) && local_name('country') && namespace_name('') && normalized_value('US') && type_definition_anonymous('false') && type_definition_namespace( '') && type_definition_name('NMTOKEN') && type_definition_type(simple) && schema_specified(infoset) && validation_attempted(full) && validity(valid) .Continued in <Attribute occurrence checking for USAddress 26>
attocc_t_USAddress(LpaPresent,LpaAll) :- CountryAtt = node( attribute(country), [], [ (info_item(attribute)), (namespace_name('')), (local_name('country')), (normalized_value('US')), (type_definition_anonymous('false')), (type_definition_namespace( '')), (type_definition_name('NMTOKEN')), (type_definition_type(simple)), (schema_specified(schema)), (validation_attempted(full)), (validity(valid)) ]), atts_defaulted(LpaPres,[CountryAtt],LpaAll).
sva_atts_t_Items(Lras,Lpa,Lpna) :- lras_t_Items(LpaAll,Lras,[]), partition(LpaAll,LpaPres,Lpna). lras_t_Items ::= [] {Grammatical attributes for empty attribute list 22}. lras_t_Items ::= ras_nsd^^Pa, lras_t_Items^^Lpa {Grammatical attributes for attribute-list recursion 23}. lras_t_Items ::= ras_xsi^^Pa, lras_t_Items^^Lpa {Grammatical attributes for attribute-list recursion 23}.
sva_atts_t_e_item_t_Items(Lras,Lpa,Lpna) :- lras_t_e_item_t_Items(LpaAll,Lras,[]), partition(LpaAll,LpaPres,Lpna), attocc_t_e_item_t_Items(LpaPres,Lpa). lras_t_e_item_t_Items ::= [] {Grammatical attributes for empty attribute list 22}. lras_t_e_item_t_Items ::= ras_t_e_item_t_Items^^Pa, lras_t_e_item_t_Items^^Lpa {Grammatical attributes for attribute-list recursion 23}. lras_t_e_item_t_Items ::= ras_nsd^^Pa, lras_t_e_item_t_Items^^Lpa {Grammatical attributes for attribute-list recursion 23}. lras_t_e_item_t_Items ::= ras_xsi^^Pa, lras_t_e_item_t_Items^^Lpa {Grammatical attributes for attribute-list recursion 23}.Continued in <PartNum attribute 29>
ras_t_e_item_t_Items ::= [partNum=Value], { sva_plf_t_SKU(Value) } <:> info_item(attribute) && local_name('partNum') && namespace_name('') && normalized_value(Value) && type_definition_anonymous('false') && type_definition_namespace( '') && type_definition_name('SKU') && type_definition_type(simple) && schema_specified(infoset) && validation_attempted(full) && validity(valid) . /* one required attribute: partNum */ attocc_t_e_item_t_Items(LpaPres,LpaAll) :- atts_present(LpaPres,['':partNum]), atts_absent(LpaPres,[]), atts_defaulted(LpaPres,[],LpaAll).
sva_atts_simpletype(Lras,Lpa,Lpna) :- lras_sT(LpaAll,Lras,[]), partition(LpaAll,LpaPres,Lpna). lras_sT ::= [] {Grammatical attributes for empty attribute list 22}. lras_sT ::= ras_nsd^^Pa, lras_sT^^Lpa {Grammatical attributes for attribute-list recursion 23}. lras_sT ::= ras_xsi^^Pa, lras_sT^^Lpa {Grammatical attributes for attribute-list recursion 23}.
partition(LpaAll,LpaPresent,Lpna) :- LpaAll^^attributes(L), partition2(L,LpaPresent,Lpna). partition2([],[],[]). partition2([Pa|Lpa],LpaPres,[Pa|Lpna]) :- Pa^^local_name(xmlns), partition2(Lpa,LpaPres,Lpna). partition2([Pa|Lpa],LpaPres,[Pa|Lpna]) :- Pa^^namespace_name(''), partition2(Lpa,LpaPres,Lpna). partition2([Pa|Lpa],[Pa|LpaPres],Lpna) :- not(Pa^^local_name(xmlns)), not(Pa^^namespace_name('')), partition2(Lpa,LpaPres,Lpna).
Pa^^namespace_name(''),to the rule for namespace attributes declaring default namespaces, to avoid problems if xmlns were to appear as a local name in some other namespace. Since all names beginning with xml are reserved, though, it would be illegal for xmlns to appear in an application namespace (other than one defined in the future by W3C), so I have not added this test.
content_t_PurchaseOrderType ::= e_shipTo_t_PurchaseOrderType^^S, e_billTo_t_PurchaseOrderType^^B, opt_e_comment^^C, e_items_t_PurchaseOrderType^^I {Children attribute of t_PurchaseOrder 36} . opt_e_comment ::= [] {Empty list of children for opt_e_comment nonterminal 34} . opt_e_comment ::= e_comment^^Comm {Children for opt_e_comment nonterminal 35} . content_t_USAddress ::= e_name_t_USAddress^^N, e_street_t_USAddress^^S, e_city_t_USAddress^^C, e_state_t_USAddress^^ST, e_zip_t_USAddress^^Z {Children attribute of t_USAddress 33} . content_t_Items ::= star_e_item_t_Items^^L {Children attribute of content_t_Items 40} . star_e_item_t_Items ::= [] {Empty list of children for star_e_item_t_Items nonterminal 41} . star_e_item_t_Items ::= e_item_t_Items^^I, star_e_item_t_Items^^L {Children for star_e_item_t_Items nonterminal 42} . content_t_e_item_t_Items ::= e_productName_t_e_item_t_Items^^PN, e_quantity_t_e_item_t_Items^^Q, e_USPrice_t_e_item_t_Items^^USP, opt_e_comment^^C, opt_e_shipDate_t_e_item_t_Items^^S {Children attribute of t_e_item_t_Items 37} . opt_e_shipDate_t_e_item_t_Items ::= [] {Empty list of children for opt_e_shipdate nonterminal 38} . opt_e_shipDate_t_e_item_t_Items ::= e_shipDate_t_e_item_t_Items^^S {Children for opt_e_shipdate nonterminal 39} .
<:> children([N,S,C,ST,Z])
<:> children([])
<:> children([Comm])
<:> children(Lpe) ::- C^^children(CC), flatten([S,B,CC,I],Lpe)
<:> children(Lpe) ::- C^^children(CC), S^^children(SC), flatten([PN,Q,USP,CC,SC],Lpe)
<:> children([])
<:> children([S])
<:> children(List) ::- L^^children(List)
<:> children([])
<:> children([I|T]) ::- L^^children(T)
sva_content_t_PurchaseOrderType(Lre,Lpe) :- content_t_PurchaseOrderType(Topnode,Lre,[]), Topnode ^^ children(Lpe). sva_content_t_USAddress(Lre,Lpe) :- content_t_USAddress(Topnode,Lre,[]), Topnode ^^ children(Lpe). sva_content_t_Items(Lre,Lpe) :- content_t_Items(Topnode,Lre,[]), Topnode ^^ children(Lpe). sva_content_t_e_item_t_Items(Lre,Lpe) :- content_t_e_item_t_Items(Topnode,Lre,[]), Topnode ^^ children(Lpe).
sva_content_t_xsd_string([PLF],[PLF]) :- sva_plf_t_xsd_string(PLF). sva_content_t_xsd_decimal([PLF],[PLF]) :- sva_plf_t_xsd_decimal(PLF). sva_content_t_xsd_integer([PLF],[PLF]) :- sva_plf_t_xsd_integer(PLF). sva_content_t_xsd_date([PLF],[PLF]) :- sva_plf_t_xsd_date(PLF).
sva_content_t_SKU([PLF],[PLF]) :- sva_plf_t_SKU(PLF). sva_content_t_e_quantity_t_e_item_t_Items([PLF],[PLF]) :- sva_plf_t_e_quantity_t_e_item_t_Items(PLF).
/* In our representation of XML, character data is * represented as atoms. Handling of non-ASCII characters is * OK if they are in UTF8, but the SWI parser currently has * trouble with some named entity references to non-ASCII * characters */ sva_plf_t_xsd_string(LF) :- atom(LF).Continued in <sva_plf rules for built-in types 10>, <Checking decimal and integer values 47>, <Checking date values 49>, <Checking date values 56>, <Checking date values 57>
sva_plf_t_xsd_decimal(PLF) :- ws_normalize(collapse,PLF,LF), atom_chars(LF,L), lexform_decimal(_,L,[]). sva_plf_t_xsd_integer(PLF) :- ws_normalize(collapse,PLF,LF), atom_chars(LF,L), lexform_integer(_,L,[]).
lexform_decimal ::= lexform_integer, fractionalpart. lexform_integer ::= opt_sign, digits. fractionalpart ::= []. fractionalpart ::= decimalpoint. fractionalpart ::= decimalpoint, opt_digits. opt_sign ::= []. opt_sign ::= ['+']. opt_sign ::= ['-']. decimalpoint ::= ['.']. opt_digits ::= []. opt_digits ::= digits. /* We supply a 'lexval' property on digits, for use in * date checking */ digits ::= digit^^D <:> lexval([Dv]) ::- D^^lexval(Dv). digits ::= digit^^D1, digits^^Dd <:> lexval([D1val|Ddval]) ::- D1^^lexval(D1val), Dd^^lexval(Ddval). digit ::= [Ch], { char_type(Ch,digit) } <:> lexval(Ch).
sva_plf_t_xsd_date(PLF) :- ws_normalize(collapse,PLF,LF), atom_chars(LF,Lc), lexform_date(_,Lc,[]).
lexform_date ::= year^^Y, hyphen, month^^M, hyphen, day^^D, { Y^^val(Yv), M^^val(Mv), D^^val(Dv), dateok(Yv,Mv,Dv) }.Continued in <Lexical form for year 51>, <Lexical form for month 54>, <Lexical form for day of month 55>
/* Years must have at least four digits */ yearnum ::= digit^^D1, digit^^D2, digit^^D3, digits^^Dd <:> val(Num) ::- D1^^lexval(Dv1), D2^^lexval(Dv2), D3^^lexval(Dv3), Dd^^lexval(Dv4), flatten([Dv1,Dv2,Dv3,Dv4],LF), number_chars(Num,LF). year ::= yearnum^^Y <:> val(Num) ::- Y^^val(Num). year ::= ['-'], yearnum^^Y <:> val(Num) ::- Y^^val(N), Num is 0 - N. hyphen ::= ['-'].
month ::= ['0'], ['1']. month ::= ['0'], ['2']. ... month ::= ['0'], ['9']. month ::= ['1'], ['0']. month ::= ['1'], ['1']. month ::= ['1'], ['2'].
month ::= ['0'], digit^^D { D^^lexval(Dv), number_chars(V,Dv), V > 0 } <:> val(V). month ::= ['1'], digit^^D { D^^lexval(Dv), number_chars(V,Dv), V < 3 } <:> val(Val) ::- Val is 10 + V.
month ::= digit^^D1, digit^^D2, { D1^^lexval(Dv1), D2^^lexval(Dv2), number_chars(Num,[Dv1,Dv2]), Num > 0, Num < 13 } <:> val(Num).
day ::= digit^^D1, digit^^D2, { D1^^lexval(Dv1), D2^^lexval(Dv2), number_chars(Num,[Dv1,Dv2]), Num > 0, Num < 32 } <:> val(Num).
dateok(_Y,_M,D) :- D < 29. dateok(_Y,M,29) :- M =\= 2. dateok(_Y,M,30) :- M =\= 2. dateok(_Y,M,31) :- member(M,[1,3,5,7,8,10,12]). dateok(Y,2,29) :- (Y >= 0 -> Yx = Y ; Yx is Y + 1), /* adjust for BC */ 0 is Yx mod 4, Lc is Yx mod 100, L4c is Yx mod 400, leapyearcheck(Lc,L4c).
/* if C is nonzero, it's not a century year, * so it's a leapyear */ leapyearcheck(C,_Q) :- C =\= 0. /* If both numbers are 0, it's a quad-century year, * so it's a leapyear */ leapyearcheck(0,0).
sva_plf_t_SKU(PLF) :- ws_normalize(preserve,PLF,LF), atom_chars(LF,Charseq), lexform_t_SKU(_Structure,Charseq,[]). lexform_t_SKU ::= sku_decimal_part, hyphen, sku_alpha_part. sku_decimal_part ::= digit, digit, digit. sku_alpha_part ::= cap_a_z, cap_a_z. cap_a_z ::= [Char], { char_type(Char,upper) }.Continued in <Value-checking rules for quantities 59>
sva_plf_t_e_quantity_t_e_item_t_Items(PLF) :- ws_normalize(collapse,PLF,LF), atom_chars(LF,Lchars), lexform_integer(_,Lchars,[]), number_chars(Num,Lchars), Num < 100.
/* write_psvi(ParsedNode): write top-level element. */ write_psvi(Pn) :- XPSVI = '', nsbindings(Pn,[ns('##NONE',''),ns(xpsvi,XPSVI)],Nsbs), Pn ^^ local_name(Gi), Pn ^^ namespace_name(NS), Pn ^^ attributes(LPa), Pn ^^ namespace_attributes(LPna), Pn ^^ children(LCh), uname_qname_context(NS,Gi,Nsbs,QN), write('<'), write(QN), psvi_atts(LPa,Nsbs), write(' xmlns:xpsvi="'), write(XPSVI), write('"'), nl, psvi_nsatts(LPna,Nsbs), psvi_props(Pn,Nsbs), psvi_attprops(LPa,Nsbs), write('>'), psvi_children(LCh,Nsbs), write('</'), write(QN), write('>'), nl.Continued in <Calculating list of active namespace bindings 61>, <Generating a QName from a namespace name and local name, given a list of namespace bindings 62>, <Writing out attributes in PSVI 65>, <Writing out namespace attributes in PSVI 70>, <Writing out PSVI properties for element 71>, <Writing out PSVI properties for attributes 76>, <Writing out children in PSVI 81>
/* nsbindings(Pn,Inherited,Total): true if Total is a list of * namespace bindings, those attached to Pn first, then * the inherited ones. */ nsbindings(Pn,Inherited,Nsbs) :- Pn ^^ namespace_attributes(LPna), nsbind(Inherited,LPna,Nsbs). nsbind(Bindings,[],Bindings). nsbind(Inherited,[Pna | LPna],[ns(Pre,NS) | Nsbs]) :- Pna ^^ prefix(Pre), Pna ^^ namespace(NS), nsbind(Inherited,LPna,Nsbs).Continued in <Finding one binding for a namespace 64>
/* uname_qname_context(NS,Localname,Nsbs,QName) */ uname_qname_context(NS,Localname,Nsbs,QName) :- binding(Nsbs,NS,Prefix), Prefix \= '##NONE', Prefix \= '', concat_atom([Prefix,':',Localname],QName). uname_qname_context(NS,Localname,Nsbs,Localname) :- binding(Nsbs,NS,'##NONE'). uname_qname_context(NS,Localname,Nsbs,Localname) :- binding(Nsbs,NS,''). /* emergency: spit out a Uname if you have to */ uname_qname_context(NS,Localname,Nsbs,Uname) :- not(binding(Nsbs,NS,_Prefix)), concat_atom(['{',NS,'}',Localname],Uname).Continued in <QName generation for attributes 63>
/* Attributes use special rules. */ uname_attname_context('',Localname,_Nsbs,Localname). uname_attname_context('##NONE',Localname,_Nsbs,Localname). uname_attname_context(NS,Localname,Nsbs,Qname) :- NS \= '', NS \= '##NONE', uname_qname_context(NS,Localname,Nsbs,Qname).
/* binding(Nsbs,NS,Prefix) : true iff Prefix is bound * to NS in Nsbs. */ binding(Nsbs,NS,Prefix) :- binding(Nsbs,NS,[],Prefix). /* binding/4: return the first binding found for the namespace */ /* If the head of the list of bindings is for our NS, and the * prefix is not occluded, then return the prefix. */ binding([ns(Prefix,NS) | _Nsbs],NS,Occluded,Prefix) :- not(member(Prefix,Occluded)). /* If the head of the list of bindings is for our NS, but the * prefix is occluded, then recur. */ binding([ns(BadPrefix,NS) | Nsbs],NS,Occluded,Prefix) :- member(BadPrefix,Occluded), binding(Nsbs,NS,Occluded,Prefix). /* If the head of the list of bindings is not for our NS, * then recur. */ binding([ns(Prefix0,NS0) | Nsbs],NS,Occluded,Prefix) :- NS0 \= NS, binding(Nsbs,NS,[Prefix0 | Occluded], Prefix).
/* psvi_atts(Lpa,Nsbs) : write out the attributes in Lpa, * using the namespace bindings in Nsbs */ psvi_atts([],_). psvi_atts([H|T],Nsbs) :- psvi_att(H,Nsbs), psvi_atts(T,Nsbs).Continued in <Writing out a single attribute in PSVI 66>, <Writing out a single attribute in PSVI 67>, <Writing out an attribute value in PSVI 68>, <Writing out a string without double quotes 69>
/* psvi_att(Pa,Nsbs) : write out the attribute Pa and its * value, using the namespace bindings in Nsbs */ psvi_att(node(_NT, _LChildren, LProperties),Nsbs) :- LProperties^^local_name(An), LProperties^^namespace_name(NS), LProperties^^normalized_value(SNF), uname_attname_context(NS,An,Nsbs,QName), write(' '), write(QName), write(' = '), psvi_snf(SNF), nl.
psvi_att(X) :- X \= node(_NT, _LChildren, _LProperties), nl, write('!! '), write(X), nl, write('!!'), nl.
/* psvi_snf(SchemaNormalizedForm) */ {Rules for writing schema_error_code property values (PV) 255} psvi_snf(SNF) :- atom(SNF), atom_chars(SNF,Lc), not(member('"',Lc)), !, write('"'), write(SNF), write('"'). psvi_snf(SNF) :- atom(SNF), atom_chars(SNF,Lc), not(member('''',Lc)), !, write(''''), write(SNF), write(''''). psvi_snf(SNF) :- atom(SNF), atom_chars(SNF,Lc), member('"',Lc), member('''',Lc), write('"'), write_nodq(Lc), write('"').
write_nodq([]). write_nodq([H|T]) :- write_nodq(H), write_nodq(T). write_nodq('"') :- write('"'). write_nodq(Atom) :- atom(Atom), Atom \= '"', write(Atom).
/* psvi_nsatts(Lpa,Nsbs) : write out the attributes in Lpa, * using the namespace bindings in Nsbs */ psvi_nsatts([],_). psvi_nsatts([H|T],Nsbs) :- psvi_nsatt(H,Nsbs), psvi_nsatts(T,Nsbs). /* psvi_nsatt(Pan,Nsbs) : write one NS attribute, ignoring Nsbs */ psvi_nsatt(Pan,_Nsbs) :- /* We can ignore Nsbs, since the prefix 'xmlns' is reserved. */ Pan ^^ namespace_name(''), Pan ^^ prefix(Prefix), Pan ^^ namespace(NS), psvi_nsatt_write(Prefix,NS). /* psvi_nsatt_write(P,NS) : bind P to NS. * If P = 'xmlns', write a default namespace declaration */ psvi_nsatt_write('xmlns',NS) :- write(' xmlns'), write(' = '), psvi_snf(NS), nl. /* If P != 'xmlns', write a normal namespace declaration */ psvi_nsatt_write(Prefix,NS) :- Prefix \= 'xmlns', write(' xmlns:'), write(Prefix), write(' = '), psvi_snf(NS), nl.
psvi_props(node(_NT,_LChildren,LProperties),Nsbs) :- psvi_props(LProperties,Nsbs). psvi_props([],_). psvi_props([H|T],Nsbs) :- psvi_prop(H,Nsbs), psvi_props(T,Nsbs).Continued in <Handling a single PSVI property with a body 72>, <Handling a single PSVI property 73>, <Suppressing some PSVI properties 74>
psvi_prop((Property ::- Body),Nsbs) :- Body, Property =.. [Name, Value], psvi_prop_val(Name,Value,Nsbs).
psvi_prop(Property,Nsbs) :- Property \= (_Head ::- _Body), Property =.. [Name, Value], psvi_prop_val(Name,Value,Nsbs).
psvi_prop_val(attributes,_Value,_Nsbs). psvi_prop_val(namespace_attributes,_Value,_Nsbs). psvi_prop_val(inscope_namespaces,_Value,_Nsbs). psvi_prop_val(validation_context,_Value,_Nsbs). psvi_prop_val(children,_Value,_Nsbs). psvi_prop_val(schema_information,Value,Nsbs) :- uname_attname_context('', schema_information,Nsbs,QName), write(' '), write(QName), write(' = "'), psvi_schemainfo(Value), write('"'), nl.Continued in <Writing out a single PSVI property 75>, <Rules for writing extract from schema_information property 256>
psvi_prop_val(Name,Value,Nsbs) :- Name \= attributes, Name \= namespace_attributes, Name \= inscope_namespaces, Name \= validation_context, Name \= children, Name \= schema_information, uname_attname_context('',Name,Nsbs,QName), write(' '), write(QName), write(' = '), psvi_snf(Value), nl.
psvi_attprops([],_).Continued in <Writing out PSVI properties for attributes 77>, <Writing out a single PSVI property for attributes 78>, <Writing out a single PSVI property for attributes 79>, <Writing out a single PSVI property for attributes 80>
psvi_attprops([Pa|Lpa],Nsbs) :- psvi_attprop(type_definition_name, [Pa|Lpa], Nsbs), psvi_attprop(type_definition_namespace, [Pa|Lpa], Nsbs), psvi_attprop(type_definition_anonymous, [Pa|Lpa], Nsbs), /* don't waste people's time. This is always the same. psvi_attprop(type_definition_type, [Pa|Lpa], Nsbs), */ psvi_attprop(schema_specified, [Pa|Lpa], Nsbs), psvi_attprop(validation_attempted, [Pa|Lpa], Nsbs), psvi_attprop(validity, [Pa|Lpa], Nsbs).
psvi_attprop(Propname, Lpa, Nsbs) :- concat_atom(['att_',Propname],Attname), uname_attname_context( '',Attname,Nsbs,QName), write(' '), write(QName), write(' = "'), psvi_attprop0(Propname,Lpa,Nsbs), write('"'), nl.
psvi_attprop0(_Propname,[],_Nsbs). psvi_attprop0(Propname,[H|T],Nsbs) :- H ^^ namespace_name(NS), H ^^ local_name(LN), node_prop_val(H,Propname,Value), ( Value = kw(absent) -> true ; ( uname_attname_context(NS,LN,Nsbs,QName), write(QName), write(' '), atom_chars(Value,Lc), write_nodq(Lc), (T = [_H2|_T2] -> (nl, write(' ')) ; true) ) ), psvi_attprop0(Propname,T,Nsbs).
node_prop_val(node(_,_,LProps),Propname,Value) :- node_prop_val(LProps,Propname,Value). node_prop_val([H|T],Propname,Value) :- H = (Head ::- Body), ( ( Head =.. [Propname, Value], Body ) -> true ; node_prop_val(T,Propname,Value) ). node_prop_val([H|T],Propname,Value) :- H \= (_Head ::- _Body), H =.. [Propname, Value] -> true ; node_prop_val(T,Propname,Value). node_prop_val([],_Propname,kw(absent)).
psvi_children([],_Nsbs). psvi_children([H|T],Nsbs) :- psvi_child(H,Nsbs), psvi_children(T,Nsbs).Continued in <Writing out a PCDATA atom in PSVI 82>, <Writing out a non-Prolog Unicode character in PSVI 83>, <Writing out a child element in PSVI 84>
psvi_child(Atom,_) :- atom(Atom), write(Atom).
psvi_child(entity(N),_) :- number(N), write('&#'), write(N), write(';'). psvi_child(entity(E),_) :- not(number(E)), write('&'), write(E), write(';').
psvi_child(node(NT, LChildren, LProperties),Nsbs) :- ( LProperties ^^ info_item(element) -> psvi_elem(node(NT,LChildren,LProperties),Nsbs) ; LProperties ^^ info_item(textnode) -> LChildren = [[Atom]], psvi_child(Atom,Nsbs) ). psvi_elem(Pn,Nsbs0) :- nsbindings(Pn,Nsbs0,Nsbs), Pn^^local_name(Gi), Pn^^namespace_name(NS), Pn^^attributes(LPa), Pn^^namespace_attributes(LPna), Pn^^children(LCh), uname_qname_context(NS,Gi,Nsbs,QN), write('<'), write(QN), psvi_atts(LPa,Nsbs), psvi_nsatts(LPna,Nsbs), psvi_props(Pn,Nsbs), psvi_attprops(LPa,Nsbs), write('>'), psvi_children(LCh,Nsbs), write('</'), write(QN), write('>').
/* a definite-clause translation grammar * representation of the sample purchase-order schema from * the XML Schema tutorial. * * This DCTG was generated by a literate programming system; * if maintenance is necessary, make changes to the source * (podctg.xml), not to this output file. */ {W3C copyright notice 86} /* top-level element rules: * e_ELEMID grammar rules */ {Rules for elements with complex types 1} {Rules for elements with simple types 3} /* attribute-list rules: * sva_atts_TYPEID predicates and helpers (including * DCTG grammar for attributes of the type) */ {Attribute handling for PurchaseOrderType 16} {Attribute handling for USAddress 25} {Attribute handling for Items type 27} {Attribute handling for t_e_item_t_Items 28} {Attribute handling for simple types 30} /* content-model rules for complex types: * content_TYPEID grammar rules */ {Rules for purchase-order content models 32} /* pre-lexical and lexical form rules for simple types: * sva_content_TYPEID, sva_plf_TYPEID */ {Simple-type content rules for purchase-order types 45} {Value-checking rules for SKU 58} /* type_sva rules (wrappers) for complex types: * sva_content_TYPEID */ {Wrapper predicates (sva_content_TYPE) for complex content 43}
/* Copyright (c) 2004, 2005 World Wide Web Consortium, * (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, European Research * Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics, Keio University). * All Rights Reserved. This work is distributed under the * W3C(TM) Software License [1] in the hope that it will be * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * [1] */
### Copyright (c) 2004, 2005 World Wide Web Consortium, ### (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, European Research ### Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics, Keio University). ### All Rights Reserved. This work is distributed under the ### W3C(TM) Software License [1] in the hope that it will be ### useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ### warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ### [1]
/* Generic utilities for DCTG-encoded schemas */ {W3C copyright notice 86} :- module(xsd_lib_core, [atts_absent/2, atts_defaulted/3, atts_present/2, dateok/3, partition/3, sva_content_t_xsd_date/2, sva_content_t_xsd_decimal/2, sva_content_t_xsd_integer/2, sva_content_t_xsd_string/2, sva_plf_t_xsd_boolean/1, sva_plf_t_xsd_date/1, sva_plf_t_xsd_decimal/1, sva_plf_t_xsd_integer/1, sva_plf_t_xsd_list_of_qname/1, sva_plf_t_xsd_qname/1, sva_plf_t_xsd_string/1, ws_normalize/3, write_psvi/1]). /* NOT exposed: att_merge/3, att_present/2, binding/3, binding/4, leapyearcheck/2, node_prop_val/3, nsbind/3, nsbindings/3, psvi_att/1, psvi_att/2, psvi_attprop/3, psvi_attprop0/3, psvi_attprops/2, psvi_atts/2, psvi_child/2, psvi_children/2, psvi_elem/2, psvi_nsatt/2, psvi_nsatt_write/2, psvi_nsatts/2, psvi_prop/2, psvi_prop_val/3, psvi_props/2, psvi_schema_info/1, psvi_snf/1, psvi_snf_ce/1, psvi_snf/errorcodes/1, psvi_snf/errordetails/1, uname_attname_context/4, uname_qname_context/4, write_nodq/1, ws_blanks/2, ws_collapse/2, ws_collapse/3 */ {Utilities for checking attribute occurrences 12} {Utility for whitespace normalization 17} {partition predicate 31} {sva_content rules for built-in Types 44} {sva_plf rules for built-in types 46} {Top-level predicate for writing PSVI 60}
/* Rules for namespace attributes and attributes in the * XSI namespace */ {W3C copyright notice 86} {Grammar rules for namespace and XSI attributes 7} /* Lexical forms for built-in types (DCTG rules) */ {Lexical form for decimal and integer 48} {Lexical form for year 50} {Lexical form for boolean 11}
content_t_USAddress ::= e_name_t_USAddress^^N, e_street_t_USAddress^^S, e_city_t_USAddress^^C, e_state_t_USAddress^^ST, e_zip_t_USAddress^^Z <:> children([N,S,C,ST,Z]).In some cases, the grammar will have several rules, to cover repetitions and choices.
sva_atts_TYPEID(Lras,Lpa,Lpna) :- /* parse against grammar of attributes */ lras_TYPEID(LpaAll,Lras,[]), /* partition the result */ partition(LpaAll,LpaPresent,Lpna), /* check min, max occurrence rules */ attocc_TYPEID(LpaPresent,Lpa).
e_NCName ::= [element(NS:GI,Lras,Lre)], { sva_atts_TYPEID(Lras,Lpa,Lpna), sva_content_TYPEID(Lre,Lpe) } <:> attributes(Lpa) && namespace_attributes(Lpna) /* etc. */ .When the element has a simple type, the pattern is identical except that it uses a standard sva_atts_simpletype predicate instead of sva_atts_TYPEID.
sva_content_TYPEID(Atom,Atom) :- sva_plf_TYPEID(Atom).
sva_plf_TYPEID(PLF) :- ws_normalize(WSkeyword,PLF,LF), atom_chars(LF,Charseq), lexform_TYPEID(_Structure,Charseq,[]), /* additional value checks */ .
lexform_sku ::= sku_decimal_part, hyphen, sku_alpha_part. sku_decimal_part ::= digit, digit, digit. sku_alpha_part ::= cap_a_z, cap_a_z. cap_a_z ::= [Char], { char_type(Char,upper) }.
/* load the core DCTG grammar and other * auxiliary material. */ {W3C copyright notice 86} /* The directory where this file lives is the reference point * for all the directories we care about. * Assert it as a file-search-path alias during load time * (afterwards is too late). */ ?- prolog_load_context(directory,Dir), assert(file_search_path(po_bin,Dir)). file_search_path(dctg,po_bin('..')). file_search_path(po_tests,dctg('testdata/tests')). file_search_path(po_out,dctg('testdata/tmp')). file_search_path(po_lib,dctg('lib')). ?- ensure_loaded(po_lib('')). ?- ensure_loaded(po_bin('')). ?- absolute_file_name(po_bin('xsd_lib_core.dctg'),Grammar), dctg_reconsult(Grammar). ?- absolute_file_name(po_bin(''),Grammar), dctg_reconsult(Grammar). load_file(File,Structure) :- load_structure(File,Infoset,[dialect(xmlns),space(remove)]), e_purchaseOrder(Structure,Infoset,[]). load_go_file(File) :- load_file(File,Structure), write_psvi(Structure).
/* run tests on the core DCTG grammar */ {W3C copyright notice 86} ?- prolog_load_context(directory,Dir), assert(file_search_path(po_bin,Dir)). ?- ensure_loaded(po_bin('')). ?- ensure_loaded(po_bin('')).Continued in <Predicates to load and run test files 92>, <Predicates to load and run test files 93>
load_test(File,Structure) :- potestfile(File,_RC), absolute_file_name(po_tests(File),Testfile), load_file(Testfile,Structure). load_go_test(File) :- potestfile(File,_RC), absolute_file_name(po_tests(File),Testfile), load_go_file(Testfile).
/* run_test(File,Flag): parse File, write psvi, check top-level output */ run_test(File,Flag) :- write('Testing '), writeq(File), write(': '), potestfile(File,ExpectedRC), absolute_file_name(po_tests(File),Testfile), load_structure(Testfile,Structure,[dialect(xmlns),space(remove)]), ( ExpectedRC = valid -> ( e_purchaseOrder(Pn,Structure,[]), Pn ^^ validity(RC) ) ; ( ( not(e_purchaseOrder(_Pn,Structure,[])), RC = 'invalid' ) -> true ; ( e_purchaseOrder(Pn,Structure,[]), Pn ^^ validity(RC) ))), ( ( RC = valid, Flag = psvi ) -> write_psvi_for_xmlfile(Pn,File) ; true ), report(RC,ExpectedRC). write_psvi_for_xmlfile(Pn,Testfile) :- atom_concat(Stem,'.xml',Testfile), concat_atom([Stem,'.psvi.core.xml'],PSVIfilename), absolute_file_name(po_out(PSVIfilename), PSVIfile), telling(Stdout), tell(PSVIfile), write_psvi(Pn), told, tell(Stdout), !. report(RC,RC) :- write('ok ('), write(RC), write(' as expected)'), nl. report(RC,ExpectedRC) :- RC \= ExpectedRC, write('!!! NOT OK: expected '), writeq(ExpectedRC), write(', got '), writeq(RC), write(' !!!'), nl. good :- good(nopsvi). bad :- bad(nopsvi). ugly :- ugly(nopsvi). good(Option) :- run_tests(valid,Option). bad(Option) :- run_tests(invalid,Option). ugly(Option) :- run_tests(valid,Option), run_tests(invalid,Option). run_tests(RC,Option) :- bagof(File,potestfile(File,RC),Files), member(F,Files), run_test(F,Option), fail. run_tests(_RC,_Option).
content_t_PurchaseOrderType ::= opt_pcdata^^P1, e_shipTo_t_PurchaseOrderType^^S, opt_pcdata^^P2, e_billTo_t_PurchaseOrderType^^B, opt_pcdata^^P3, opt_e_comment^^C, e_items_t_PurchaseOrderType^^I, opt_pcdata^^P4 <:> children(Lpe) ::- C^^children(CC), P1^^children(PC1), P2^^children(PC2), P3^^children(PC3), P4^^children(PC4), flatten([PC1,S,PC2,B,PC3,CC,I,PC4],Lpe). opt_e_comment ::= [] <:> children([]). opt_e_comment ::= e_comment^^Comm, opt_pcdata^^P <:> children(CC) ::- P^^children(PC), flatten([Comm,PC],CC). content_t_Items ::= opt_pcdata^^P, star_e_item_t_Items^^L <:> children(List) ::- P^^children(PC), L^^children(Lc), flatten([PC,Lc],List). star_e_item_t_Items ::= [] <:> children([]). star_e_item_t_Items ::= e_item_t_Items^^I, opt_pcdata^^P, star_e_item_t_Items^^L <:> children([I,P|T]) ::- L^^children(T).
opt_pcdata ::= [] <:> children([]). opt_pcdata ::= [Atom] <:> children([Atom]).Note that the children property records the atom matched by the rule, so that it can be included among the children of the parent element.
opt_pcdata ::= [] <:> children([]). opt_pcdata ::= pcdata_unit^^U, opt_pcdata^^P <:> children([Unit|PC]) ::- U^^children(Unit), P^^children(PC). pcdata_unit ::= [Atom] <:> children(Atom). pcdata_unit ::= [entity(Arg)] <:> children(entity(Arg)).
e_H ::= e_E.The only complication is that every property of E must be copied upward to H. Thus if we added an element po with type t_po in the substitution group of purchaseOrder, the rules will take the form:
e_po ::= [ element('':purchaseOrder, Lras,Lre)], { sva_atts_t_po(Lras,Lpa,Lpna), sva_content_t_po(Lre,Lpe) } <:> local_name(po) && type_definition_anonymous('false') && type_definition_namespace('') && type_definition_name('t_po') && type_definition_type(complex) && attributes(Lpa) && namespace_attributes(Lpna) && children(Lpe) && namespace_name('') && validation_attempted(full) && validity(valid) . e_purchaseOrder ::= e_po^^E, <:> local_name(LN) ::- E^^local_name(LN) && type_definition_anonymous(TDA) ::- E^^type_definition_anonymous(TDA) && type_definition_namespace(TDNS) ::- E^^type_definition_namespace(TDNS) && type_definition_name(TDN) ::- E^^type_definition_name(TDN) && type_definition_type(TDT) ::- E^^type_definition_type(TDT) && attributes(Lpa) ::- E^^attributes(Lpa) && namespace_attributes(Lpna) ::- E^^namespace_attributes(Lpna) && children(Lpe) ::- E^^children(Lpe) && namespace_name(Ns) ::- E^^namespace_name(Ns) && validation_attempted(VA) ::- E^^validation_attempted(VA) && validity(Valid) ::- E^^validity(Valid) .
e_po ::= e_big_po <:> local_name(LN) ...taken together with those already given will ensure that big_po can be substituted for purchaseOrder.
lit_ELEMID ::= [element(N:GI,Lras,Lre)], { sva_atts_TYPEID(Lras,Lpa,Lpna), sva_content_TYPEID(Lre,Lpe) }.Content-model rules will still refer to e_ + ELEMID, but we have now provided a level of indirection which we will use to allow either just the literal element itself or any element in its substitution group to appear in the instance. In our examples, we thus have:
lit_e_purchaseOrder ::= [ element('':purchaseOrder, Lras,Lre)], { sva_atts_t_PurchaseOrderType(Lras,Lpa,Lpna), sva_content_t_PurchaseOrderType(Lre,Lpe) }. lit_e_po ::= [ element('':po, Lras,Lre)], { sva_atts_t_po(Lras,Lpa,Lpna), sva_content_t_po(Lre,Lpe) }. lit_e_big_po ::= [ element('':big_po, Lras,Lre)], { sva_atts_t_big_po(Lras,Lpa,Lpna), sva_content_t_big_po(Lre,Lpe) }.Or for the E, F, H example:
lit_e_H ::= [element('H',Lras,Lre)] ... lit_e_E ::= [element('E',Lras,Lre)] ... lit_e_F ::= [element('F',Lras,Lre)] ...
subst_e_purchaseOrder ::= lit_e_purchaseOrder. subst_e_po ::= lit_e_po. subst_e_big_po ::= lit_e_big_po. subst_e_H ::= lit_e_H. subst_e_E ::= lit_e_E. subst_e_F ::= lit_e_F.Next, we note that E is in the substitution group of H and so forth, by writing rules relating the substitution group of the head to the substitution group of the member:
subst_e_purchaseOrder ::= subst_e_po. subst_e_po ::= subst_e_big_po. subst_e_H ::= subst_e_E. subst_e_E ::= subst_e_F.Note that this ensures the transitive nature of group membership: anywhere the non-terminal subst_e_purchaseOrder is allowed, the non-terminal subst_e_po is allowed, and anywhere the non-terminal subst_e_po is allowed, the non-terminal subst_e_big_po is allowed, and that in turn includes elements of type big_po.
e_purchaseOrder ::= subst_e_purchaseOrder. e_po ::= subst_e_po. e_big_po ::= subst_e_big_po. e_H ::= subst_e_H. e_E ::= lit_e_E. /* N.B. substitution is blocked. */ e_F ::= subst_e_F.
sva_content_t_PurchaseOrderType(Lre,Lpe,ok) :- content_t_PurchaseOrderType(Lre,Lpe,[]). sva_content_t_PurchaseOrderType(Lre,Lpe, error(cvc-complex-type.2.4)) :- not(content_t_PurchaseOrderType(Lre,Lpe,[])).or, using the Prolog if-then-else construct,
sva_content_t_PurchaseOrderType(Lre,Lpe,ReturnCode) :- (content_t_PurchaseOrderType(Lpe,Lre,[]) -> ReturnCode = ok ; ReturnCode = error(cvc-complex-type.2.4) ).
Figure 2: Abstract call graph for the PV layer
/* a definite-clause translation grammar representation * of the sample purchase-order schema from the XML Schema tutorial. * This is version PV, which does partial validation. * * This DCTG was generated by a literate programming system; if * maintenance is necessary, make changes to the source (podctg.xml) * not to this output file. */ {W3C copyright notice 86} /* simple-type rules: * sva_content_TYPEID, sva_plf_TYPEID, value checks */ {Checking (pre-) lexical forms against schema-specific types (PV) 165} /* single-element rules: e_ELEMID */ {Rules for elements with complex types (PV) 179} {Rules for elements with simple types (PV) 183} /* validating elements against their element declarations */ {Rules for validating against element declarations (PV) 203} /* attribute-list rules: * sva_atts_TYPEID, lras_TYPEID, ras_TYPEID */ {Attribute rules for complex types (PV) 214} {Attribute handling for simple types (PV) 233} /* content-model rules: * sva_content_TYPEID, content_TYPEID */ {Complex-content rules (PV) 240} {Simple-type content rules for purchase-order types (PV) 162} /* type derivation information */ {Top-level components in the purchase-order schema (PV) 198} {Schema-specific derivation information (PV) 200} {Derivation information for built-ins (PV) 201} /* Information about element/type bindings */ {Element-type bindings for purchase-order schema (PV) 202}
/* library routines not specific to any one schema. * This is version PV, which does partial validation. * * This code was generated by a literate programming system; if * maintenance is necessary, make changes to the source (podctg.xml) * not to this output file. */ {W3C copyright notice 86} /* Utilities for working with simple types and * their values */ {Generic predicates for simple types (PV) 166} /* Rules for checking pre-lexical form of builtin types */ {Checking pre-lexical forms against built-in types (PV) 163} /* Maintaining in-scope namespaces property */ {Calculating in-scope namespaces (PV) 185} /* Resolving QNames */ {Resolve QName to type (PV) 195} {Expand QName to expanded name triple (PV) 196} {Mapping from expanded name to type ID (PV) 197} /* Checking type derivations (incomplete implementation) */ {Type derivation hierarchy for purchase-order schema (PV) 199} /* Rules for checking elements against element declarations */ {Check value given in xsi:type (PV) 189} /* Rules for calculating validity of elements */ {Calculating validation-attempted property (PV) 210} /* Rules for mixed content */ {Distinguishing mixed-content error from child-sequence error (PV) 242} {The content_skip predicate (PV) 245} {The grammar rule atts_skip (PV) 249} /* Rules for simple content */ {sva_content rules for built-in types (PV) 161} /* Generic rules for validating attributes */ {Generic rules for attribute validation (PV) 215} /* Rules for xsi attributes and namespace declarations */ {Grammar rules for namespace and XSI attributes (PV) 234} /* Rules for attribute occurrence checking */ {Utilities for checking attribute occurrences (PV) 237} /* old stuff from core layer */ {partition predicate 31} /* DCTG rules for built-in simple types */ {Grammar rules for lexical forms of built-in types (PV) 164} /* writing out the PSVI */ {Top-level predicate for writing PSVI 60}
/* sva_content_TYPEID(+Lre, -LF, -Lerrs): true iff validating * raw element list Lre against type TYPEID produces * lexical form LF and error list Lerrs. */ sva_content_TYPEID(Lre,LF,[]) :- sva_plf_TYPEID(Lre,LF,_PN,[]). sva_content_TYPEID(Lre, LF, [ElemError,LfError|Errors]) :- sva_plf_TYPEID(Lre,LF,_PN,[LfError|Errors]), ElemError = error(cvc-type.3.1.3).
sva_content_TYPEID(Lre,LF,Lerr) :- sva_plf_TYPEID(Lre,LF,_PN,Lerr0), ( Lerr0 = [] -> Lerr = [] ; append([error(cvc-type.3.1.3)], Lerr0, Lerr) ).This is not quite satisfactory, because it fails to suggest any relationship between the cvc-type.3.1.3 error and the others. In fact, there is a causal relationship between them: they cause the cvc-type.3.1.3. To express this, we'll allow our error structure to contain other error structures.
sva_content_TYPEID(Lre,LF,Lerr) :- sva_plf_TYPEID(Lre,LF,_PN,Lerr0), ( Lerr0 = [] -> Lerr = [] ; Lerr = [error( cvc-type.3.1.3, cause(Lerr0))] ).This is an improvement on the corresponding predicates of the core, but it's not finished: (1) this predicate should also handle empty elements, (2) it should check for elements among the children, and (3) the error reporting should have something more than a keyword. The full definition of the sva_content_TYPEID predicates for level PV is found below (4.3). The full definition of the sva_plf_TYPEID predicates is in sections 4.2.3 through 4.2.8.
/* sva_plf_TYPEID(+Lre, -LF, -PN, -Lerrs): true iff validating * raw element list Lre as a pre-lexical form against type * TYPEID produces lexical form LF and error list Lerrs. */ sva_plf_TYPEID(PLF,LF,PN) :- aelist_chars(PLF,Lchars), ws_normalize(Keyword_Method,Lchars,LF) lexform_TYPEID(PN,LF,[]), vcheck1(PN), vcheck2(PN), ... /* checks on value */ vcheckN(PN).where
sva_plf_TYPEID(PLF,LF,PN,Lerr) :- (aelist_chars(PLF,Lchars) -> (ws_normalize(Keyword,Lchars,LF) -> (lexform_TYPEID(PN,LF,[]) -> (vcheck1(PN) -> (vcheck2(PN) -> (vcheckN(PN) -> Lerr = [] ; Lerr = ['failed vcheckN']) ; Lerr = ['failed vcheck2']) ; Lerr = ['failed vcheck1']) ; Lerr = ['bad lexical form']) ; LF = [], Lerr = ['whitespace normalization failed (huh?!!)']) ; Lerr = ['aelist_chars failed']) .For now, we represent errors as simple atoms containing a brief natural-language description; this is too simple for real work, but suffices for working out the pattern in more detail.
sva_plf_TYPEID(PLF,LF,PN,Lerr) :- (aelist_chars(PLF,Lchars) -> plf_wlv_TYPEID(Lchars, LF, PN, Lerr) ; Lerr = ['aelist_chars failed']). /* plf_wlv_TYPEID(+Lre, -LF, -Lerr) is true iff parsing the list * of characters Lchars as a pre-lexical form of type TYPEID * produces lexical form LF and list of errors Lerr. In the * process, we: * - do whitespace normalization (w), * - check lexical form (l), * - check value (v) * which gives us the 'wlv' in the name of the predicate. */ plf_wlv_TYPEID(Lchars,LF,PN,Lerr) :- (ws_normalize(KEYWORD,Lchars,LF) -> plf_lv_TYPEID(LF,PN,Lerr) ; Lerr = ['whitespace normalization failed (can this even HAPPEN?)'], LF = [], PN = 'unparsed'). /* plf_lv_TYPEID(+LF, PN, -Lerr) is true iff parsing the list of * characters LF as a lexical form of type TYPEID produces * the parsed node PN and the list of errors Lerr. In the * process, we check the lexical form (l) and the value (v), * which gives us the 'lv' in the name of the predicate. */ plf_lv_TYPEID(LF,PN,Lerr) :- (lexform_TYPEID(PN,LF,[]) -> plf_v_TYPEID(PN,Lerr) ; Lerr = ['parse of lexical form failed'], LF = [], PN = 'unparsed'). /* plf_v_TYPEID(+ParsedNode, -Lerr) is true iff checking the * parsed DCTG node ParsedNode against the value constraints * of type TYPEID produces the list of errors Lerr. */ plf_v_TYPEID(PN,Lerr) :- (vcheck1(PN), -> plf_v2_TYPEID(PN,Lerr) ; Lerr = ['failed vcheck1']). plf_v2_TYPEID(PN,Lerr) :- (vcheck2(PN), -> plf_v3_TYPEID(PN,Lerr) ; Lerr = ['failed vcheck2']). /* ... */ plf_vN_TYPEID(PN,Lerr) :- (vcheckN(PN), -> Lerr = [] ; Lerr = ['failed vcheckN']).
/* sva_plf_TYPEID(+Lre, -LF, -PN, -Lerr) */ sva_plf_TYPEID(PLF,LF,PN,Lerr) :- (aelist_chars(PLF,Lchars,Lerr0) -> (Lerr0 = [] -> plf_wlv_TYPEID(Lchars,LF,PN,Lerr) ; ( Lerr = ['aelist chars failed' | Lerr0]), LF = [], PN = 'unparsed' ) ; ( Lerr = ['aelist_chars failed, no further info']), LF = [], PN = 'unparsed' ). /* plf_wlv(+Lre,-LF,-PN,-Lerr): * do whitespace, lex check, value check */ plf_wlv_TYPEID(Lchars,LF,PN,Lerr) :- (ws_normalize(KEYWORD,Lchars,LF,Lerr0) -> (Lerr0 = [] -> plf_lv_TYPEID(LF,PN,Lerr) ; ( LF = [], PN = 'unparsed, Lerr = ['ws normalization failed' | Lerr0])) ; LF = [], PN = 'unparsed', Lerr = ['whitespace normalization failed (can this even HAPPEN?)']). /* plf_lv(+LF, -Lerr): check lexical form (l), value (v) */ plf_lv_TYPEID(LF,Lerr) :- (lexform_TYPEID(PN,LF,[]) -> (PN ^^ errors(E), (Lerr0 = [] -> plf_v_TYPEID(PN,Lerr) ; Lerr = ['lex form parse failed' | Lerr0])) ; ( PN = 'unparsed', Lerr = ['parse of lexical form failed, dunno why'] )). /* plf_v(+PN, -Lerr): check value */ plf_v_TYPEID(PN,Lerr) :- (vcheck1(PN,Lerr0), -> (Lerr0 = [] -> plf_v2_TYPEID(PN,Lerr) ; Lerr = ['failed vcheck1' | Lerr0]) ; Lerr = ['failed vcheck1']). plf_v2_TYPEID(PN,Lerr) :- (vcheck2(PN,Lerr0), -> (Lerr0 = [] -> plf_v3_TYPEID(PN,Lerr) ; Lerr = ['failed vcheck2' | Lerr0]) ; Lerr = ['failed vcheck2']). /* ... */ plf_vN_TYPEID(PN,Lerr) :- (vcheckN(PN,Lerr0), -> (Lerr0 = [] -> Lerr = [] ; Lerr = ['failed vcheckN' | Lerr0]) ; Lerr = ['failed vcheckN']).
/* sva_plf_T(+Lre, -LF, -PN, -Lerr) */ sva_plf_TYPEID(PLF,LF,PN,Lerr) :- (aelist_chars(PLF,Lchars,Lerr0) -> (Lerr0 = [] -> plf_wlv_TYPEID(Lchars, LF, PN, Lerr) ; ( Lerr = [error(pv_plf_ae1,'aelist_chars raised error', [type(TYPEID), ce(Lerr0)])], PN = 'unparsed', LF = [])), ; ( Lerr = [error(pv_plf_ae2,'aelist_chars failed', [type(TYPEID), ce([])])], PN = 'unparsed', LF = [] )). /* plf_wlv_T(+Lchars,-LF,-PN,-Lerr): * do whitespace, lex check, value check */ plf_wlv_TYPEID(Lchars,LF,PN,Lerr) :- (ws_normalize(KEYWORD,Lchars,LF,Lerr0) -> (Lerr0 = [] -> plf_lv_TYPEID(LF,PN,Lerr) ; ( Lerr = [error(pv_plf_ws1,'ws normalization raised error', [type(TYPEID), ce(Lerr0)])], LF = [], PN = 'unparsed' )) ; ( LF = [], PN = 'unparsed', Lerr = [error(pv_plf_ws2, 'ws normalization failed (can this happen?)', [type(TYPEID), ce([])])] )). /* plf_lv_T(+LF, -PN, -Lerr): check lexical form (l), value (v) */ plf_lv_TYPEID(LF,PN,Lerr) :- (lexform_TYPEID(PN,LF,[]) -> (PN ^^ errors(Lerr0), (Lerr0 = [] -> plf_v_TYPEID(PN,Lerr) ; Lerr = [error('cvc-datatype-valid.1', 'bad lexical form', [type(TYPEID), lf(LF), ce(Lerr0)])])) ; PN = 'unparsed', Lerr = ['cvc-datatype-valid.1', 'bad lexical form, grammar failed', [type(TYPEID), ce([]), lf(LF)])]). /* etc. */
sva_plf_TYPEID(PLF,LF,PN,Lerr) :- (aelist_chars(PLF,Lchars) -> (ws_normalize(Keyword,Lchars,LF) -> (lexform_TYPEID(PN,LF,[]) -> (vcheck1(PN) -> (vcheck2(PN) -> (vcheckN(PN) -> Lerr = [] ; Lerr = ['failed vcheckN']) ; Lerr = ['failed vcheck2']) ; Lerr = ['failed vcheck1']) ; Lerr = ['bad lexical form']) ; LF = [], Lerr = ['whitespace normalization failed (huh?!!)']) ; Lerr = ['aelist_chars failed']).The astute reader reading this paragraph will correctly infer, however, that despite the author's horror at the needless obscurity of the pattern adopted in the code below, he has not yet taken the time to replace it.
/* sva_plf_t_xsd_string(+PLF,-LF,-PN,-Lerr) */ sva_plf_t_xsd_string(PLF,PLF,PN,Lerr) :- (aelist_codes(PLF,Lcodes,Lerr0) -> (Lerr0 = [] -> plf_lv_t_xsd_string(Lcodes, PN, Lerr) ; ( Lerr = [error(pv_plf_ae1,'aelist_chars failed', [type(t_xsd_string), ce(Lerr0)])], PN = 'unparsed' )) ; ( Lerr = [error(pv_plf_ae2,'aelist_chars failed', [type(t_xsd_string), ce([])])], PN = 'unparsed' )). /* N.B. no whitespace normalization needed for string */ /* plf_lv_t_xsd_string(+LF,-PN,-Lerr): * check lexical form (l), value (v) */ plf_lv_t_xsd_string(LF,PN,Lerr) :- (lexform_t_xsd_string(PN,LF,[]) -> (PN ^^ errors(Lerr0), (Lerr0 = [] -> Lerr = [] ; Lerr = [error('cvc-datatype-valid.1', 'bad lexical form', [type(t_xsd_string), lf(LF), ce(Lerr0)])])) ; Lerr = [error('cvc-datatype-valid.1', 'bad lexical form, grammar failed', [type(t_xsd_string), ce([]), lf(LF)])]). /* N.B. no value-level checks are defined for string */
/* aelist_codes(+List,-Codes,-Lerr): convert list of * atoms and entity structures into list of integer codes, * or else return errors. */ aelist_codes([],[],[]). aelist_codes([Head|Tail],Codes,Lerr) :- ae_unit(Head,CHead,Lerr1), aelist_codes(Tail,CTail,Lerr2), flatten([CHead,CTail],Codes), append(Lerr1,Lerr2,Lerr). aelist_codes(Atom,Codes,Lerr) :- atom(Atom), ae_unit(Atom,Codes,Lerr). /* entities and special characters. These come first so that * first-argument indexing will try them first when appropriate * and skip them otherwise. */ ae_unit(entity(Code),Code,[]) :- integer(Code). /* N.B. for now, we do not support the use of named general * entities in the Anjewierden/Wielemaker form. Maybe later. */ ae_unit(entity(Code),Code, [error(pv_ae2, 'Entity names not supported, use numeric references', [entity(Code)])]) :- not(integer(Code)). /* Main case: an atom, which we convert to a list of integers */ ae_unit(Head,CHead,Lerr) :- atom(Head), (atom_codes(Head,CHead) -> Lerr = [] ; Lerr = [error(pv_ae1, 'Unable to convert item into character', [problem(Head)])], CHead = [] ). /* Error case: not an atom, not an entity() structure */ ae_unit(Head,[],Error) :- not(atom(Head)), Head \= entity(_X), Error = [error(pv_ae3, 'This is not an atom or an entity structure, what is it doing here?', [problem(Head)])].
<ok xsi:type="xsd:string">This is a sample string.</ok> <ok xsi:type="xsd:string">This is a sample string.</ok> <ok xsi:type="xsd:string">This is a sample string.</ok> <ok xsi:type="xsd:string">Voici une phrase française.</ok> <ok xsi:type="xsd:string">Voici une phrase française.</ok> <ok xsi:type="xsd:string">Voici une phrase française.</ok> <ok xsi:type="xsd:string"> The characters for single dagger (†), double dagger (‡), and per-mille (‰) are not in the basic Prolog character set.</ok>Continued in <Simple test cases for strings (PV) (cont'd) 105>, <Simple test cases for strings (cont'd) 107>
<not_ok xsi:type="xsd:string">This is a sample string <emph>with embedded markup</emph>.</not_ok>
lexform_t_xsd_string ::= [] <:> errors([]) && value([]). lexform_t_xsd_string ::= [Code], lexform_t_xsd_string^^R, { ( not(integer(Code)) -> Lerr0 = [error(pv_string1, 'Non-integer code point found', [code(Code)])] ; Code > 1114112 -> Lerr0 = [error(pv_string2, 'Code point too large', [code(Code)])] ; Code < 0 -> Lerr0 = [error(pv_string3, 'Code point negative', [code(Code)])] ; Code =:= 0 -> Lerr0 = [error(pv_string4, 'NUL character not legal in XML', [])] ; Lerr0 = [] ) } <:> errors(Lerr) ::- R ^^ errors(Lerr1), append(Lerr0,Lerr1, Lerr) && value(S) ::- R ^^ value(S0), (Lerr0 = [] -> S = [Code | S0] ; S = S0) .
<ok xsi:type="xsd:string">The character � is legal.</ok> <ok xsi:type="xsd:string">Character  is legal.</ok> <not_ok xsi:type="xsd:string">Character x11FFFF (�) is not legal.</not_ok> <not_ok xsi:type="xsd:string">Character x0000 (�) is not legal.</not_ok> <ok xsi:type="xsd:string">Character x19 () is legal.</ok> <ok xsi:type="xsd:string">Character x1B () is legal.</ok> <ok xsi:type="xsd:string">Character x89 (‰) is legal.</ok> <ok xsi:type="xsd:string">Character x8B (‹) is legal.</ok>
/* sva_plf_t_xsd_decimal(+PLF,-LF,-PN,-Lerr) */ sva_plf_t_xsd_decimal(PLF,LF,PN,Lerr) :- (aelist_chars(PLF,Lchars,Lerr0) -> (Lerr0 = [] -> plf_wlv_t_xsd_decimal(Lchars, LF, PN, Lerr) ; Lerr = [error(pv_plf_ae1,'aelist_chars raised error', [type(t_xsd_decimal), ce(Lerr0)])], PN = 'unparsed', LF = []) ; Lerr = [error(pv_plf_ae2,'aelist_chars failed', [type(t_xsd_decimal), ce([])])], PN = 'unparsed', LF = []). /* plf_wlv(+Lchars,-LF,-PN,-Lerrors): * do whitespace, lex check, value check */ plf_wlv_t_xsd_decimal(Lchars,LF,PN,Lerr) :- (ws_normalize(collapse,Lchars,LF,Lerr0) -> (Lerr0 = [] -> plf_lv_t_xsd_decimal(LF,PN,Lerr) ; ( Lerr = [error(pv_plf_ws1,'ws normalization raised error', [type(t_xsd_decimal), ce(Lerr0)])], PN = 'unparsed' )) ; LF = [], PN = 'unparsed', Lerr = [error(pv_plf_ws2, 'ws normalization failed (can this happen?)', [type(t_xsd_decimal), ce([])])]). /* plf_lv: check lexical form (l), value (v) */ /* plf_lv_T(+LF, -PN, -Lerr): check lexical form (l), value (v) */ plf_lv_t_xsd_decimal(LF,PN,Lerr) :- (lexform_t_xsd_decimal(PN,LF,[]) -> (PN ^^ errors(Lerr0), (Lerr0 = [] -> Lerr = [] ; Lerr = [error('cvc-datatype-valid.1', 'bad lexical form', [type(t_xsd_decimal), lf(LF), ce(Lerr0)])])) ; ( Lerr = [error('cvc-datatype-valid.1', 'bad lexical form, grammar failed, reason unknown', [type(t_xsd_decimal), ce([]), lf(LF)])], PN = 'unparsed')). /* N.B. no value checks for decimal: every legal lexical * form denotes a legal value */
<ok xsi:type="xsd:decimal">0123456789</ok> <ok xsi:type="xsd:decimal">&longnumber;</ok> <not_ok xsi:type="xsd:decimal">This is a sample decimal <emph>with embedded markup</emph>.</not_ok> <!--* and another ... *--> <not_ok xsi:type="xsd:decimal">3<decimal_point/>141592.</not_ok>Continued in <More test cases for decimals 118>
<!ENTITY tendigits "0123456789"> <!ENTITY forty "&tendigits;&tendigits;&tendigits;&tendigits;"> <!ENTITY longnumber "&forty;&forty;&forty;.&forty;&forty;">
/* aelist_chars(+List,-Chars,-Lerr): convert list of * atoms and entity structures into list of characters, * using integers when the input character is not a legal * Prolog character, or else return errors. */ aelist_chars([],[],[]). aelist_chars([Head|Tail],Chars,Lerr) :- ae_char(Head,CHead,Lerr1), aelist_chars(Tail,CTail,Lerr2), flatten([CHead,CTail],Chars), append(Lerr1,Lerr2,Lerr). aelist_chars(Atom,Lc,Lerr) :- atom(Atom), ae_char(Atom,Lc,Lerr). ae_char(Head,CHead,Lerr) :- atom(Head), ( atom_chars(Head,CHead) -> Lerr = [] ; Lerr = [error(pv_ae4, 'Unable to convert item into char sequence', [problem(Head)])], CHead = [] ). ae_char(entity(Code),Code,[]) :- integer(Code). /* N.B. for now, we do not support the use of named general * entities in the Anjewierden/Wielemaker form. Maybe later. */ ae_char(entity(Code),Code, [error(pv_ae5, 'Entity names not supported, use numeric references', [entity(Code)])]) :- not(integer(Code)). ae_char(Head,[],Error) :- not(atom(Head)), not(integer(Head)), Head \= entity(_X), Error = [error(pv_ae6, 'This is not an atom or an entity structure, what is it doing here?', [problem(Head)])].
lexform_t_xsd_decimal ::= lexform_t_xsd_integer^^I, fractionalpart^^F <:> lexval(LV) ::- I^^lexval(LVi), F^^lexval(LVf), append(LVi,LVf,LV) && value(V) ::- I^^value(Vi), F^^value(Vf), /* if sign is negative, subtract Vf, * else add */ (I^^lexval(['-'|_]) -> V is Vi - Vf ; V is Vi + Vf) && errors(Lerr) ::- I^^errors(Lerr0), F^^errors(Lerr1), append(Lerr0,Lerr1,Lerr).Continued in <Lexical form of integer (PV) 113>, <Grammar for fractional part of decimal (PV) 114>
lexform_t_xsd_integer ::= opt_sign^^S, digits^^D, { S ^^ lexval(Sign), D ^^ lexval(LVd) } <:> lexval([Sign | LVd]) && value(V) ::- Sign = '+', length(LVd, S0), Scale is S0 - 1, D^^value(Scale,V) /* N.B. Scale is passed in as parameter to help * determine value. */ && value(Vn) ::- Sign = '-', length(LVd, S0), Scale is S0 - 1, D^^value(Scale,V0), Vn is 0 - V0 && errors(Lerr) ::- S^^errors(Lerrs), D^^errors(Lerrd), append(Lerrs,Lerrd,Lerr).
fractionalpart ::= [] <:> value(0) && lexval([]) && errors([]). /* redundant, suppress this fractionalpart ::= decimalpoint <:> value(0) && errors([]). */ fractionalpart ::= decimalpoint^^P, opt_digits^^D, { P ^^ lexval(LVp), D ^^ lexval(LVd) } <:> lexval([LVp | LVd]) && value(V) ::- D ^^ value(-1,V) /* N.B. Scale of -1 is passed in as parameter */ && errors(Lerr) ::- P^^errors(Lerr1), D^^errors(Lerr2), append(Lerr1,Lerr2,Lerr).Continued in <Grammar for sign and decimal point of decimal (PV) 115>, <Grammar for optional digits of decimal (PV) 116>, <Grammar for digits of decimal (PV) 117>
opt_sign ::= [] <:> lexval('+') && errors([]). opt_sign ::= ['+'] <:> lexval('+') && errors([]). opt_sign ::= ['-'] <:> lexval('-') && errors([]). decimalpoint ::= ['.'] <:> errors([]) && lexval('.').
opt_digits ::= [] <:> lexval('') && value(_Scale,0) && errors([]). opt_digits ::= digits^^D <:> lexval(LV) ::- D^^lexval(LV) && value(Scale,V) ::- D^^value(Scale,V) && errors(Lerr) ::- D^^errors(Lerr).
digits ::= digit^^D <:> lexval([Dv]) ::- D^^lexval(Dv) && value(Scale,V) ::- D^^value(Scale,V) && errors([]). digits ::= digit^^D1, digits^^Dd <:> lexval([D1val|Ddval]) ::- D1^^lexval(D1val), Dd^^lexval(Ddval) && value(Scale,V) ::- D1^^value(Scale,V1), S2 is Scale - 1, Dd^^value(S2,V2), V is V1 + V2 && errors(Lerr) ::- D1^^errors(Lerr1), Dd^^errors(Lerrd), append(Lerr1,Lerrd,Lerr). digit ::= [Ch], { char_type(Ch,digit) } <:> lexval(Ch) && value(Scale,V) ::- atom_number(Ch,V0), V is V0 * (10 ** Scale) && errors([]).
<ok xsi:type="xsd:decimal">3.141592</ok> <ok xsi:type="xsd:decimal"> 3.141592 </ok> <ok xsi:type="xsd:decimal"> 0.141592 </ok> <ok xsi:type="xsd:decimal"> 4. </ok> <ok xsi:type="xsd:decimal"> -4.2 </ok> <ok xsi:type="xsd:decimal"> +4.2 </ok> <not_ok xsi:type="xsd:decimal">3.14.1592</not_ok> <not_ok xsi:type="xsd:decimal"> 3.14.1592 </not_ok> <not_ok xsi:type="xsd:decimal"> --4.2 </not_ok> <not_ok xsi:type="xsd:decimal"> -+4.2 </not_ok> <not_ok xsi:type="xsd:decimal"> ++4.2 </not_ok> <not_ok xsi:type="xsd:decimal"> 3 . 141592 </not_ok> <not_ok xsi:type="xsd:decimal"> - 4.2 </not_ok> <not_ok xsi:type="xsd:decimal"> + 4.2 </not_ok> <not_ok xsi:type="xsd:decimal"> 4.2++ </not_ok>
/* ws_normalize(Keyword,Input,Output): true if Output is * an atom identical to the whitespace-normalized form of * Input, with the whitespace mode indicated by Keyword. */ ws_normalize(preserve,List,List,[]).Continued in <Utility for whitespace normalization (PV) 120>, <Utility for whitespace normalization (PV) 122>
ws_normalize(replace,In,Out,Lerr) :- ws_blanks(In,Out,Lerr).
/* ws_blanks(A,B): where A has any whitespace, B has a blank */ ws_blanks([],[],[]). ws_blanks(['\t'|T1],[' '|T2],Lerr) :- ws_blanks(T1,T2,Lerr). ws_blanks(['\n'|T1],[' '|T2],Lerr) :- ws_blanks(T1,T2,Lerr). ws_blanks(['\r'|T1],[' '|T2],Lerr) :- ws_blanks(T1,T2,Lerr). ws_blanks([H|T1],[H|T2],Lerr) :- not(member(H,['\t','\n','\r'])), ws_blanks(T1,T2,Lerr).
ws_normalize(collapse,In,Out,Lerr) :- ws_normalize(replace,In,Temp,Lerr0), ws_collapse(Temp,Out,Lerr1), append(Lerr0,Lerr1,Lerr).
/* ws_collapse(A,B): B is like A, with all strings of blanks * collapsed to single blanks, and leading and trailing * blanks stripped. */ /* ws_collapse/3 just calls ws_collapse/4 with the * appropriate state (initial). */ ws_collapse(L0,L,Lerr) :- ws_collapse(initial,L0,L,Lerr). ws_collapse(_State,[],[],[]). /* ws_collapse(initial, L0, L, Lerr) walks past initial * whitespace and then calls ws_collapse(inword, ...). */ ws_collapse(initial,[' '|T0],T,Lerr) :- ws_collapse(initial,T0,T,Lerr). ws_collapse(initial,[C|T0],[C|T],Lerr) :- C \= ' ', ws_collapse(inword,T0,T,Lerr). /* ws_collapse(inword, ...) accumulates non-blanks. * On blank we call ws_collapse(afterword, ...). */ ws_collapse(inword,[' '|T0],T,Lerr) :- ws_collapse(afterword,T0,T,Lerr). ws_collapse(inword,[C|T0],[C|T],Lerr) :- C \= ' ', ws_collapse(inword,T0,T,Lerr). /* ws_collapse(afterword, ...) skips blanks, and * if we see a non-blank we emit a blank and the non-blank, * then call ws_collapse(inword, ...). */ ws_collapse(afterword,[' '|T0],T,Lerr) :- ws_collapse(afterword,T0,T,Lerr). ws_collapse(afterword,[C|T0],[' ',C|T],Lerr) :- C \= ' ', ws_collapse(inword,T0,T,Lerr).
/* sva_plf_t_xsd_date(+PLF,-LF,-PN,-Lerr) */ sva_plf_t_xsd_date(PLF,LF,PN,Lerr) :- (aelist_chars(PLF,Lchars,Lerr0) -> (Lerr0 = [] -> plf_wlv_t_xsd_date(Lchars, LF, PN, Lerr) ; Lerr = [error(pv_plf_ae1,'aelist_chars raised error', [type(t_xsd_date), ce(Lerr0)])], PN = 'unparsed', LF = []) ; Lerr = [error(pv_plf_ae2,'aelist_chars failed', [type(t_xsd_date), ce([])])], PN = 'unparsed', LF = []). /* plf_wlv: do whitespace, lex check, value check */ /* plf_wlv(+Lchars,-LF,-PN,-Lerrors): * do whitespace, lex check, value check */ plf_wlv_t_xsd_date(Lchars,LF,PN,Lerr) :- (ws_normalize(collapse,Lchars,LF,Lerr0) -> (Lerr0 = [] -> plf_lv_t_xsd_date(LF,PN,Lerr) ; ( Lerr = [error(pv_plf_ws1,'ws normalization raised error', [type(t_xsd_date), ce(Lerr0)])], PN = 'unparsed' )) ; LF = [], PN = 'unparsed', Lerr = [error(pv_plf_ws2, 'ws normalization failed (can this happen?)', [type(t_xsd_date), ce([])])]). /* plf_lv: check lexical form (l), value (v) */ /* plf_lv_T(+LF, -PN, -Lerr): check lexical form (l), value (v) */ plf_lv_t_xsd_date(LF,PN,Lerr) :- (lexform_t_xsd_date(PN,LF,[]) -> (PN ^^ errors(Lerr0), (Lerr0 = [] -> plf_v_t_xsd_date(PN,Lerr) ; Lerr = [error('cvc-datatype-valid.1', 'bad lexical form', [type(t_xsd_date), lf(LF), ce(Lerr0)])])) ; Lerr = [error('cvc-datatype-valid.1', 'bad lexical form, grammar failed, reason unknown', [type(t_xsd_date), ce([]), lf(LF)])]). /* plf_v: check value */ plf_v_t_xsd_date(PN,Lerr) :- (date_ok(PN,Lerr0) -> (Lerr0 = [] -> Lerr = [] ; Lerr = [error(code,'date value not OK',[ce(Lerr0)])]) ; Lerr = [error(code,'date value not OK (date_ok failed)',[])]).
lexform_t_xsd_date ::= year^^Y, hyphen, month^^M, hyphen, day^^D <:> errors(Lerr) ::- Y^^errors(Lerr1), M^^errors(Lerr2), D^^errors(Lerr3), flatten([Lerr1,Lerr2,Lerr3],Lerr) && year(YV) ::- Y^^value(YV) && month(MV) ::- M^^value(MV) && day(DV) ::- D^^value(DV) {Calculating a date value (PV) 133} .Continued in <Lexical form for year (PV) 128>
<ok xsi:type="xsd:date">1998-02-08</ok> <ok xsi:type="xsd:date"> 1998-02-08 </ok> <ok xsi:type="xsd:date">231998-02-08</ok> <ok xsi:type="xsd:date">0027-02-08</ok> <not_ok xsi:type="xsd:date">19980208</not_ok> <not_ok xsi:type="xsd:date">1998-02</not_ok> <not_ok xsi:type="xsd:date">1998--02--08</not_ok> <not_ok xsi:type="xsd:date">1998-002-008</not_ok> <not_ok xsi:type="xsd:date">3.141592</not_ok>Continued in <Some test cases for dates (four or more year-digits) 129>, <Some test cases for dates (ranges on month, day) 132>, <Some test cases for dates (leap-year calculations) 137>
/* Years must have at least four digits */ yearnum ::= digit^^D1, digit^^D2, digit^^D3, digits^^Dd <:> value(Num) ::- D1^^lexval(Dv1), D2^^lexval(Dv2), D3^^lexval(Dv3), Dd^^lexval(Dv4), flatten([Dv1,Dv2,Dv3,Dv4],LF), number_chars(Num,LF) && errors([]). year ::= yearnum^^Y <:> value(Num) ::- Y^^value(Num) && errors(Lerr) ::- Y^^errors(Lerr). year ::= ['-'], yearnum^^Y <:> value(Num) ::- Y^^value(N), Num is 0 - N && errors(Lerr) ::- Y^^errors(Lerr). hyphen ::= ['-'].Continued in <Lexical form for month (PV) 130>, <Lexical form for day of month (PV) 131>
<ok xsi:type="xsd:date">-1998-02-08</ok> <ok xsi:type="xsd:date">-0047-03-13</ok> <not_ok xsi:type="xsd:date">27-02-08</not_ok> <not_ok xsi:type="xsd:date">-047-03-13</not_ok>
month ::= digit^^D1, digit^^D2, { D1^^lexval(Dv1), D2^^lexval(Dv2), number_chars(Num,[Dv1,Dv2]) } <:> value(Num) && errors([]) ::- Num > 0, Num < 13 && errors([error(pv_lf_date_1,'Month must be at least 01', [lf([Dv1,Dv2]), num(Num)])]) ::- Num =< 0 && errors([error(pv_lf_date_2,'Month must be at most 12', [lf([Dv1,Dv2]), num(Num)])]) ::- Num > 12.
day ::= digit^^D1, digit^^D2, { D1^^lexval(Dv1), D2^^lexval(Dv2), number_chars(Num,[Dv1,Dv2]) } <:> value(Num) && errors([]) ::- Num > 0, Num < 32 && errors([error(pv_lf_date_3,'Day of month must be at least 01', [lf([Dv1,Dv2]), num(Num)])]) ::- Num =< 0 && errors([error(pv_lf_date_4,'Day of month must be at most 31', [lf([Dv1,Dv2]), num(Num)])]) ::- Num > 31.
<ok xsi:type="xsd:date">1998-01-08</ok> <ok xsi:type="xsd:date">1998-12-08</ok> <ok xsi:type="xsd:date">1998-01-01</ok> <ok xsi:type="xsd:date">1998-12-31</ok> <not_ok xsi:type="xsd:date">1998-00-08</not_ok> <not_ok xsi:type="xsd:date">1998-22-08</not_ok> <not_ok xsi:type="xsd:date">1998-12-00</not_ok> <not_ok xsi:type="xsd:date">1998-12-32</not_ok>
&& value(V) ::- Y^^value(Y0), M^^value(M0), D^^value(D0), (M0 < 3 -> Y1 is Y0 - 1 ; Y1 is Y0), M1 is (M0 + 9) mod 12, (Y1 >= 0 -> C is Y1 // 100, Y2 is Y1 mod 100 ; C is Y1 // 100, Y2 is Y1 - (C * 100)), V is ((C * 146097) // 4) + ((Y2 * 1461) // 4) + (((M1 * 153) + 2) // 5) + D0 + 1721119
date_ok(PN, []) :- PN^^day(D), D < 29. date_ok(PN, []) :- PN^^day(29), PN^^month(M), M =\= 2. date_ok(PN, []) :- PN^^day(30), PN^^month(M), M =\= 2. date_ok(PN, []) :- PN^^day(31), PN^^month(M), member(M,[1,3,5,7,8,10,12]). date_ok(PN, []) :- PN^^day(29), PN^^month(2), PN^^year(Y), (Y >= 0 -> Yx = Y ; Yx is Y + 1), /* adjust for BC */ 0 is Yx mod 4, Lc is Yx mod 100, L4c is Yx mod 400, leapyearcheck(Lc,L4c).Continued in <Checking date values (PV) 135>, <Checking date values (PV) 136>
date_ok(PN, [error(pv_v_date_1, 'February does not have a 30th day this or any year', [year(Y), month(2), day(30)])]) :- PN^^day(30), PN^^month(2), PN^^year(Y). date_ok(PN, [error(pv_v_date_2, 'This month has no 31st day', [year(Y), month(M), day(31)])]) :- PN^^day(31), PN^^month(M), PN^^year(Y), not(member(M,[1,3,5,7,8,10,12])). date_ok(PN, [error(pv_v_date_3, 'February does not have a 29th day this year', [year(Y)])]) :- PN^^day(29), PN^^month(2), PN^^year(Y), (Y >= 0 -> Yx = Y ; Yx is Y + 1), /* adjust for BC */ 0 is Yx mod 4, Lc is Yx mod 100, L4c is Yx mod 400, not(leapyearcheck(Lc,L4c)).
/* if C is nonzero, it's not a century year, * so it's a leapyear */ leapyearcheck(C,_Q) :- C =\= 0. /* If both numbers are 0, it's a quad-century year, * so it's a leapyear */ leapyearcheck(0,0).
<ok xsi:type="xsd:date">1066-06-30</ok> <not_ok xsi:type="xsd:date">1066-06-31</not_ok> <not_ok xsi:type="xsd:date">1066-02-29</not_ok> <not_ok xsi:type="xsd:date">1066-02-31</not_ok> <ok xsi:type="xsd:date">1068-02-29</ok> <ok xsi:type="xsd:date">1200-02-29</ok> <ok xsi:type="xsd:date">2000-02-29</ok> <ok xsi:type="xsd:date">4000-02-29</ok> <not_ok xsi:type="xsd:date">1000-02-29</not_ok>
/* sva_plf_t_e_quantity_t_e_item_t_Items(+PLF,-LF,-PN,-Lerr) */ sva_plf_t_e_quantity_t_e_item_t_Items(PLF,LF,PN,Lerr) :- (aelist_chars(PLF,Lchars,Lerr0) -> (Lerr0 = [] -> plf_wlv_t_e_quantity_t_e_item_t_Items(Lchars, LF, PN, Lerr) ; Lerr = [error(pv_plf_ae1,'aelist_chars raised error', [type(t_e_quantity_t_e_item_t_Items), ce(Lerr0)])], LF = []) ; Lerr = [error(pv_plf_ae2,'aelist_chars failed', [type(t_e_quantity_t_e_item_t_Items), ce([])])], LF = []). /* plf_wlv: do whitespace, lex check, value check */ /* plf_wlv(+Lchars,-LF,-PN,-Lerrors): * do whitespace, lex check, value check */ plf_wlv_t_e_quantity_t_e_item_t_Items(Lchars,LF,PN,Lerr) :- (ws_normalize(collapse,Lchars,LF,Lerr0) -> (Lerr0 = [] -> plf_lv_t_e_quantity_t_e_item_t_Items(LF,PN,Lerr) ; Lerr = [error(pv_plf_ws1,'ws normalization raised error', [type(t_e_quantity_t_e_item_t_Items), ce(Lerr0)])]) ; LF = [], Lerr = [error(pv_plf_ws2, 'ws normalization failed (can this happen?)', [type(t_e_quantity_t_e_item_t_Items), ce([])])]). /* plf_lv: check lexical form (l), value (v) */ /* plf_lv_T(+LF, -PN, -Lerr): check lexical form (l), value (v) */ plf_lv_t_e_quantity_t_e_item_t_Items(LF,PN,Lerr) :- (lexform_t_e_quantity_t_e_item_t_Items(PN,LF,[]) -> (PN ^^ errors(Lerr0), (Lerr0 = [] -> plf_minInclusive_t_e_quantity_t_e_item_t_Items(PN,Lerr) ; Lerr = [error('cvc-datatype-valid.1', 'bad lexical form', [type(t_e_quantity_t_e_item_t_Items), lf(LF), ce(Lerr0)])])) ; Lerr = [error('cvc-datatype-valid.1', 'bad lexical form, grammar failed', [type(t_e_quantity_t_e_item_t_Items), ce([]), lf(LF)])]).
/* plf_minInclusive: check value against lower bound */ plf_minInclusive_t_e_quantity_t_e_item_t_Items(PN,Lerr) :- PN ^^ value(V), (V >= 1 -> plf_maxExclusive_t_e_quantity_t_e_item_t_Items(PN,Lerr) ; Lerr = [error('cvc-minInclusive-valid', 'Value too small', [minInclusive(1), value(V), type(t_e_quantity_t_e_item_t_Items)])]). plf_maxExclusive_t_e_quantity_t_e_item_t_Items(PN,Lerr) :- PN ^^ value(V), (V < 100 -> Lerr = [] ; Lerr = [error('cvc-maxExclusive-valid', 'Value too large', [maxExclusive(100), value(V), type(t_e_quantity_t_e_item_t_Items)])]).
lexform_t_e_quantity_t_e_item_t_Items ::= opt_plussign^^S, digits^^D, { S ^^ lexval(Sign), D ^^ lexval(LVd) } <:> lexval([Sign | LVd]) && value(V) ::- Sign = '+', length(LVd, S0), Scale is S0 - 1, D^^value(Scale,V) /* N.B. Scale is passed in as parameter to help * determine value. */ && errors(Lerr) ::- S^^errors(Es), D^^errors(Ed), append(Es,Ed,Lerr). opt_plussign ::= [] <:> lexval('+') && errors([]). opt_plussign ::= ['+'] <:> lexval('+') && errors([]).
<ok xsi:type="po:quantity"> 1 </ok> <ok xsi:type="po:quantity"> 99 </ok> <ok xsi:type="po:quantity"> 00099 </ok> <not_ok xsi:type="po:quantity"> 00 </not_ok> <not_ok xsi:type="po:quantity"> 100 </not_ok> <not_ok xsi:type="po:quantity"> 1.0 </not_ok> <not_ok xsi:type="po:quantity"> 99.00 </not_ok>
/* sva_plf_t_SKU(+PLF,-LF,-PN,-Lerr) */ sva_plf_t_SKU(PLF,LF,PN,Lerr) :- (aelist_chars(PLF,Lchars,Lerr0) -> (Lerr0 = [] -> plf_wlv_t_SKU(Lchars, LF, PN, Lerr) ; Lerr = [error(pv_plf_ae1,'aelist_chars raised error', [type(t_SKU), ce(Lerr0)])], PN = 'unparsed', LF = []) ; Lerr = [error(pv_plf_ae2,'aelist_chars failed', [type(t_SKU), ce([])])], PN = 'unparsed', LF = []). /* plf_wlv: do whitespace, lex check, value check */ /* plf_wlv(+Lchars,-LF,-PN,-Lerrors): * do whitespace, lex check, value check */ plf_wlv_t_SKU(Lchars,LF,PN,Lerr) :- (ws_normalize(preserve,Lchars,LF,Lerr0) -> (Lerr0 = [] -> plf_lv_t_SKU(LF,PN,Lerr) ; Lerr = [error(pv_plf_ws1,'ws normalization raised error', [type(t_SKU), ce(Lerr0)])]) ; LF = [], PN = 'unparsed', Lerr = [error(pv_plf_ws2, 'ws normalization failed (can this happen?)', [type(t_SKU), ce([])])]). /* plf_lv: check lexical form (l), value (v) */ /* plf_lv_T(+LF, -PN, -Lerr): check lexical form (l), value (v) */ plf_lv_t_SKU(LF,PN,Lerr) :- (lexform_t_SKU(PN,LF,[]) -> (PN ^^ errors(Lerr0), (Lerr0 = [] -> Lerr = [] ; Lerr = [error('cvc-datatype-valid.1', 'bad lexical form', [type(t_SKU), lf(LF), ce(Lerr0)])])) ; Lerr = [error('cvc-datatype-valid.1', 'bad lexical form, grammar failed', [type(t_SKU), ce([]), lf(LF)])]).
lexform_t_SKU ::= sku_decimal_part^^D, hyphen, sku_alpha_part^^A <:> errors(Lerr) ::- D^^errors(LerrD), A^^errors(LerrA), append(LerrD,LerrA,Lerr) && lexval(LV) ::- D^^lexval(LVD), A^^lexval(LVA), flatten([LVD,['-'],LVA],LV) && value(V) ::- D^^lexval(LVD), A^^lexval(LVA), flatten([LVD,['-'],LVA],V). /* Having both 'value' and 'lexval' looks rather dumb * for strings */ sku_decimal_part ::= digit^^D1, digit^^D2, digit^^D3 <:> errors(Lerr) ::- D1^^errors(Lerr1), D2^^errors(Lerr2), D3^^errors(Lerr3), flatten([Lerr1,Lerr2,Lerr3],Lerr) && lexval([LV1,LV2,LV3]) ::- D1^^lexval(LV1), D2^^lexval(LV2), D3^^lexval(LV3). sku_alpha_part ::= cap_a_z^^L1, cap_a_z^^L2 <:> errors(Lerr) ::- L1^^errors(Lerr1), L2^^errors(Lerr2), append(Lerr1,Lerr2,Lerr) && lexval([LV1,LV2]) ::- L1^^lexval(LV1), L2^^lexval(LV2). /* Since the ISO Prolog character set is ISO Latin 1, * it's not enough to call char_type(Char,upper), * we also need to check that the character is in the ASCII * range to make sure it's in the range [A-Z]. */ cap_a_z ::= [Char], { char_type(Char,upper), char_type(Char,ascii) } <:> errors([]) && lexval(Char).
<ok xsi:type="po:SKU">123-AB</ok> <ok xsi:type="po:SKU">000-AA</ok> <ok xsi:type="po:SKU">999-ZA</ok> <ok xsi:type="po:SKU"> 999-ZA </ok> <not_ok xsi:type="po:SKU">123-ab</not_ok> <not_ok xsi:type="po:SKU">000-aa</not_ok> <not_ok xsi:type="po:SKU">999-ÄU</not_ok> <not_ok xsi:type="po:SKU">99-9A-U</not_ok> <not_ok xsi:type="po:SKU">9990-AAA</not_ok> <not_ok xsi:type="po:SKU">1066-06-30</not_ok> <not_ok xsi:type="po:SKU">3.14159</not_ok>
/* sva_plf_t_xsd_QName(+PLF,-LF,-PN,-Lerr) */ sva_plf_t_xsd_QName(PLF,LF,PN,Lerr) :- (aelist_chars(PLF,Lchars,Lerr0) -> (Lerr0 = [] -> plf_wlv_t_xsd_QName(Lchars, LF, PN, Lerr) ; Lerr = [error(pv_plf_ae1,'aelist_chars raised error', [type(t_xsd_QName), ce(Lerr0)])], PN = 'unparsed', LF = []) ; Lerr = [error(pv_plf_ae2,'aelist_chars failed', [type(t_xsd_QName), ce([])])], PN = 'unparsed', LF = []). /* plf_wlv: do whitespace, lex check, value check */ /* plf_wlv(+Lchars,-LF,-PN,-Lerrors): * do whitespace, lex check, value check */ plf_wlv_t_xsd_QName(Lchars,LF,PN,Lerr) :- (ws_normalize(collapse,Lchars,LF,Lerr0) -> (Lerr0 = [] -> plf_lv_t_xsd_QName(LF,PN,Lerr) ; PN = 'unparsed', Lerr = [error(pv_plf_ws1,'ws normalization raised error', [type(t_xsd_QName), ce(Lerr0)])]) ; LF = [], PN = 'unparsed', Lerr = [error(pv_plf_ws2, 'ws normalization failed (can this happen?)', [type(t_xsd_QName), ce([])])]). /* plf_lv: check lexical form (l), value (v) */ /* plf_lv_T(+LF, -PN, -Lerr): check lexical form (l), value (v) */ plf_lv_t_xsd_QName(LF,PN,Lerr) :- (lexform_t_xsd_QName(PN,LF,[]) -> (PN ^^ errors(Lerr0), (Lerr0 = [] -> Lerr = [] ; Lerr = [error('cvc-datatype-valid.1', 'bad lexical form', [type(t_xsd_QName), lf(LF), ce(Lerr0)])])) ; Lerr = [error('cvc-datatype-valid.1', 'bad lexical form, grammar failed, reason unknown', [type(t_xsd_QName), ce([]), lf(LF)])]).
/* do an eager match first: use the colon if it's there */ lexform_t_xsd_QName ::= lexform_t_xsd_NCName^^P, colon, lexform_t_xsd_NCName^^L <:> errors(Lerr) ::- P^^errors(Lerr1), L^^errors(Lerr2), flatten([Lerr1,Lerr2],Lerr) && prefix(Prefix) ::- P^^value(LcPrefix), atom_chars(Prefix,LcPrefix) && local_name(LName) ::- L^^value(LcLName), atom_chars(LName,LcLName) . /* if there is no colon, fall back to this. */ lexform_t_xsd_QName ::= lexform_t_xsd_NCName^^L <:> errors(Lerr) ::- L^^errors(Lerr) && prefix('') && local_name(LName) ::- L^^value(LName) . lexform_t_xsd_NCName ::= namestart_char^^C, other_name_chars^^Tail <:> value(V) ::- C^^value(Vc), Tail^^value(Vt), append(Vc,Vt,V) && errors([]) . colon ::= [':']. namestart_char ::= [Char], { namestart_char(Char) } <:> value([Char]). name_char ::= [Char], { name_char(Char) } <:> value([Char]). other_name_chars ::= name_char^^C, other_name_chars^^Tail <:> value(V) ::- C^^value(Vc), Tail^^value(Vt), append(Vc,Vt,V) . other_name_chars ::= [] <:> value([]). /* Eventually, we'll do the right thing by Unicode. For now, * a quick approximation for those who really only use ASCII * anyway. */ /* namestart_char(Char) :- ( char_type(Char,csymf) ; Char = '.' ; Char = '-' ). name_char(Char) :- ( char_type(Char,csym) ; Char = '.' ; Char = '-' ). */ namestart_char('.'). namestart_char('-'). namestart_char(Char) :- char_type(Char,csymf). name_char('.'). name_char('-'). name_char(C) :- integer(C), C < 256, char_type(C,csym). name_char(Char) :- not(integer(Char)), char_type(Char,csym).
<ok xsi:type="xsd:QName">abracadabra</ok> <ok xsi:type="xsd:QName"> xsd:date </ok> <ok xsi:type="xsd:QName">my_ns:my_element</ok> <not_ok xsi:type="xsd:QName">swizzle stick</not_ok> <not_ok xsi:type="xsd:QName">swizzle^stick</not_ok> <not_ok xsi:type="xsd:QName">hotstuff!</not_ok> <not_ok xsi:type="xsd:QName">name@address</not_ok> <not_ok xsi:type="xsd:QName"><name.address></not_ok> <not_ok xsi:type="xsd:QName">a:b:c</not_ok>
QName_Lnsb_ok(ParsedNode, Lnsb, []) :- ParsedNode^^prefix(P), member(ns(P,_NS),Lnsb). QName_Lnsb_ok(ParsedNode, Lnsb, [error('qname-1','QName prefix has no binding', [prefix(P),local(L)])]) :- ParsedNode^^prefix(P), ParsedNode^^local_name(P), not(member(ns(P,_NS),Lnsb)).
[7] Nmtoken ::= (NameChar)+ [4] NameChar ::= Letter | Digit | '.' | '-' | '_' | ':' | CombiningChar | ExtenderAs with QName, we will not provide full Unicode support in this version of the schema, but take a shortcut and just accept ASCII name characters.
/* sva_plf_t_xsd_NMTOKEN(+PLF,-LF,-PN,-Lerr) */ sva_plf_t_xsd_NMTOKEN(PLF,LF,PN,Lerr) :- (aelist_chars(PLF,Lchars,Lerr0) -> (Lerr0 = [] -> plf_wlv_t_xsd_NMTOKEN(Lchars, LF, PN, Lerr) ; Lerr = [error(pv_plf_ae1,'aelist_chars raised error', [type(t_xsd_NMTOKEN), ce(Lerr0)])], PN = 'unparsed', LF = []) ; Lerr = [error(pv_plf_ae2,'aelist_chars failed', [type(t_xsd_NMTOKEN), ce([])])], PN = 'unparsed', LF = []). /* plf_wlv: do whitespace, lex check, value check */ /* plf_wlv(+Lchars,-LF,-PN,-Lerrors): * do whitespace, lex check, value check */ plf_wlv_t_xsd_NMTOKEN(Lchars,LF,PN,Lerr) :- (ws_normalize(collapse,Lchars,LF,Lerr0) -> (Lerr0 = [] -> plf_lv_t_xsd_NMTOKEN(LF,PN,Lerr) ; ( Lerr = [error(pv_plf_ws1,'ws normalization raised error', [type(t_xsd_NMTOKEN), ce(Lerr0)])], PN = 'unparsed' )) ; LF = [], PN = 'unparsed', Lerr = [error(pv_plf_ws2, 'ws normalization failed (can this happen?)', [type(t_xsd_NMTOKEN), ce([])])]). /* plf_lv: check lexical form (l), value (v) */ /* plf_lv_T(+LF, -PN, -Lerr): check lexical form (l), value (v) */ plf_lv_t_xsd_NMTOKEN(LF,PN,Lerr) :- (lexform_t_xsd_NMTOKEN(PN,LF,[]) -> (PN ^^ errors(Lerr0), (Lerr0 = [] -> Lerr = [] ; Lerr = [error('cvc-datatype-valid.1', 'bad lexical form', [type(t_xsd_NMTOKEN), lf(LF), ce(Lerr0)])])) ; Lerr = [error('cvc-datatype-valid.1', 'bad lexical form, grammar failed, reason unknown', [type(t_xsd_NMTOKEN), ce([]), lf(LF)])]).
lexform_t_xsd_NMTOKEN ::= name_char^^C, other_name_chars^^Tail <:> value(V) ::- C^^value(Vc), Tail^^value(Vt), append(Vc,Vt,V) && errors([]) .
<ok xsi:type="xsd:NMTOKEN">XML</ok> <ok xsi:type="xsd:NMTOKEN">X.M.L.</ok> <ok xsi:type="xsd:NMTOKEN">...</ok> <ok xsi:type="xsd:NMTOKEN"> XML </ok> <not_ok xsi:type="xsd:NMTOKEN">illegal_�_illegal</not_ok> <not_ok xsi:type="xsd:NMTOKEN">illegal internal blanks</not_ok> <ok xsi:type="xsd:NMTOKEN"></ok> <ok xsi:type="xsd:NMTOKEN"></ok> <ok xsi:type="xsd:NMTOKEN">123-----456</ok>
/* sva_plf_t_xsd_anyURI(+PLF,-LF,-PN,-Lerr) */ sva_plf_t_xsd_anyURI(PLF,LF,PN,Lerr) :- (aelist_chars(PLF,Lchars,Lerr0) -> (Lerr0 = [] -> plf_wlv_t_xsd_anyURI(Lchars, LF, PN, Lerr) ; Lerr = [error(pv_plf_ae1,'aelist_chars raised error', [type(t_xsd_anyURI), ce(Lerr0)])], PN = 'unparsed', LF = []) ; Lerr = [error(pv_plf_ae2,'aelist_chars failed', [type(t_xsd_anyURI), ce([])])], PN = 'unparsed', LF = []). /* plf_wlv: do whitespace, lex check, value check */ /* plf_wlv(+Lchars,-LF,-PN,-Lerrors): * do whitespace, lex check, value check */ plf_wlv_t_xsd_anyURI(Lchars,LF,PN,Lerr) :- (ws_normalize(collapse,Lchars,LF,Lerr0) -> (Lerr0 = [] -> plf_lv_t_xsd_anyURI(LF,PN,Lerr) ; ( Lerr = [error(pv_plf_ws1,'ws normalization raised error', [type(t_xsd_anyURI), ce(Lerr0)])], PN = 'unparsed' )) ; LF = [], PN = 'unparsed', Lerr = [error(pv_plf_ws2, 'ws normalization failed (can this happen?)', [type(t_xsd_anyURI), ce([])])]). /* plf_lv: check lexical form (l), value (v) */ /* plf_lv_T(+LF, -PN, -Lerr): check lexical form (l), value (v) */ plf_lv_t_xsd_anyURI(LF,_PN,Lerr) :- (lexform_t_xsd_anyURI(LF,Lerr0) -> (Lerr0 = [] -> Lerr = [] ; Lerr = [error('cvc-datatype-valid.1', 'bad lexical form', [type(t_xsd_anyURI), lf(LF), ce(Lerr0)])]) ; Lerr = [error('cvc-datatype-valid.1', 'bad lexical form, grammar failed, reason unknown', [type(t_xsd_anyURI), ce([]), lf(LF)])]).
concat_atom(Split,'#',URI), length(Split,Len), Len < 3The built-in concat_atom predicate, called in mode (-++), parses the atom passed as third argument, splitting on the delimiter (second argument), and returns in the first argument the list of tokens thus created. If there is no hash mark, it returns a singleton list containing the original atom; if there is one hash, the list has two parts (if the hash is the last character, the second atom in that list is ''); if there are two hashes, you get three parts. And so on. The only complication is that the pre-lexical form will be passed to us as a list which may contain just a single atom (the simple case) or may contain several (in case there are entity structures).
lexform_t_xsd_anyURI(LF,Lerr) :- concat_atom(LF,URI), concat_atom(Split1,'#',URI), concat_atom(Split2,' ',URI), length(Split1,Len1), length(Split2,Len2), ( Len1 > 2 -> Lerr = [error('pv-anyURI-hash','Too many hash marks', [lf(LF), test_atom(URI), hashcount_plus_one(Len1)])] ; ( Len2 > 1 -> Lerr = [error('pv-anyURI-hash','Too many tokens', [lf(LF), test_atom(URI), token_count(Len2)])] ; Lerr = [] ) ).
<ok xsi:type="xsd:anyURI"></ok> <ok xsi:type="xsd:anyURI">//</ok> <ok xsi:type="xsd:anyURI">/2001/XMLSchema</ok> <ok xsi:type="xsd:anyURI">../../2001/XMLSchema</ok> <ok xsi:type="xsd:anyURI">XMLSchema</ok> <ok xsi:type="xsd:anyURI"> </ok> <not_ok xsi:type="xsd:anyURI"> is an unusual URI if indeed it is a URI </not_ok> <not_ok xsi:type="xsd:anyURI"> unusual URI #many_happy_returns</not_ok> <ok xsi:type="xsd:anyURI"></ok> <not_ok xsi:type="xsd:anyURI"></not_ok> <not_ok xsi:type="xsd:anyURI"></not_ok> <not_ok xsi:type="xsd:anyURI"></not_ok> <ok xsi:type="xsd:anyURI">#xyz</ok> <not_ok xsi:type="xsd:anyURI">##abc##</not_ok> <not_ok xsi:type="xsd:anyURI">##abc</not_ok> <not_ok xsi:type="xsd:anyURI">##</not_ok> <ok xsi:type="xsd:anyURI">#</ok>
/* sva_plf_t_xsd_list_anyURI(+PLF,-LF,-PN,-Lerr) */ sva_plf_t_xsd_list_anyURI(PLF,LF,PN,Lerr) :- (aelist_chars(PLF,Lchars,Lerr0) -> (Lerr0 = [] -> plf_wlv_t_xsd_list_anyURI(Lchars, LF, PN, Lerr) ; Lerr = [error(pv_plf_ae1,'aelist_chars raised error', [type(t_xsd_list_anyURI), ce(Lerr0)])], PN = 'unparsed', LF = []) ; Lerr = [error(pv_plf_ae2,'aelist_chars failed', [type(t_xsd_list_anyURI), ce([])])], PN = 'unparsed', LF = []). /* plf_wlv: do whitespace, lex check, value check */ /* plf_wlv(+Lchars,-LF,-PN,-Lerrors): * do whitespace, lex check, value check */ plf_wlv_t_xsd_list_anyURI(Lchars,LF,PN,Lerr) :- (ws_normalize(collapse,Lchars,LF,Lerr0) -> (Lerr0 = [] -> plf_lv_t_xsd_list_anyURI(LF,PN,Lerr) ; ( Lerr = [error(pv_plf_ws1,'ws normalization raised error', [type(t_xsd_list_anyURI), ce(Lerr0)])], PN = 'unparsed' )) ; LF = [], PN = 'unparsed', Lerr = [error(pv_plf_ws2, 'ws normalization failed (can this happen?)', [type(t_xsd_list_anyURI), ce([])])]). /* plf_lv: check lexical form (l), value (v) */ /* plf_lv_T(+LF, -PN, -Lerr): check lexical form (l), value (v) */ plf_lv_t_xsd_list_anyURI(LF,_PN,Lerr) :- (lexform_t_xsd_list_anyURI(LF,Lerr0) -> (Lerr0 = [] -> Lerr = [] ; Lerr = [error('cvc-datatype-valid.1', 'bad lexical form', [type(t_xsd_list_anyURI), lf(LF), ce(Lerr0)])]) ; Lerr = [error('cvc-datatype-valid.1', 'bad lexical form, grammar failed, reason unknown', [type(t_xsd_list_anyURI), ce([]), lf(LF)])]).
lexform_t_xsd_list_anyURI(LF,Lerr) :- tokenize(LF,LTokens,Lerr0), sva_urilist(LTokens,Lerr1), append(Lerr0,Lerr1,Lerr). /* tokenize: split charlist on whitespace */ /* tokenize(LcIn, LLcResult, Lerr): true iff * tokenizing LcIn on blanks results in the list of * lists LLcResult, with errors Lerr. */ /* Start with an empty current-token list and recur */ tokenize([],[],[]). tokenize([C|LcIn],[Token|LTokens],Lerr) :- first_token([C|LcIn],Token,LcRest), tokenize(LcRest,LTokens,Lerr). /* first_token(Lc, Tok, Rest): true iff * flatten([Tok, [' '] Rest], Lc), i.e. * Lc is the concatenation of Tok (a character list without blanks), * a blank, and Rest (a character list). */ first_token(List,Token,Rest) :- first_token(List, [], Token, Rest). /* first_token(Lc, Curtok, Tok, Rest): true iff * Curtok is the prefix of some half-read token Tok, * Lc contains the rest of Tok, a blank, and then Rest. */ /* If the input list is empty, take whatever token you have * got so far. Avoid calling first_token with first two * arguments both empty, or else you'll get empty tokens. */ first_token([], CurToken, Token, []) :- reverse(CurToken,Token). /* skip leading blanks if the current token is empty, * to avoid returning an empty list as a token. */ first_token([' '|Rest0], [], Token, Rest) :- first_token(Rest0, [], Token, Rest). /* If the current token is not empty, return it as soon as * you see a blank. Reverse it first, to correct for the * way we stacked the characters as we read them. */ first_token([' '|Rest], CurToken, Token, Rest) :- CurToken \= [], reverse(CurToken,Token). /* If the current character is not a blank, stack it * onto the current token and recur. Note that stacking * on the front this way requires reversing the token later. */ first_token([Char|Rest0], CurToken, Token, Rest) :- Char \= ' ', first_token(Rest0,[Char|CurToken], Token, Rest). sva_urilist([],[]). sva_urilist([URI|Luris],Lerr) :- lexform_t_xsd_anyURI(URI,Lerr0), sva_urilist(Luris,Lerr1), append(Lerr0,Lerr1,Lerr).
<ok xsi:type="xsd:list_anyURI"> ./foo bar</ok> <ok xsi:type="xsd:list_anyURI">#foo //</ok> <ok xsi:type="xsd:list_anyURI">/2001/XMLSchema #bar #baz</ok> <ok xsi:type="xsd:list_anyURI"> ../../2001/XMLSchema foo#bar</ok> <ok xsi:type="xsd:list_anyURI">XMLSchema</ok> <ok xsi:type="xsd:list_anyURI"> </ok> <ok xsi:type="xsd:list_anyURI"> is an unusual URI if indeed it is a URI </ok> <not_ok xsi:type="xsd:list_anyURI"> unusual URI #many_happy_returns</not_ok> <ok xsi:type="xsd:list_anyURI"> x y z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p</ok> <not_ok xsi:type="xsd:list_anyURI">jklm</not_ok> <not_ok xsi:type="xsd:list_anyURI"></not_ok> <not_ok xsi:type="xsd:list_anyURI"></not_ok> <ok xsi:type="xsd:list_anyURI">#xyz</ok> <not_ok xsi:type="xsd:list_anyURI">#ok ##abc##</not_ok> <not_ok xsi:type="xsd:list_anyURI">##abc</not_ok> <not_ok xsi:type="xsd:list_anyURI">##</not_ok> <ok xsi:type="xsd:list_anyURI">#</ok>
/* sva_plf_t_xsd_boolean(+PLF,-LF,-PN,-Lerr) */ sva_plf_t_xsd_boolean(PLF,LF,PN,Lerr) :- (aelist_chars(PLF,Lchars,Lerr0) -> (Lerr0 = [] -> plf_wlv_t_xsd_boolean(Lchars, LF, PN, Lerr) ; Lerr = [error(pv_plf_ae1,'aelist_chars raised error', [type(t_xsd_boolean), ce(Lerr0)])], PN = 'unparsed', LF = []) ; Lerr = [error(pv_plf_ae2,'aelist_chars failed', [type(t_xsd_boolean), ce([])])], PN = 'unparsed', LF = []). /* plf_wlv: do whitespace, lex check, value check */ /* plf_wlv(+Lchars,-LF,-PN,-Lerrors): * do whitespace, lex check, value check */ plf_wlv_t_xsd_boolean(Lchars,LF,PN,Lerr) :- (ws_normalize(collapse,Lchars,LF,Lerr0) -> (Lerr0 = [] -> plf_lv_t_xsd_boolean(LF,PN,Lerr) ; ( Lerr = [error(pv_plf_ws1,'ws normalization raised error', [type(t_xsd_boolean), ce(Lerr0)])], PN = 'unparsed' )) ; LF = [], PN = 'unparsed', Lerr = [error(pv_plf_ws2, 'ws normalization failed (can this happen?)', [type(t_xsd_boolean), ce([])])]). /* plf_lv: check lexical form (l), value (v) */ /* plf_lv_T(+LF, -PN, -Lerr): check lexical form (l), value (v) */ plf_lv_t_xsd_boolean(LF,PN,Lerr) :- (lexform_t_xsd_boolean(PN,LF,[]) -> (PN ^^ errors(Lerr0), (Lerr0 = [] -> Lerr = [] ; Lerr = [error('cvc-datatype-valid.1', 'bad lexical form', [type(t_xsd_boolean), lf(LF), ce(Lerr0)])])) ; Lerr = [error('cvc-datatype-valid.1', 'bad lexical form, grammar failed, reason unknown', [type(t_xsd_boolean), ce([]), lf(LF)])]).
lexform_t_xsd_boolean ::= bool_true <:> errors([]). lexform_t_xsd_boolean ::= bool_false <:> errors([]). bool_true ::= ['1']. bool_true ::= [t], [r], [u], [e]. bool_false ::= ['0']. bool_false ::= [f], [a], [l], [s], [e].
<ok xsi:type="xsd:boolean"> 0 </ok> <ok xsi:type="xsd:boolean"> 1 </ok> <ok xsi:type="xsd:boolean"> true </ok> <ok xsi:type="xsd:boolean"> false </ok> <not_ok xsi:type="xsd:boolean">01</not_ok> <not_ok xsi:type="xsd:boolean">10</not_ok> <not_ok xsi:type="xsd:boolean">0000</not_ok> <not_ok xsi:type="xsd:boolean">maybe</not_ok>
sva_content_t_xsd_string([PLF],[PLF],Lerr) :- sva_plf_t_xsd_string(PLF,_LF,_PN,Lerr). sva_content_t_xsd_decimal([PLF],[PLF],Lerr) :- sva_plf_t_xsd_decimal(PLF,_LF,_PN,Lerr). /* sva_content_t_xsd_integer([PLF],[PLF],Lerr) :- sva_plf_t_xsd_integer(PLF,_LF,_PN,Lerr). */ sva_content_t_xsd_date([PLF],[PLF],Lerr) :- sva_plf_t_xsd_date(PLF,_LF,_PN,Lerr).
sva_content_t_SKU([PLF],LF,Lerr) :- sva_plf_t_SKU(PLF,LF,_PN,Lerr). sva_content_t_e_quantity_t_e_item_t_Items([PLF],LF,Lerr) :- sva_plf_t_e_quantity_t_e_item_t_Items(PLF,LF,_PN,Lerr).
/* Rules for checking pre-lexical forms against * built-in types: perform whitespace normalization, * validate lexical form. */ {Checking a pre-lexical form as a string (PV) 102} {Pre-lexical form checking for NMTOKENs (PV) 149} {Pre-lexical form checking for anyURI (PV) 152} {Pre-lexical form checking for list of anyURI (PV) 155} {Checking pre-lexical form as xsd_decimal (PV) 108} {Pre-lexical form checking for QNames (PV) 145} {Pre-lexical form checking for dates (PV) 125} {Pre-lexical form checking for boolean (PV) 158} /* Rules for checking values of built-in types. */ /* No value-level checks for string ... */ /* No value-level checks for NMTOKEN ... */ /* No value-level checks for decimal ... */ {Checking date values (PV) 134}
/* DCTG rules for lexical forms of built-in types. */ {Lexical form of string (PV) 106} {Lexical form for NMTOKENs (PV) 150} {Lexical form of decimal (PV) 112} {Lexical form for dates (PV) 126} {Lexical form for QNames (PV) 146} {Lexical form for anyURI (PV) 153} {Lexical form for list_anyURI (PV) 156} {Lexical form for boolean (PV) 159}
/* Rules for pre-lexical forms against user-defined * simple types. */ {Checking pre-lexical forms as SKU (PV) 142} {Checking pre-lexical forms as quantities (PV) 138} /* DCTG rules for lexical forms of user-defined simple * types. */ {Lexical form for SKU (PV) 143} {Lexical form for quantity type (PV) 140} /* Value-base rules for user-defined simple types. */ {Checking quantity values against bounds (PV) 139}
{Conversion between atom/entity list and list of codes (PV) 103} {Conversion between atom/entity list and list of characters 111} {Utility for whitespace normalization (PV) 119} {Normalizing to blanks (PV) 121} {Collapsing whitespace (PV) 123}
<!--* tests of lexical forms in elements and attributes *--> <!DOCTYPE tests [ <!ENTITY ccedil "ç"> <!ENTITY Auml "Ä"> {Entity declarations for long number 110} <!--* {W3C copyright notice 86} *--> ]> <tests xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:po ="" > {Simple test cases for strings (PV) 104} {Simple test cases for decimals 109} {Some test cases for dates 127} {Some test cases for QNames 147} {Some test cases for quantities 141} {Some test cases for SKUs 144} {Simple test cases for NMTOKEN values 151} {Simple test cases for anyURI values 154} {Simple test cases for list_anyURI values 157} {Simple test cases for boolean values 160} </tests>
<ok xsi:type="xsd:string">This is a sample string.</ok> <ok xsi:type="xsd:decimal"> 4.3 </ok> <not_ok xsi:type="xsd:integer"> 4.3 </not_ok> <ok xsi:type="xsd:date"> 2004-08-28 </ok> <not_ok xsi:type="po:quantity"> 2004-08-28 </not_ok> <not_ok xsi:type="po:SKU"> 2004-08-28 </not_ok>
/* run the test cases for lexical form diagnostics. */ {W3C copyright notice 86} testlf :- testlf(verbose). testlf(KW) :- write('Testing '), write(KW), write('ly:'), nl, load_structure('2004/schema/dctg/Prolog/pvtest.lf.xml', [element(tests, _Atts, Testcases)], [dialect(xmlns), space(remove)]), run_lf_tests(KW,Testcases). run_lf_tests(_KW,[]). run_lf_tests(KW,[element(ExpectedResult, Atts, Content) | Tail]) :- run_lf_test(KW,Atts,ExpectedResult,Content), run_lf_tests(KW,Tail).
run_lf_test(Msglvl, ['':type=Val], Expected, Content) :- {Write out what is expected for this test 170}, {Invoke the correct validation routine 171}, {Write out result of this test 172}.
(Msglvl = 'verbose' -> {Write expectations (verbose) 173} ; Msglvl = 'terse' -> {Write expectations (terse) 174} ; Msglvl = 'silent' -> {Write expectations (silent) 175} ; /* unrecognized message level, default to verbose */ {Write expectations (verbose) 173} )
( Val = 'xsd:string' -> sva_plf_t_xsd_string(Content,LF,PN,Lerr) ; Val = 'xsd:decimal' -> sva_plf_t_xsd_decimal(Content,LF,PN,Lerr) ; Val = 'xsd:integer' -> sva_plf_t_xsd_integer(Content,LF,PN,Lerr) ; Val = 'xsd:date' -> sva_plf_t_xsd_date(Content,LF,PN,Lerr) ; Val = 'xsd:QName' -> sva_plf_t_xsd_QName(Content,LF,PN,Lerr) ; Val = 'xsd:NMTOKEN' -> sva_plf_t_xsd_NMTOKEN(Content,LF,PN,Lerr) ; Val = 'xsd:anyURI' -> sva_plf_t_xsd_anyURI(Content,LF,PN,Lerr) ; Val = 'xsd:list_anyURI' -> sva_plf_t_xsd_list_anyURI(Content,LF,PN,Lerr) ; Val = 'xsd:boolean' -> sva_plf_t_xsd_boolean(Content,LF,PN,Lerr) ; Val = 'po:quantity' -> sva_plf_t_e_quantity_t_e_item_t_Items(Content,LF,PN,Lerr) ; Val = 'po:SKU' -> sva_plf_t_SKU(Content,LF,PN,Lerr) )
(Msglvl = 'verbose' -> {Write out the result (verbose) 176} ; Msglvl = 'terse' -> {Write out the result (terse) 177} ; Msglvl = 'silent' -> {Write out the result (silent) 178} ; /* unrecognized message level, default to verbose */ {Write out the result (verbose) 176} )
( write(Val), write(': '), write(Content), nl, write(' expected: '), write(Expected), nl, write(' check plf: '), nl )
( write(Val), write(': ') )
write(' got: '), ( Lerr = [] -> write('ok, lexform = ') ; write('not ok, lexform = ') ), write(LF), nl, tab(4), write(Lerr), nl, nl
( ( Lerr = [], Expected = 'ok' ) -> write('ok / ok') ; ( Lerr = [], Expected = 'not_ok' ) -> write('!! expected error, got none !! Pre-lexical form = '), write(Content) ; ( Lerr = [_|_], Expected = 'ok' ) -> write('!! expected ok, got not_ok !! Pre-lexical form = '), write(Content), nl, write(' Lerr = '), write(Lerr) ; ( Lerr = [_|_], Expected = 'not_ok' ) -> write('not_ok / not_ok') ), nl
( ( Lerr = [], Expected = 'ok' ) -> true ; ( Lerr = [], Expected = 'not_ok' ) -> write('!! expected error, got none !! Type = '), write(Val), write(', pre-lexical form = '), write(Content), nl ; ( Lerr = [_|_], Expected = 'ok' ) -> write('!! expected ok, got not_ok !! Type = '), write(Val), write(', pre-lexical form = '), write(Content), nl, write(' Lerr = '), write(Lerr), nl ; ( Lerr = [_|_], Expected = 'not_ok' ) -> true )
ELEMID(VRoot,Lnsb0) ::= [element(N:GI,Lras,Lre)], { inscope_namespaces(Lnsb0, Lras, Lnsb), sva_elemdecl_ELEMID(Lras,Lre,Lnsb,Lerr0), sva_atts_TYPEID(Lras,VRoot,Lpa,Lpna,Lerr1), sva_content_TYPEID(VRoot,Lnsb,Lre,Lpe,Lerr2) } <:> info_item(element) && attributes(Lpa) ... (as before) ... && schema_error_code(Lerr) ::- flatten([Lerr0,Lerr1,Lerr2],Lerr) && validation_attempted(VA) ::- calc_validation_attempted(Lpa,Lpe,VA) && validity(V) ::- calc_validity(Lerr0,Lerr1,Lerr2,Lpa,Lpe,V) && validation_context(VRoot) && inscope_namespaces(Lnsb) .The inscope_namespaces predicate must be calculated first, because we need to know what namespaces are in scope in order to understand and check the value of an xsi:type attribute; this in turn needs to happen before, not after, the attributes and content are checked. So the inscope_namespaces and sva_elemdecl_ELEMID predicates work with the raw attribute-value pairs (Lras), not the parsed ones (Lpa and Lpna).
/* e_purchaseOrder: grammatical rule for purchaseOrder element. e_purchaseOrder(V,Lnsb,ParsedNode,L1,L2): holds if the difference between L1 and L2 (difference lists) is a purchase order element in SWI Prolog notation. And so on for the other element types. */ e_purchaseOrder(VRoot,Lnsb0) ::= [ element('':purchaseOrder, Lras,Lre)], { inscope_namespaces(Lnsb0, Lras, Lnsb), sva_elemdecl_e_purchaseOrder(Lras,Lre,Lnsb,Lerr0), sva_atts_t_PurchaseOrderType(Lras,VRoot,Lpa,Lpna,Lerr1), sva_content_t_PurchaseOrderType(VRoot,Lnsb,Lre,Lpe,Lerr2) } <:> local_name(purchaseOrder) && namespace_name('') && type_definition_anonymous('false') && type_definition_namespace('') && type_definition_name('PurchaseOrderType') && type_definition_type(complex) {Common infoset properties for elements in po namespace (PV) 180} {Validation attempted property for complex elements (PV) 181} . e_shipTo_t_PurchaseOrderType(VRoot,Lnsb0) ::= [element(shipTo,Lras,Lre)], { inscope_namespaces(Lnsb0, Lras, Lnsb), sva_elemdecl_e_shipTo_t_PurchaseOrderType(Lras,Lre,Lnsb,Lerr0), sva_atts_t_USAddress(Lras,VRoot,Lpa,Lpna,Lerr1), sva_content_t_USAddress(VRoot,Lnsb,Lre,Lpe,Lerr2) } <:> local_name(shipTo) && namespace_name('') && type_definition_anonymous('false') && type_definition_namespace('') && type_definition_name('USAddress') && type_definition_type(complex) {Common infoset properties for elements in po namespace (PV) 180} {Validation attempted property for complex elements (PV) 181} . e_billTo_t_PurchaseOrderType(VRoot,Lnsb0) ::= [element(billTo,Lras,Lre)], { inscope_namespaces(Lnsb0, Lras, Lnsb), sva_elemdecl_e_billTo_t_PurchaseOrderType(Lras,Lre,Lnsb,Lerr0), sva_atts_t_USAddress(Lras,VRoot,Lpa,Lpna,Lerr1), sva_content_t_USAddress(VRoot,Lnsb,Lre,Lpe,Lerr2) } <:> local_name(billTo) && namespace_name('') && type_definition_anonymous('false') && type_definition_namespace('') && type_definition_name('USAddress') && type_definition_type(complex) {Common infoset properties for elements in po namespace (PV) 180} {Validation attempted property for complex elements (PV) 181} . e_items_t_PurchaseOrderType(VRoot,Lnsb0) ::= [element(items,Lras,Lre)], { inscope_namespaces(Lnsb0, Lras, Lnsb), sva_elemdecl_e_items_t_PurchaseOrderType(Lras,Lre,Lnsb,Lerr0), sva_atts_t_Items(Lras,VRoot,Lpa,Lpna,Lerr1), sva_content_t_Items(VRoot,Lnsb,Lre,Lpe,Lerr2) } <:> local_name(items) && namespace_name('') && type_definition_anonymous('false') && type_definition_namespace('') && type_definition_name('Items') && type_definition_type(complex) {Common infoset properties for elements in po namespace (PV) 180} {Validation attempted property for complex elements (PV) 181} . e_item_t_Items(VRoot,Lnsb0) ::= [element(item,Lras,Lre)], { inscope_namespaces(Lnsb0, Lras, Lnsb), sva_elemdecl_e_item_t_Items(Lras,Lre,Lnsb,Lerr0), sva_atts_t_e_item_t_Items(Lras,VRoot,Lpa,Lpna,Lerr1), sva_content_t_e_item_t_Items(VRoot,Lnsb,Lre,Lpe,Lerr2) } <:> local_name(item) && namespace_name('') && type_definition_anonymous('true') && type_definition_namespace('') && type_definition_name('t_e_item_t_Items') && type_definition_type(complex) {Common infoset properties for elements in po namespace (PV) 180} {Validation attempted property for complex elements (PV) 181} .
&& info_item(element) && attributes(Lpa) && namespace_attributes(Lpna) && inscope_namespaces(Lnsb) && children(Lpe) && schema_error_code(Lerr) ::- flatten([Lerr0,Lerr1,Lerr2],Lerr) && validity(V) ::- calc_validity(Lerr0,Lerr1,Lerr2,Lpa,Lpe,V) {Additional PSVI properties for elements (PV) 205}
&& validation_attempted(VA) ::- calc_validation_attempted(Lpa,Lpe,VA)
&& validation_attempted(full)
e_comment(VRoot,Lnsb0) ::= [element('':comment,Lras,Lre)], { inscope_namespaces(Lnsb0, Lras, Lnsb), sva_elemdecl_e_comment(Lras,Lre,Lnsb,Lerr0), {Guard to check attributes and content of strings (PV) 184} } <:> local_name(comment) && namespace_name('') {Common infoset properties for elements in po namespace (PV) 180} {Validation attempted property for simple elements (PV) 182} {PSVI properties for strings 5} . e_name_t_USAddress(VRoot,Lnsb0) ::= [element(name,Lras,Lre)], { inscope_namespaces(Lnsb0, Lras, Lnsb), sva_elemdecl_e_name_t_USAddress(Lras,Lre,Lnsb,Lerr0), {Guard to check attributes and content of strings (PV) 184} } <:> local_name(name) && namespace_name('') {Common infoset properties for elements in po namespace (PV) 180} {Validation attempted property for simple elements (PV) 182} {PSVI properties for strings 5} . e_street_t_USAddress(VRoot,Lnsb0) ::= [element(street,Lras,Lre)], { inscope_namespaces(Lnsb0, Lras, Lnsb), sva_elemdecl_e_street_t_USAddress(Lras,Lre,Lnsb,Lerr0), {Guard to check attributes and content of strings (PV) 184} } <:> local_name(street) && namespace_name('') {Common infoset properties for elements in po namespace (PV) 180} {Validation attempted property for simple elements (PV) 182} {PSVI properties for strings 5} . e_city_t_USAddress(VRoot,Lnsb0) ::= [element(city,Lras,Lre)], { inscope_namespaces(Lnsb0, Lras, Lnsb), sva_elemdecl_e_city_t_USAddress(Lras,Lre,Lnsb,Lerr0), {Guard to check attributes and content of strings (PV) 184} } <:> local_name(city) && namespace_name('') {Common infoset properties for elements in po namespace (PV) 180} {Validation attempted property for simple elements (PV) 182} {PSVI properties for strings 5} . e_state_t_USAddress(VRoot,Lnsb0) ::= [element(state,Lras,Lre)], { inscope_namespaces(Lnsb0, Lras, Lnsb), sva_elemdecl_e_state_t_USAddress(Lras,Lre,Lnsb,Lerr0), {Guard to check attributes and content of strings (PV) 184} } <:> local_name(state) && namespace_name('') {Common infoset properties for elements in po namespace (PV) 180} {Validation attempted property for simple elements (PV) 182} {PSVI properties for strings 5} . e_zip_t_USAddress(VRoot,Lnsb0) ::= [element(zip,Lras,Lre)], { inscope_namespaces(Lnsb0, Lras, Lnsb), sva_elemdecl_e_zip_t_USAddress(Lras,Lre,Lnsb,Lerr0), sva_atts_simpletype(Lras,VRoot,Lpa,Lpna,Lerr1), sva_content_t_xsd_decimal(Lre,Lpe,Lerr2) } <:> local_name(zip) && namespace_name('') {Common infoset properties for elements in po namespace (PV) 180} {Validation attempted property for simple elements (PV) 182} {PSVI properties for decimals 6} . e_productName_t_e_item_t_Items(VRoot,Lnsb0) ::= [element(productName, Lras,Lre)], { inscope_namespaces(Lnsb0, Lras, Lnsb), sva_elemdecl_e_productName_t_e_item_t_Items(Lras,Lre,Lnsb,Lerr0), {Guard to check attributes and content of strings (PV) 184} } <:> local_name(productName) && namespace_name('') {Common infoset properties for elements in po namespace (PV) 180} {Validation attempted property for simple elements (PV) 182} {PSVI properties for strings 5} . e_quantity_t_e_item_t_Items(VRoot,Lnsb0) ::= [element(quantity, Lras,Lre)], { inscope_namespaces(Lnsb0, Lras, Lnsb), sva_elemdecl_e_quantity_t_e_item_t_Items(Lras,Lre,Lnsb,Lerr0), sva_atts_simpletype(Lras,VRoot,Lpa,Lpna,Lerr1), sva_content_t_e_quantity_t_e_item_t_Items(Lre,Lpe,Lerr2) } <:> local_name(quantity) && namespace_name('') {Common infoset properties for elements in po namespace (PV) 180} {Validation attempted property for simple elements (PV) 182} && type_definition_anonymous('true') && type_definition_namespace('') && type_definition_name('t_e_quantity_t_e_item_t_Items') && type_definition_type(simple) . e_USPrice_t_e_item_t_Items(VRoot,Lnsb0) ::= [element('USPrice',Lras,Lre)], { inscope_namespaces(Lnsb0, Lras, Lnsb), sva_elemdecl_e_USPrice_t_e_item_t_Items(Lras,Lre,Lnsb,Lerr0), sva_atts_simpletype(Lras,VRoot,Lpa,Lpna,Lerr1), sva_content_t_xsd_decimal(Lre,Lpe,Lerr2) } <:> local_name('USPrice') && namespace_name('') {Common infoset properties for elements in po namespace (PV) 180} {Validation attempted property for simple elements (PV) 182} {PSVI properties for decimals 6} . e_shipDate_t_e_item_t_Items(VRoot,Lnsb0) ::= [element(shipDate,Lras,Lre)], { inscope_namespaces(Lnsb0, Lras, Lnsb), sva_elemdecl_e_shipDate_t_e_item_t_Items(Lras,Lre,Lnsb,Lerr0), sva_atts_simpletype(Lras,VRoot,Lpa,Lpna,Lerr1), sva_content_t_xsd_date(Lre,Lpe,Lerr2) } <:> local_name(shipDate) && namespace_name('') {Common infoset properties for elements in po namespace (PV) 180} {Validation attempted property for simple elements (PV) 182} && type_definition_anonymous('false') && type_definition_namespace( '') && type_definition_name('date') && type_definition_type(simple) .
sva_atts_simpletype(Lras,VRoot,Lpa,Lpna,Lerr1), sva_content_t_xsd_string(Lre,Lpe,Lerr2)
inscope_namespaces(Lnsb,[],Lnsb).Continued in <Calculating in-scope namespaces, cont'd (PV) 186>, <Calculating in-scope namespaces, cont'd (PV) 187>, <Removing a namespace binding (PV) 188>
inscope_namespaces(Lnsb0,[xmlns=DefaultNS|Lras], [ns('',DefaultNS) | Lnsb]) :- remove_binding(Lnsb0,'',Lnsb1), inscope_namespaces(Lnsb1,Lras,Lnsb). inscope_namespaces(Lnsb0,[xmlns:Prefix=NS|Lras], [ns(Prefix,NS) | Lnsb]) :- remove_binding(Lnsb0,Prefix,Lnsb1), inscope_namespaces(Lnsb1,Lras,Lnsb).
inscope_namespaces(Lnsb0,[AN=_AV|Lras],Lnsb) :- AN \= xmlns, AN \= xmlns:_Prefix, inscope_namespaces(Lnsb0,Lras,Lnsb).
/* remove_binding(+Lnsb0,+Prefix,-Lnsb): true if Lnsb is the * result of removing any binding for Prefix from Lnsb0. * In principle, there should be at most one such * binding, but we check for accidental doubles. * If this proves expensive, we can revisit this decision. */ /* Base case: no more bindings to check. */ remove_binding([],_Prefix,[]). /* Match case: remove head, check in tail. */ remove_binding([ns(P,_NS) | Lnsb0], P, Lnsb) :- remove_binding(Lnsb0,P,Lnsb). /* Keep-looking case: head does not match, check in tail * and put head back on. */ remove_binding([ns(P1,NS1)|Lnsb0], Prefix, [ns(P1,NS1) | Lnsb]) :- P1 \= Prefix, remove_binding(Lnsb0,Prefix,Lnsb).
/* sva_elemdecl_ELEMID(+Lras, +Lre, +Lnsb, -Lerr) */ sva_elemdecl_ELEMID(Lras,Lre,Lnsb,Lerr) :- (member('':nil=_Value, Lras) -> Lerr0 = [error('cvc-elt.3.1', 'xsi:nil attribute not allowed: element not nillable', [element(ELEMID), atts(Lras)])] ; Lerr0 = []), (member( '':type=QN_LocalType, Lras) -> sva_xsitype(ELEMID, QN_LocalType, Lnsb, TypeID, Lerr1) ; Lerr1 = []), append(Lerr0,Lerr1,Lerr).
/* sva_xsitype(+Elemid, +QN_LocalType, +Lnsb, -TypeID, -Lerr): true if Lerr is the list of errors involved if QN_LocalType is the value of an xsi:type attribute on an element of type Elemid, with Lnsb the list of active namespace bindings. */ sva_xsitype(Elemid, QN_LocalType, Lnsb, Typeid, Lerr) :- /* First, check that it's a legal QName */ ( sva_plf_t_xsd_QName(QN_LocalType,LF,PN,Lerr0) -> {Check return from QName check (PV) 190} ; Lerr = [error('cvc-elt.4.1', 'xsi:type attribute should have a legal QName as its value', [element(Elemid),localtype(QN_LocalType), trace('sva_plf_t_xsd_QName did not return')])]).
(Lerr0 = [] -> {Resolve QName reference to type (PV) 191} ; Lerr = [error('cvc-elt.4.1', 'xsi:type attribute should have a legal QName as its value', [element(Elemid),localtype(QN_LocalType),lf(LF), ce(Lerr0)])])
/* Second, check that it resolves to a known type definition */ (sva_xsitype_resolve(PN, Lnsb, Typeid, Lerr1) -> {Check return from QName resolution (PV) 192} ; Lerr = [error('cvc-elt.4.2','xsi:type failed to resolve', [element(Elemid), localtype(QN_LocalType), trace('sva_xsitype_resolve did not return')])])
(Lerr1 = [] -> {Check that type reference is legal (PV) 193} ; Lerr = [error('cvc-elt.4.2','xsi:type must name a type', [element(Elemid), localtype(QN_LocalType),ce(Lerr1)])])
/* Third, check that the named type is substitutable for the declared * type; this depends both on the type definitions and on the element * declaration */ (type_substitutable(Elemid, Typeid, Lerr2) -> {Check return from Type Derivation OK (PV) 194} ; Lerr = [error('cvc-elt.4.3', 'failure checking legal derivation of xsi:type from declared type', [element(Elemid), type(Typeid), trace('type_substitutable did not return')])])
(Lerr2 = [] -> Lerr = [] ; Lerr = [error('cvc-elt.4.3', 'xsi:type must name a type legally derived from declared type', [element(Elemid), localtype(QN_LocalType), type(Typeid), ce(Lerr2)])])
/* was: sva_xsitype_resolve(+Elemid, +QN_LocalType, +Lnsb, -Typeid, -Lerr): */ /* sva_xsitype_resolve(+PN, +Lnsb, -Typeid, -Lerr): true iff the parsed QName PN resolves, in the context of the current list of namespace bindings Lnsb and the current schema, to type Typeid, or else we get the errors in Lerr. */ sva_xsitype_resolve(PN, Lnsb, Typeid, Lerr) :- qname_expand(PN, Lnsb, EName, Lerr0), ename_typeid(EName, Typeid, Lerr1), append(Lerr0, Lerr1, Lerr).
/* qname_expand(PNodeQN, Lnsb, EName, Lerr) */ qname_expand(PNodeQN, Lnsb, EName, Lerr) :- PNodeQN ^^ prefix(Prefix), PNodeQN ^^ local_name(Name), ( member(ns(Prefix,NS), Lnsb) -> (EName = expqname(NS,Name,Prefix), Lerr = []) ; (EName = error, Lerr = [error(pv_nsb,'no namespace binding found', [name(Name), prefix(Prefix)])]) ).
/* ename_typeid(expqname(NS,Name,Pre), Typeid, Lerr): true iff Typeid is the atom used as type ID for the type named by the expanded QName. This is just a specialized form of generic QName resolution, for types, but it's guaranteed to succeed. */ ename_typeid(expqname(NS,Name,_Pre), Typeid, Lerr) :- ( qname_resolve(type,NS,Name,Typeid) -> Lerr = [] ; Lerr = [error(pv_ename_typeid, 'expanded name does not map to a type', [ns(NS), ln(Name)])]).
/* Schema-specific types */ qname_resolve(type,'','PurchaseOrderType', 't_PurchaseOrderType'). qname_resolve(type,'','USAddress', 't_USAddress'). qname_resolve(type,'','Items', 't_Items'). qname_resolve(type,'','SKU', 't_SKU'). /* Builtin types (selective) */ qname_resolve(type,'','string', 't_xsd_string'). qname_resolve(type,'','integer', 't_xsd_integer'). qname_resolve(type,'','decimal', 't_xsd_decimal'). qname_resolve(type,'','date', 't_xsd_date'). /* For now, we have no need to resolve element references. But for completeness, we'll list them anyway. */ qname_resolve(element,'','purchaseOrder', 'e_purchaseOrder'). qname_resolve(element,'','comment', 'e_comment').
/* type_subsitutable(Elemid, Typeid, Lerr): true iff type Typeid * may legally be substituted for the declared type of Elemid * (e.g. via an xsi:type attribute). * Both the element and the type are denoted by IDs. */ type_substitutable(E,T,Lerr) :- ( elem_type(E,Tdecl), type_derivation_ok(Tdecl,T) -> Lerr = [] ; Lerr = [error('cos-tt-derived-ok','Type derivation not OK', [element(E), declaredtype(Tdecl), xsitype(T)])]). /* N.B. the type_derivation_ok predicate given here is specialized for the purchase-order schema. It needs to be generalized before it's correct for the general case. */ /* Generic rule: every named type is substitutable for itself. */ type_derivation_ok(T,T). /* Recursive rule: every named type is substitutable for its base type (unless the base type has blocked subsitutions), or for anything its base type is substitutable for. */ type_derivation_ok(P,C) :- P \= C, type_base(C,D), ( P = D ; type_derivation_ok(P,D)).
/* Schema-specific derivations: */ /* For purchase-order schema, there are none: all of the * elements are declared with leaf types */ type_base(t_PurchaseOrderType, t_anyType). type_base(t_USAddress, t_anyType). type_base(t_Items, t_anyType). type_base(t_e_item_t_Items, t_anyType). type_base(t_e_quantity_t_e_item_t_Items, t_xsd_positiveInteger). type_base(t_SKU, t_xsd_string).
/* Some derivations common to all schemas. Here we list only those which would be theoretically relevant for checking xsi:type in the purchase-order schema. (But since we don't actually have full definitions of them, the PV grammar doesn't actually check them; its support for xsi:type is thus incomplete.) */ /* Types derived from string */ type_base(t_xsd_string, t_xsd_anySimpleType). type_base(t_xsd_normalizedString,t_xsd_string). type_base(t_xsd_token,t_xsd_normalizedString). type_base(t_xsd_language,t_xsd_token). type_base(t_xsd_Name,t_xsd_token). type_base(t_xsd_NCName,t_xsd_Name). type_base(t_xsd_ID,t_xsd_NCName). type_base(t_xsd_IDREF,t_xsd_NCName). type_base(t_xsd_ENTITY,t_xsd_NCName). type_base(t_xsd_NMTOKEN,t_xsd_token). /* Types derived from decimal */ type_base(t_xsd_decimal, t_xsd_anySimpleType). type_base(t_xsd_integer,t_xsd_decimal). type_base(t_xsd_nonPositiveInteger,t_xsd_integer). type_base(t_xsd_negativeInteger,t_xsd_nonPositiveInteger). type_base(t_xsd_long,t_xsd_integer). type_base(t_xsd_int,t_xsd_long). type_base(t_xsd_short, t_xsd_int). type_base(t_xsd_byte, t_xsd_short). type_base(t_xsd_nonNegativeInteger,t_xsd_integer). type_base(t_xsd_positiveInteger,t_xsd_nonNegativeInteger). type_base(t_xsd_unsignedLong,t_xsd_nonNegativeInteger). type_base(t_xsd_unsignedInt,t_xsd_nonNegativeInteger). type_base(t_xsd_unsignedShort,t_xsd_nonNegativeInteger). type_base(t_xsd_unsignedByte,t_xsd_nonNegativeInteger). /* Types derived from date (none in this schema) */ type_base(t_xsd_date, t_xsd_anySimpleType). /* Hmm. I wonder if this should be done with ENames rather than with type ids. base_type('':anySimpleType, '':duration). base_type('':anySimpleType, '':dateTime). base_type('':anySimpleType, '':time). base_type('':anySimpleType, '':date). base_type('':anySimpleType, '':date). */
elem_type(e_purchaseOrder,t_PurchaseOrderType). elem_type(e_comment,t_xsd_string). elem_type(e_shipTo_t_PurchaseOrderType,t_USAddress). elem_type(e_billTo_t_PurchaseOrderType,t_USAddress). elem_type(e_items_t_PurchaseOrderType,t_Items). elem_type(e_name_t_USAddress,t_xsd_string). elem_type(e_street_t_USAddress,t_xsd_string). elem_type(e_city_t_USAddress,t_xsd_string). elem_type(e_state_t_USAddress,t_xsd_string). elem_type(e_zip_t_USAddress,t_xsd_decimal). elem_type(e_item_t_Items,t_e_item_t_Items). elem_type(e_productName_t_e_item_t_Items,t_xsd_string). elem_type(e_quantity_t_e_item_t_Items,t_e_quantity_t_e_item_t_Items). elem_type(e_USPrice_t_e_item_t_Items,t_xsd_decimal). elem_type(e_shipDate_t_e_item_t_Items,t_xsd_date).
sva_elemdecl_e_purchaseOrder(Lras,_Lre,Lnsb,Lerr) :- (member('':nil=_Value, Lras) -> Lerr0 = [error('cvc-elt.3.1', 'xsi:nil attribute not allowed: element not nillable', [element(e_purchaseOrder), atts(Lras)])] ; Lerr0 = []), (member( '':type=QN_LocalType, Lras) -> sva_xsitype(e_purchaseOrder, QN_LocalType, Lnsb, TypeID, Lerr1) ; Lerr1 = []), append(Lerr0,Lerr1,Lerr). sva_elemdecl_e_comment(Lras,_Lre,Lnsb,Lerr) :- (member('':nil=_Value, Lras) -> Lerr0 = [error('cvc-elt.3.1', 'xsi:nil attribute not allowed: element not nillable', [element(e_comment), atts(Lras)])] ; Lerr0 = []), (member( '':type=QN_LocalType, Lras) -> sva_xsitype(e_comment, QN_LocalType, Lnsb, TypeID, Lerr1) ; Lerr1 = []), append(Lerr0,Lerr1,Lerr). sva_elemdecl_e_shipTo_t_PurchaseOrderType(Lras,_Lre,Lnsb,Lerr) :- (member('':nil=_Value, Lras) -> Lerr0 = [error('cvc-elt.3.1', 'xsi:nil attribute not allowed: element not nillable', [element(e_shipTo_t_PurchaseOrderType), atts(Lras)])] ; Lerr0 = []), (member( '':type=QN_LocalType, Lras) -> sva_xsitype(e_shipTo_t_PurchaseOrderType, QN_LocalType, Lnsb, TypeID, Lerr1) ; Lerr1 = []), append(Lerr0,Lerr1,Lerr). sva_elemdecl_e_billTo_t_PurchaseOrderType(Lras,_Lre,Lnsb,Lerr) :- (member('':nil=_Value, Lras) -> Lerr0 = [error('cvc-elt.3.1', 'xsi:nil attribute not allowed: element not nillable', [element(e_billTo_t_PurchaseOrderType), atts(Lras)])] ; Lerr0 = []), (member( '':type=QN_LocalType, Lras) -> sva_xsitype(e_billTo_t_PurchaseOrderType, QN_LocalType, Lnsb, TypeID, Lerr1) ; Lerr1 = []), append(Lerr0,Lerr1,Lerr). sva_elemdecl_e_items_t_PurchaseOrderType(Lras,_Lre,Lnsb,Lerr) :- (member('':nil=_Value, Lras) -> Lerr0 = [error('cvc-elt.3.1', 'xsi:nil attribute not allowed: element not nillable', [element(e_items_t_PurchaseOrderType), atts(Lras)])] ; Lerr0 = []), (member( '':type=QN_LocalType, Lras) -> sva_xsitype(e_items_t_PurchaseOrderType, QN_LocalType, Lnsb, TypeID, Lerr1) ; Lerr1 = []), append(Lerr0,Lerr1,Lerr). sva_elemdecl_e_name_t_USAddress(Lras,_Lre,Lnsb,Lerr) :- (member('':nil=_Value, Lras) -> Lerr0 = [error('cvc-elt.3.1', 'xsi:nil attribute not allowed: element not nillable', [element(e_name_t_USAddress), atts(Lras)])] ; Lerr0 = []), (member( '':type=QN_LocalType, Lras) -> sva_xsitype(e_name_t_USAddress, QN_LocalType, Lnsb, TypeID, Lerr1) ; Lerr1 = []), append(Lerr0,Lerr1,Lerr). sva_elemdecl_e_street_t_USAddress(Lras,_Lre,Lnsb,Lerr) :- (member('':nil=_Value, Lras) -> Lerr0 = [error('cvc-elt.3.1', 'xsi:nil attribute not allowed: element not nillable', [element(e_street_t_USAddress), atts(Lras)])] ; Lerr0 = []), (member( '':type=QN_LocalType, Lras) -> sva_xsitype(e_street_t_USAddress, QN_LocalType, Lnsb, TypeID, Lerr1) ; Lerr1 = []), append(Lerr0,Lerr1,Lerr). sva_elemdecl_e_city_t_USAddress(Lras,_Lre,Lnsb,Lerr) :- (member('':nil=_Value, Lras) -> Lerr0 = [error('cvc-elt.3.1', 'xsi:nil attribute not allowed: element not nillable', [element(e_city_t_USAddress), atts(Lras)])] ; Lerr0 = []), (member( '':type=QN_LocalType, Lras) -> sva_xsitype(e_city_t_USAddress, QN_LocalType, Lnsb, TypeID, Lerr1) ; Lerr1 = []), append(Lerr0,Lerr1,Lerr). sva_elemdecl_e_state_t_USAddress(Lras,_Lre,Lnsb,Lerr) :- (member('':nil=_Value, Lras) -> Lerr0 = [error('cvc-elt.3.1', 'xsi:nil attribute not allowed: element not nillable', [element(e_state_t_USAddress), atts(Lras)])] ; Lerr0 = []), (member( '':type=QN_LocalType, Lras) -> sva_xsitype(e_state_t_USAddress, QN_LocalType, Lnsb, TypeID, Lerr1) ; Lerr1 = []), append(Lerr0,Lerr1,Lerr). sva_elemdecl_e_zip_t_USAddress(Lras,_Lre,Lnsb,Lerr) :- (member('':nil=_Value, Lras) -> Lerr0 = [error('cvc-elt.3.1', 'xsi:nil attribute not allowed: element not nillable', [element(e_zip_t_USAddress), atts(Lras)])] ; Lerr0 = []), (member( '':type=QN_LocalType, Lras) -> sva_xsitype(e_zip_t_USAddress, QN_LocalType, Lnsb, TypeID, Lerr1) ; Lerr1 = []), append(Lerr0,Lerr1,Lerr). sva_elemdecl_e_item_t_Items(Lras,_Lre,Lnsb,Lerr) :- (member('':nil=_Value, Lras) -> Lerr0 = [error('cvc-elt.3.1', 'xsi:nil attribute not allowed: element not nillable', [element(e_item_t_Items), atts(Lras)])] ; Lerr0 = []), (member( '':type=QN_LocalType, Lras) -> sva_xsitype(e_item_t_Items, QN_LocalType, Lnsb, TypeID, Lerr1) ; Lerr1 = []), append(Lerr0,Lerr1,Lerr). sva_elemdecl_e_productName_t_e_item_t_Items(Lras,_Lre,Lnsb,Lerr) :- (member('':nil=_Value, Lras) -> Lerr0 = [error('cvc-elt.3.1', 'xsi:nil attribute not allowed: element not nillable', [element(e_productName_t_e_item_t_Items), atts(Lras)])] ; Lerr0 = []), (member( '':type=QN_LocalType, Lras) -> sva_xsitype(e_productName_t_e_item_t_Items, QN_LocalType, Lnsb, TypeID, Lerr1) ; Lerr1 = []), append(Lerr0,Lerr1,Lerr). sva_elemdecl_e_quantity_t_e_item_t_Items(Lras,_Lre,Lnsb,Lerr) :- (member('':nil=_Value, Lras) -> Lerr0 = [error('cvc-elt.3.1', 'xsi:nil attribute not allowed: element not nillable', [element(e_quantity_t_e_items_t_Items), atts(Lras)])] ; Lerr0 = []), (member( '':type=QN_LocalType, Lras) -> sva_xsitype(e_quantity_t_e_items_t_Items, QN_LocalType, Lnsb, TypeID, Lerr1) ; Lerr1 = []), append(Lerr0,Lerr1,Lerr). sva_elemdecl_e_USPrice_t_e_item_t_Items(Lras,_Lre,Lnsb,Lerr) :- (member('':nil=_Value, Lras) -> Lerr0 = [error('cvc-elt.3.1', 'xsi:nil attribute not allowed: element not nillable', [element(e_USPrice_t_e_item_t_Items), atts(Lras)])] ; Lerr0 = []), (member( '':type=QN_LocalType, Lras) -> sva_xsitype(e_USPrice_t_e_item_t_Items, QN_LocalType, Lnsb, TypeID, Lerr1) ; Lerr1 = []), append(Lerr0,Lerr1,Lerr). sva_elemdecl_e_shipDate_t_e_item_t_Items(Lras,_Lre,Lnsb,Lerr) :- (member('':nil=_Value, Lras) -> Lerr0 = [error('cvc-elt.3.1', 'xsi:nil attribute not allowed: element not nillable', [element(e_shipDate_t_e_item_t_Items), atts(Lras)])] ; Lerr0 = []), (member( '':type=QN_LocalType, Lras) -> sva_xsitype(e_shipDate_t_e_item_t_Items, QN_LocalType, Lnsb, TypeID, Lerr1) ; Lerr1 = []), append(Lerr0,Lerr1,Lerr).
sva_elemdecl(Elemid,Lras,_Lre,Lnsb,Lerr) :- (member('':nil=_Value, Lras) -> Lerr0 = [error('cvc-elt.3.1', 'xsi:nil attribute not allowed: element not nillable', [element(Elemid), atts(Lras)])] ; Lerr0 = []), (member( '':type=QN_LocalType, Lras) -> sva_xsitype(Elemid, QN_LocalType, Lnsb, TypeID, Lerr1) ; Lerr1 = []), append(Lerr0,Lerr1,Lerr).
&& nil(false)Continued in <Validation-context property for elements (PV) 209>
&& schema_information([Builtins, POSchemainfo]) ::- pv_schemainfor(Builtines,POSchemainfo)
pv_schemainfo(Builtins, POSchemainfo) :- Builtins = ns_triple( ns(''), components(['/simpleType(xsd:string)', '/simpleType(xsd:integer)', '/simpleType(xsd:decimal)', '/simpleType(xsd:date)', '/simpleType(xsd:QName)', '/simpleType(xsd:boolean)', '/simpleType(xsd:t_a_schemaLocation)', '/complexType(xsd:anyType)']), documents([])), POSchemainfo = ns_triple( ns(''), components(['/simpleType(po:SKU)', '/complexType(po:Items) /sequence() /element(item) /complexType() /sequence() /element(quantity) /simpleType()', '/complexType(po:PurchaseOrderType)', '/complexType(po:USAddress)', '/complexType(po:Items)', '/complexType(po:Items)/sequence() /element(item)/complexType()', '/element(po:purchaseOrder)', '/element(po:comment)', '/complexType(po:PurchaseOrderType) /sequence() /element(shipTo)', '/complexType(po:PurchaseOrderType) /sequence() /element(billTo)', '/complexType(po:PurchaseOrderType) /sequence() /element(items)', '/complexType(po:USAddress) /sequence() /element(name)', '/complexType(po:USAddress) /sequence() /element(street)', '/complexType(po:USAddress) /sequence() /element(city)', '/complexType(po:USAddress) /sequence() /element(state)', '/complexType(po:USAddress) /sequence() /element(zip)', '/complexType(po:Items) /sequence() /element(item)', '/complexType(po:Items) /sequence() /element(item) /complexType() /sequence() /element(productName)', '/complexType(po:Items) /sequence() /element(item) /complexType() /sequence() /element(quantity)', '/complexType(po:Items) /sequence() /element(item) /complexType() /sequence() /element(USPrice)', '/complexType(po:Items) /sequence() /element(item) /complexType() /sequence() /element(shipDate)']), documents([schema_document([], 'file:///mnt/pidgin/usr/lib/xmlschema/po/po1.xsd')])).
anoint_root(Node,Rootnode) :- Node = node(NT,RHS,Props), pv_schemainfo(BI,SI), Rootnode = node(NT,RHS, [schema_information([BI,SI])|Props]).
&& validation_context(VRoot)
calc_validation_attempted(Lpa,Lpe,VA) :- append(Lpa,Lpe,Lpall), calc_validation_attempted(Lpall,VA). calc_validation_attempted([],full). calc_validation_attempted([Pnode | LPnode],VA) :- Pnode ^^ validation_attempted(VA0), (VA0 = full -> calc_validation_attempted(LPnode,VA) ; VA = partial). /* two additional rules, slightly ad hoc, for the * lexical representations of simple types, which * show up here as atoms. */ /* I believe this are unnecessary if elements with * simple types use the correct rule to set v_a. * Let's put this belief to the test and comment them * both back out. */ /* calc_validation_attempted([Atom | LPnode],VA) :- atom(Atom), calc_validation_attempted(LPnode,VA). */ /* calc_validation_attempted(Atom,full) :- atom(Atom). */Continued in <Calculating element validity (PV) 211>, <Invalid child (PV) 212>, <Invalid attribute (PV) 213>
if sva_elemdecl(EII, ED) = invalid then invalid else if sva_eii_type(EII, Type) = invalid then invalid else if has_invalid_child(EII) then invalid else if has_invalid_att(EII) then invalid else valid
/* calc_validity(Lerr0, Lerr1, Lerr2, Lpa, Lpe, Validity): true if the error lists, children, and attributes given produce Validity when we calculate the [validity] property of the element information item. */ calc_validity(Lerr0, Lerr1, Lerr2, Lpa, Lpe, V) :- (Lerr0 \= [] -> V = invalid % error vis a vis element declaration ; (Lerr1 \= [] -> V = invalid % error parsing the attributes ; (Lerr2 \= [] -> V = invalid % error parsing the children ; (invalid_child(Lpe) -> V = invalid % there is at least one invalid child ; (invalid_att(Lpa) -> V = invalid % there is at least one invalid attribute ; V = valid % OK against element declaration, % OK against type (both atts and children) % all children and atts OK ))))).
invalid_child([]) :- !, fail. invalid_child([Ch|_Lch]) :- Ch ^^ validity(invalid), !. invalid_child([Ch|Lch]) :- Ch ^^ validity(V), V \= invalid, invalid_child(Lch).
invalid_att([]) :- !, fail. invalid_att([Att|_Latt]) :- Att ^^ validity(invalid), !. invalid_att([Att|Latt]) :- Att ^^ validity(V), V \= invalid, invalid_att(Latt).
sva_atts_TYPEID(Lras,VRoot,Lpa,Lpna,Lerr) :- lras_TYPEID(VRoot,LpaAll,Lras,[]), LpaAll^^errors(Lerr0), partition(LpaAll,LpaPres,Lpna), attocc_TYPEID(LpaPres,Lpa,Lerr1), append(Lerr0, Lerr1, Lerr).We must ensure that the rule succeeds even if the element's attributes are not all valid or declared. We do this by adding a failsafe rule to each grammar for attributes, which will match any attribute at all other than a namespace declaration, an attribute in the xsi namespace, or a declared attribute.
/* Rules for validating attributes against complex types */ {Attribute rules for purchase-order type (PV) 218} {Attribute rules for US address type (PV) 227} {Attribute handling for Items type (PV) 230} {Attribute handling for t_e_item_t_Items (PV) 231}
/* Generic rules for validating attributes against complex types */ {attribute_unknown predicate (PV) 223}
sva_atts_t_PurchaseOrderType(Lras,VRoot,Lpa,Lpna,Lerr) :- lras_t_PurchaseOrderType(VRoot,LpaAll,Lras,[]), LpaAll^^errors(Lerr0), partition(LpaAll,LpaPres,Lpna), attocc_t_PurchaseOrderType(LpaPres,Lpa,Lerr1), append(Lerr0, Lerr1, Lerr).
sva_atts_t_PurchaseOrderType(Lras,VRoot,Lpa,Lpna,Lerr) :- lras_t_PurchaseOrderType(VRoot,LpaAll,Lras,[]), LpaAll^^errors(Lerr), partition(LpaAll,Lpa,Lpna).Continued in <DCTG rules for purchase-order attributes (PV) 219>, <The orderDate attribute (PV) 220>, <The unknown attribute (PO) (PV) 222>
lras_t_PurchaseOrderType(_VRoot) ::= [] {Grammatical attributes for empty attribute list (PV) 225}. lras_t_PurchaseOrderType(VRoot) ::= ras_t_PurchaseOrderType(VRoot)^^Pa, lras_t_PurchaseOrderType(VRoot)^^Lpa {Grammatical attributes for attribute-list recursion (PV) 226}. lras_t_PurchaseOrderType(VRoot) ::= ras_nsd(VRoot)^^Pa, lras_t_PurchaseOrderType(VRoot)^^Lpa {Grammatical attributes for attribute-list recursion (PV) 226}. lras_t_PurchaseOrderType(VRoot) ::= ras_xsi(VRoot)^^Pa, lras_t_PurchaseOrderType(VRoot)^^Lpa {Grammatical attributes for attribute-list recursion (PV) 226}.
ras_t_PurchaseOrderType(VRoot) ::= [orderDate=Value], { sva_plf_t_xsd_date(Value,LF,_PN,Lerr) } {Properties for orderDate attribute (PV) 221}.
<:> info_item(attribute) && local_name('orderDate') && namespace_name('') && normalized_value(Value) && type_definition_anonymous('false') && type_definition_namespace( '') && type_definition_name('date') && type_definition_type(simple) && schema_specified(infoset) && validation_attempted(full) && validity(valid) ::- Lerr = [] && validity(invalid) ::- Lerr \= [] && schema_error_code(Lerr) && schema_normalized_value(LF) && validation_context(VRoot) && errors([])
ras_t_PurchaseOrderType(VRoot) ::= [Name=Value], { attribute_unknown(Name,[orderDate]) } {Properties of unknown attributes (PV) 224}.
attribute_unknown(Name,DeclaredAtts) :- not(member(Name,DeclaredAtts)), Name \= xmlns, Name \= xmlns:_Prefix, Name \= '':type, Name \= '':nil, Name \= '':schemaLocation, Name \= '':noNamespaceSchemaLocation.
<:> info_item(attribute) && local_name(Localname) ::- Name = _NSName:Localname && local_name(Name) ::- Name \= _NSName:Localname && namespace_name(NSName) ::- Name = NSName:_Localname && namespace_name('') ::- Name \= NSName:_Localname && normalized_value(Value) && schema_specified(infoset) && validation_attempted(none) && validity('notKnown') && schema_error_code([]) && schema_normalized_value('') && validation_context(VRoot) && errors([error('cvc-assess-attr.1','undeclared attribute', [attname(Name), attval(Value)])])
<:> attributes([]) && errors([])
<:> attributes([Pa|L]) ::- Lpa^^attributes(L) && errors(Lerr) ::- Pa^^errors(Lerr0), Lpa^^errors(Lerr1), append(Lerr0, Lerr1, Lerr)
sva_atts_t_USAddress(Lras,VRoot,Lpa,Lpna,Lerr) :- lras_t_USAddress(VRoot,LpaAll,Lras,[]), LpaAll^^errors(Lerr0), partition(LpaAll,LpaPres,Lpna), attocc_t_USAddress(LpaPres,Lpa,Lerr1), append(Lerr0, Lerr1, Lerr). lras_t_USAddress(_VRoot) ::= [] {Grammatical attributes for empty attribute list (PV) 225}. lras_t_USAddress(VRoot) ::= ras_t_USAddress(VRoot)^^Pa, lras_t_USAddress(VRoot)^^Lpa {Grammatical attributes for attribute-list recursion (PV) 226}. lras_t_USAddress(VRoot) ::= ras_nsd(VRoot)^^Pa, lras_t_USAddress(VRoot)^^Lpa {Grammatical attributes for attribute-list recursion (PV) 226}. lras_t_USAddress(VRoot) ::= ras_xsi(VRoot)^^Pa, lras_t_USAddress(VRoot)^^Lpa {Grammatical attributes for attribute-list recursion (PV) 226}. ras_t_USAddress(VRoot) ::= [country=Value], { sva_plf_t_xsd_NMTOKEN(Value,LF,_PN,Lerr0), (LF = ['U', 'S'] -> Lerr = Lerr0 ; Lerr = [error('cvc-attribute.4','Value does not match fixed value', [val(Value), lf(LF), fixed('US')]) | Lerr0]) } <:> info_item(attribute) && local_name('country') && namespace_name('') && normalized_value('US') && type_definition_anonymous('false') && type_definition_namespace( '') && type_definition_name('NMTOKEN') && type_definition_type(simple) && schema_default('US') && schema_specified(infoset) && validation_attempted(full) && validity(valid) ::- Lerr = [] && validity(invalid) ::- Lerr \= [] && schema_error_code(Lerr) && schema_normalized_value(LF) && validation_context(VRoot) && errors([]) . {The unknown attribute (USAddress) (PV) 229}Continued in <Attribute occurrence checking for USAddress (PV) 228>
attocc_t_USAddress(LpaPres,LpaAll,Lerr) :- CountryAtt = node( attribute(country), [], [ (info_item(attribute)), (namespace_name('')), (local_name('country')), (normalized_value('US')), (type_definition_anonymous('false')), (type_definition_namespace( '')), (type_definition_name('NMTOKEN')), (type_definition_type(simple)), (schema_default('US')), (schema_specified(schema)), (validation_attempted(full)), (validity(valid)), (schema_error_code([])), (schema_normalized_value(['U', 'S'])) ]), atts_defaulted(LpaPres,[CountryAtt],LpaAll,Lerr).
ras_t_USAddress(VRoot) ::= [Name=Value], { attribute_unknown(Name,[country]) } {Properties of unknown attributes (PV) 224}.
sva_atts_t_Items(Lras,VRoot,Lpa,Lpna,Lerr) :- lras_t_Items(VRoot,LpaAll,Lras,[]), LpaAll^^errors(Lerr), partition(LpaAll,Lpa,Lpna). lras_t_Items(_VRoot) ::= [] {Grammatical attributes for empty attribute list (PV) 225}. lras_t_Items(VRoot) ::= ras_nsd(VRoot)^^Pa, lras_t_Items(VRoot)^^Lpa {Grammatical attributes for attribute-list recursion (PV) 226}. lras_t_Items(VRoot) ::= ras_xsi(VRoot)^^Pa, lras_t_Items(VRoot)^^Lpa {Grammatical attributes for attribute-list recursion (PV) 226}. lras_t_Items(VRoot) ::= ras_t_Items(VRoot)^^Pa, lras_t_Items(VRoot)^^Lpa {Grammatical attributes for attribute-list recursion (PV) 226}. ras_t_Items(VRoot) ::= [Name=Value], { attribute_unknown(Name,[]) } {Properties of unknown attributes (PV) 224}.
sva_atts_t_e_item_t_Items(Lras,VRoot,Lpa,Lpna,Lerr) :- lras_t_e_item_t_Items(VRoot,LpaAll,Lras,[]), LpaAll^^errors(Lerr0), partition(LpaAll,LpaPres,Lpna), attocc_t_e_item_t_Items(LpaPres,Lpa,Lerr1), append(Lerr0, Lerr1, Lerr). lras_t_e_item_t_Items(_VRoot) ::= [] {Grammatical attributes for empty attribute list (PV) 225}. lras_t_e_item_t_Items(VRoot) ::= ras_t_e_item_t_Items(VRoot)^^Pa, lras_t_e_item_t_Items(VRoot)^^Lpa {Grammatical attributes for attribute-list recursion (PV) 226}. lras_t_e_item_t_Items(VRoot) ::= ras_nsd(VRoot)^^Pa, lras_t_e_item_t_Items(VRoot)^^Lpa {Grammatical attributes for attribute-list recursion (PV) 226}. lras_t_e_item_t_Items(VRoot) ::= ras_xsi(VRoot)^^Pa, lras_t_e_item_t_Items(VRoot)^^Lpa {Grammatical attributes for attribute-list recursion (PV) 226}.Continued in <PartNum attribute (PV) 232>
ras_t_e_item_t_Items(VRoot) ::= [partNum=Value], { sva_plf_t_SKU(Value,LF,_PN,Lerr) } <:> info_item(attribute) && local_name('partNum') && namespace_name('') && normalized_value(Value) && type_definition_anonymous('false') && type_definition_namespace( '') && type_definition_name('SKU') && type_definition_type(simple) && schema_specified(infoset) && validation_attempted(full) && validity(valid) ::- Lerr = [] && validity(invalid) ::- Lerr \= [] && schema_error_code(Lerr) && schema_normalized_value(LF) && validation_context(VRoot) && errors([]) . ras_t_e_item_t_Items(VRoot) ::= [Name=Value], { attribute_unknown(Name,[]) } {Properties of unknown attributes (PV) 224}. /* one required attribute: partNum */ attocc_t_e_item_t_Items(LpaPres,LpaAll,Lerr) :- atts_present(LpaPres,['':partNum],Lerr0), atts_absent(LpaPres,[],Lerr1), atts_defaulted(LpaPres,[],LpaAll,Lerr2), flatten([Lerr0,Lerr1,Lerr2],Lerr).
sva_atts_simpletype(Lras,VRoot,Lpa,Lpna,Lerr) :- lras_sT(VRoot,LpaAll,Lras,[]), LpaAll^^errors(Lerr), partition(LpaAll,Lpa,Lpna). lras_sT(_VRoot) ::= [] {Grammatical attributes for empty attribute list (PV) 225}. lras_sT(VRoot) ::= ras_nsd(VRoot)^^Pa, lras_sT(VRoot)^^Lpa {Grammatical attributes for attribute-list recursion (PV) 226}. lras_sT(VRoot) ::= ras_xsi(VRoot)^^Pa, lras_sT(VRoot)^^Lpa {Grammatical attributes for attribute-list recursion (PV) 226}. lras_sT(VRoot) ::= ras_sT(VRoot)^^Pa, lras_sT(VRoot)^^Lpa {Grammatical attributes for attribute-list recursion (PV) 226}. ras_sT(VRoot) ::= [Name=Value], { attribute_unknown(Name,[]) } {Properties of unknown attributes (PV) 224}.
/* ras_nsd: grammatical rule for namespace-attribute * specifications */ ras_nsd(_VRoot) ::= [xmlns=DefaultNS] <:> info_item(attribute) && local_name(xmlns) && namespace_name('') && normalized_value(DefaultNS) && prefix('##NONE') && namespace(DefaultNS) && errors([]). ras_nsd(_VRoot) ::= [xmlns:Prefix=NSName] <:> info_item(attribute) && local_name(Prefix) && namespace_name('') && normalized_value(NSName) && prefix(Prefix) && namespace(NSName) && errors([]).Continued in <Grammar rules for XSI attributes (PV) 235>
/* ras_xsi: grammar rule for XSI attribute specifications */ ras_xsi(VRoot) ::= ['':type=Value], { sva_plf_t_xsd_QName(Value,LF,_PN,Lerr) } <:> local_name(type) && type_definition_name('QName') && type_definition_anonymous('false') {Common properties for xsi attributes (PV) 236} ras_xsi(VRoot) ::= ['':nil=Value], { sva_plf_t_xsd_boolean(Value,LF,_PN,Lerr) } <:> local_name(nil) && type_definition_name('boolean') && type_definition_anonymous('false') {Common properties for xsi attributes (PV) 236} ras_xsi(VRoot) ::= ['':schemaLocation=Value], { sva_plf_t_xsd_list_anyURI(Value,LF,_PN,Lerr) } <:> local_name(schemaLocation) && type_definition_name('t_a_schemaLocation') && type_definition_anonymous('true') {Common properties for xsi attributes (PV) 236} ras_xsi(VRoot) ::= ['':noNamespaceSchemaLocation=Value], { sva_plf_t_xsd_anyURI(Value,LF,_PN,Lerr) } <:> local_name(noNamespaceSchemaLocation) && type_definition_name('QName') && type_definition_anonymous('false') {Common properties for xsi attributes (PV) 236}
&& info_item(attribute) && namespace_name('') && normalized_value(Value) && type_definition_namespace( '') && type_definition_type(simple) && schema_specified(infoset) && validation_attempted(full) && validity(valid) ::- Lerr = [] && validity(invalid) ::- Lerr \= [] && schema_error_code(Lerr) && schema_normalized_value(LF) && validation_context(VRoot) && errors([]) .
/* atts_present(Lpa,Lreq,Lerr): true if a parsed attribute node * is present in Lpa for each attribute name in Lreq, with errors * Lerr */ atts_present(_LRAS,[],[]). atts_present(LRAS,[HRA|RequiredTail],Lerr) :- att_present(LRAS,HRA,Lerr0), atts_present(LRAS,RequiredTail,Lerr1), append(Lerr0, Lerr1, Lerr). /* An attribute name matches if namespace name and local * name part match */ /* att_present(Lpa,Attname): true if a parsed attribute node * is present in Lpa which has name Attname */ att_present([Pa|_Lpa],NS:NCName,[]) :- Pa^^local_name(NCName), Pa^^namespace_name(NS). att_present([_Pa|Lpa],Attname,Lerr) :- att_present(Lpa,Attname,Lerr). /* base step: when we reach att_present([],Attname) we issue * an error message. */ att_present([],Attname, [error('cvc-complex-type.4','required attribute is missing', [attname(Attname)])]).Continued in <Utility for checking absent attributes (PV) 238>, <Utility for providing defaulted attributes (PV) 239>
/* atts_absent(Lpa,Ltabu): true if no attribute named in * Ltabu is present in Lpa */ atts_absent(_LRAS,[],[]). atts_absent(LRAS,[H|T],Lerr) :- att_present(LRAS,H,[error('cvc-complex-type.4',_,_)]), atts_absent(LRAS,T,Lerr). atts_absent(LRAS,[H|T], [error('cvc-complex-type.3','attribute not allowed',[attname(H)])|Lerr0]) :- att_present(LRAS,H,[]), atts_absent(LRAS,T,Lerr0).
/* atts_defaulted(L1,L2,L3,Lerr): true if L3 has all the * attributes in L1, plus all of the attributes in L2 which * are not also in L1, with any errors in Lerr. */ atts_defaulted(L1,L2,L3,Lerr) :- ( atts_defaulted(L1,L2,L3) -> Lerr = [] ; Lerr = [error('pv-atts-defaulted', 'error providing default values for attributes', [lpa(L1), ldft(L2)])]). {Utility for providing defaulted attributes 14}
content_t_PurchaseOrderType(VRoot,Lnsb) ::= e_shipTo_t_PurchaseOrderType(VRoot,Lnsb)^^S, e_billTo_t_PurchaseOrderType(VRoot,Lnsb)^^B, opt_e_comment(VRoot,Lnsb)^^C, e_items_t_PurchaseOrderType(VRoot,Lnsb)^^I {Children attribute of t_PurchaseOrder 36} . opt_e_comment(_VRoot,_Lnsb) ::= [] {Empty list of children for opt_e_comment nonterminal 34} . opt_e_comment(VRoot,Lnsb) ::= e_comment(VRoot,Lnsb)^^Comm {Children for opt_e_comment nonterminal 35} . content_t_USAddress(VRoot,Lnsb) ::= e_name_t_USAddress(VRoot,Lnsb)^^N, e_street_t_USAddress(VRoot,Lnsb)^^S, e_city_t_USAddress(VRoot,Lnsb)^^C, e_state_t_USAddress(VRoot,Lnsb)^^ST, e_zip_t_USAddress(VRoot,Lnsb)^^Z {Children attribute of t_USAddress 33} . content_t_Items(VRoot,Lnsb) ::= star_e_item_t_Items(VRoot,Lnsb)^^L {Children attribute of content_t_Items 40} . star_e_item_t_Items(_VRoot,_Lnsb) ::= [] {Empty list of children for star_e_item_t_Items nonterminal 41} . star_e_item_t_Items(VRoot,Lnsb) ::= e_item_t_Items(VRoot,Lnsb)^^I, star_e_item_t_Items(VRoot,Lnsb)^^L {Children for star_e_item_t_Items nonterminal 42} . content_t_e_item_t_Items(VRoot,Lnsb) ::= e_productName_t_e_item_t_Items(VRoot,Lnsb)^^PN, e_quantity_t_e_item_t_Items(VRoot,Lnsb)^^Q, e_USPrice_t_e_item_t_Items(VRoot,Lnsb)^^USP, opt_e_comment(VRoot,Lnsb)^^C, opt_e_shipDate_t_e_item_t_Items(VRoot,Lnsb)^^S {Children attribute of t_e_item_t_Items 37} . opt_e_shipDate_t_e_item_t_Items(_VRoot,_Lnsb) ::= [] {Empty list of children for opt_e_shipdate nonterminal 38} . opt_e_shipDate_t_e_item_t_Items(VRoot,Lnsb) ::= e_shipDate_t_e_item_t_Items(VRoot,Lnsb)^^S {Children for opt_e_shipdate nonterminal 39} .
sva_content_TYPEID(Lre,Lpe) :- content_TYPEID(Topnode,Lre,[]), Topnode ^^ children(Lpe).which simply fails if the sequence of children Lre is not legal according to the grammar. We need a fallback, something along the lines of:
sva_content_TYPEID(Lre,Lpe,Lerrors) :- (content_TYPEID(Topnode,Lre,[]) -> Topnode ^^ children(Lpe), Lerrors = [] ; Lpe = Lre, Lerrors = [error('cvc-elt.5.2.1', 'element not locally valid, failed type validation', [])]).i.e. try calling the grammar (content_TYPEID); if it succeeds, extract the list of parsed-element children (Lpe) and we're done; otherwise, bind Lpe to the raw unparsed input, and provide an appropriate list of errors.
sva_content_TYPEID(Lre,Lpe,Lerrors) :- (content_TYPEID(Topnode,Lre,[]) -> Topnode ^^ children(Lpe), Lerrors = [] ; content_skip(Lre,Lpe,Lerrors0), Lerrors = append([error('cvc-elt.5.2.1', 'element not locally valid, failed type validation', [ type(TYPEID), ce([error('cvc-type.3.2', 'element not locally valid wrt complex type', [ type(TYPEID), ce([error('cvc-complex-type.2.4', 'sequence of children does not match content model', [ type(TYPEID), ce([])])])])])])], Lerrors0, Lerrors)).Note that we can take this only so far. Our DCTG mechanisms do not allow us a convenient way to identify the cause of a content-model failure any more specifically, so we do not use any of the cvc-particle or cvc-model-group error codes.
sva_content_TYPEID(Lre,Lpe,Lerrors) :- (content_TYPEID(Topnode,Lre,[]) -> Topnode ^^ children(Lpe), Lerrors = [] ; content_skip(Lre,Lpe,Lerrors0), content_seq_mixed(Lre,Ismixed), (Ismixed = true -> E = error('cvc-complex-type.2.3', 'mixed content in element-only element', [ type(TYPEID), ce([])]) ; E = error('cvc-complex-type.2.4', 'sequence of children does not match content model', [ type(TYPEID), ce([])])), Lerrors = append([error('cvc-elt.5.2.1', 'element not locally valid, failed type validation', [ type(TYPEID), ce([error('cvc-type.3.2', 'element not locally valid wrt complex type', [ type(TYPEID), ce([E])])])])], Lerrors0, Lerrors)).The number of lines taken up by error identification seems disproportionate; if we factor them out into a separate predicate, we get something more plausible:
sva_content_TYPEID(Lre,Lpe,Lerrors) :- (content_TYPEID(Topnode,Lre,[]) -> Topnode ^^ children(Lpe), Lerrors = [] ; content_skip(Lre,Lpe,Lerrors0), content_error(Lre,TYPEID,Lerrors1), append(Lerrors0,Lerrors1,Lerrors)).
sva_content_TYPEID(VRoot,Lre,Lpe,Lerrors) :- (content_TYPEID(VRoot,Topnode,Lre,[]) -> Topnode ^^ children(Lpe), Lerrors = [] ; content_skip(VRoot,Lre,Lpe,Lerrors0), content_error(Lre,TYPEID,Lerrors1), append(Lerrors0,Lerrors1,Lerrors)).
content_error(Lre,TYPEID,Lerrors) :- content_seq_mixed(Lre,Ismixed), (Ismixed = true -> E = error('cvc-complex-type.2.3', 'mixed content in element-only element', [ type(TYPEID), ce([])]) ; E = error('cvc-complex-type.2.4', 'sequence of children does not match content model', [ type(TYPEID), ce([])])), Lerrors = [error('cvc-elt.5.2.1', 'element not locally valid, failed type validation', [ type(TYPEID), ce([error('cvc-type.3.2', 'element not locally valid wrt complex type', [ type(TYPEID), ce([E])])])])].Continued in <Checking child sequence for mixed content (PV) 243>
/* a content sequence is mixed if it contains any atom which * contains non-whitespace characters, or an entity() structure. * element() and pi() structures are OK. */ content_seq_mixed([],false). content_seq_mixed([entity(_)|_T],true). content_seq_mixed([H|T],Ismixed) :- atom(H), atom_chars(H,Lc), ws_normalize(collapse,Lc,Lnormalized,[]), (Lnormalized = [] -> content_seq_mixed(T,Ismixed) ; Ismixed = true). content_seq_mixed([H|T],Ismixed) :- not(atom(H)), H \= entity(_), content_seq_mixed(T,Ismixed).
sva_content_t_PurchaseOrderType(VRoot,Lnsb,Lre,Lpe,Lerrors) :- (content_t_PurchaseOrderType(VRoot,Lnsb,Topnode,Lre,[]) -> Topnode ^^ children(Lpe), Lerrors = [] ; content_skip(Lnsb,Lre,Lpe,Lerrors0), content_error(Lre,t_PurchaseOrderType,Lerrors1), append(Lerrors0,Lerrors1,Lerrors)). sva_content_t_USAddress(VRoot,Lnsb,Lre,Lpe,Lerrors) :- (content_t_USAddress(VRoot,Lnsb,Topnode,Lre,[]) -> Topnode ^^ children(Lpe), Lerrors = [] ; content_skip(Lnsb,Lre,Lpe,Lerrors0), content_error(Lre,t_USAddress,Lerrors1), append(Lerrors0,Lerrors1,Lerrors)). sva_content_t_Items(VRoot,Lnsb,Lre,Lpe,Lerrors) :- (content_t_Items(VRoot,Lnsb,Topnode,Lre,[]) -> Topnode ^^ children(Lpe), Lerrors = [] ; content_skip(Lnsb,Lre,Lpe,Lerrors0), content_error(Lre,t_Items,Lerrors1), append(Lerrors0,Lerrors1,Lerrors)). sva_content_t_e_item_t_Items(VRoot,Lnsb,Lre,Lpe,Lerrors) :- (content_t_e_item_t_Items(VRoot,Lnsb,Topnode,Lre,[]) -> Topnode ^^ children(Lpe), Lerrors = [] ; content_skip(Lnsb,Lre,Lpe,Lerrors0), content_error(Lre,t_e_item_t_Items,Lerrors1), append(Lerrors0,Lerrors1,Lerrors)).
/* content_skip(+Lnsb, +Lre, -Lpe, -Lerrors): * true iff Lpe is the list * of parsed elements corresponding the the raw list Lre, * with the errors noted in Lerrors. */ content_skip(Lnsb,Lre,Lpe,Lerrors) :- content_sequence(Lnsb,TopNode,Lre,[]), TopNode ^^ children(Lpe), TopNode ^^ errors(Lerrors).Continued in <The grammar rule content_sequence (PV) 246>, <The grammar rule infoitem (PV) 247>, <The name_parts predicate (for unparsed names) (PV) 248>
content_sequence(_Lnsb) ::= [] <:> errors([]) && children([]). content_sequence(Lnsb) ::= infoitem(Lnsb)^^I, content_sequence(Lnsb)^^S <:> errors(E) ::- I^^errors(Ei), S^^errors(Es), append(Ei,Es,E) && children([I | Tail]) ::- S^^children(Tail).
infoitem(_Lnsb) ::= [Atom], { atom(Atom) } <:> errors([]) && children([Atom]) && info_item(textnode). /* or children(L) ::- atom_chars(Atom,L) ? */ infoitem(_Lnsb) ::= [entity(Arg)] <:> errors([]) && children([entity(Arg)]) && info_item(textnode). infoitem(_Lnsb) ::= [pi(Arg)] <:> errors([]) && children([pi(Arg)]) && info_item(pi). infoitem(Lnsb0) ::= [element(GI,Lras,Lre)], { inscope_namespaces(Lnsb0, Lras, Lnsb), name_parts(GI,NsName,LocName), content_skip(Lnsb,Lre,Lpe,Lerr), atts_skip(Lnsb,Lras,Lpa,Lpna) } <:> errors(Lerr) && info_item(element) && attributes(Lpa) && namespace_attributes(Lpna) && children(Lpe) && local_name(LocName) && namespace_name(NsName) && validation_attempted(none) && validity(notKnown).
name_parts(NS:GI,NS,GI). name_parts(Name,'',Name) :- Name \= _NS:_GI.
atts_skip(Lnsb,Lras,Lpa,Lpna) :- lras_skip(Lnsb,LpaAll,Lras,[]), partition(LpaAll,Lpa,Lpna). lras_skip(_Lnsb) ::= [] <:> attributes([]). lras_skip(Lnsb) ::= ras_skip(Lnsb)^^Pa, lras_skip(Lnsb)^^Lpa <:> attributes([Pa|L]) ::- Lpa^^attributes(L). lras_skip(Lnsb) ::= ras_nsd(Lnsb)^^Pa, lras_skip(Lnsb)^^Lpa <:> attributes([Pa|L]) ::- Lpa^^attributes(L). ras_skip(_Lnsb) ::= [Attname=Attval], { Attname \= xmlns, Attname \= xmlns:_Prefix, name_parts(Attname,NS,Local) } <:> local_name(Local) && info_item(attribute) && namespace_name(NS) && normalized_value(Attval) && validation_attempted(none) && validity(notKnown) .
sva_po(Infoset,PSVI,Valid,Attempted) :- /* find the root element in the infoset */ infoset_root(Infoset,Root), /* invoke e_purchaseOrder with the root element as validation root * and an empty set of namespace bindings. */ ( e_purchaseOrder(Root,[ns('##NONE','')],PN,[Root],[]) -> (anoint_root(PN,PSVI), PSVI^^validity(Valid), PSVI^^validation_attempted(Attempted) ) ; /* if e_purchaseOrder fails, fall back to infoitem rule */ (infoitem([ns('##NONE','')],PN,[Root],[]), anoint_root(PN,PSVI), Valid = invalid, Attempted = partial)).Continued in <Schema-validity assessment on a file (PV) 251>
sva_po_file(File,PSVI,Valid,Attempted) :- /* open the file and make an infoset */ load_structure(File,Infoset,[dialect(xmlns),space(remove)]), sva_po(Infoset,PSVI,Valid,Attempted).
infoset_root([Root|_Epilog],Root) :- Root = element(_GI,_Atts,_Content). infoset_root([Prolog|Rest],Root) :- Prolog \= element(_GI,_Atts,_Content), infoset_root(Rest,Root).
sva_po_psvi(Infoset,PSVI,Valid,Attempted) :- sva_po(Infoset,PSVI,Valid,Attempted), write_psvi(PSVI). sva_po_psvi_file(File,PSVI,Valid,Attempted) :- load_structure(File,Infoset,[dialect(xmlns),space(remove)]), sva_po(Infoset,PSVI,Valid,Attempted), make_psvi_filename(File,PFile), telling(Stdout), tell(PFile), write_psvi(PSVI), told, tell(Stdout), !.
make_psvi_filename(File,PFile) :- file_base_name(File,Filename0), atom_concat(Stem,'.xml',Filename0), atom_concat(Stem,'.psvi.pv.xml',Filename1), absolute_file_name(po_out(Filename1),PFile).
psvi_snf_errorcodes([]). psvi_snf_errorcodes([error(Code,Desc,Details) | Lerr]) :- write(Code), write('('), write(Desc), ( Details = [] -> true ; atom(Details) /* should never happen */ -> ( write(' :: NB pigs are flying! : '), write(Details) ) ; /* Details is a non-empty list */ ( write(' :: '), psvi_snf_errordetails(Details) ) ), write(')'), psvi_snf_errorcodes(Lerr). psvi_snf_errordetails([]). psvi_snf_errordetails([H|T]) :- H =.. [Name, Value], ( atomic(Value) -> write(H) ; Value = [] -> write(H) ; Name = attname -> write(H) ; member(Name,[atts,lpa,ldft]) /* These are complex, suppress them for now */ -> true ; Name = lf -> write(H) ; Name = ce -> ( write('ce('), psvi_snf_ce(Value), write(')') ) ), write(' '), psvi_snf_errordetails(T). psvi_snf_ce([]) :- write('[none]'). psvi_snf_ce([H|T]) :- psvi_snf_errorcodes([H|T]). psvi_snf_ce(Atom) :- atom(Atom), write(Atom). psvi_snf([]) :- write('""'). psvi_snf([H|T]) :- H = error(_Code,_Desc,_Details), write('"'), psvi_snf_errorcodes([H|T]), write('"').
psvi_schemainfo([]). psvi_schemainfo([ns_triple(NS,Components,Docs)|Rest]) :- psvi_schemainfo(ns_triple(NS,Components,Docs)), psvi_schemainfo(Rest). psvi_schemainfo([schema_document(EII,URI)|Rest]) :- psvi_schemainfo(schema_document(EII,URI)), psvi_schemainfo(Rest). psvi_schemainfo(ns_triple(ns(NS),_Components,documents(Docs))) :- write(NS), write(' from ('), psvi_schemainfo(Docs), write(') '). psvi_schemainfo(schema_document(_EII,URI)) :- write(URI), write(' ').
/* load the PV DCTG grammar and other * auxiliary material. */ {W3C copyright notice 86} ?- prolog_load_context(directory,Dir), assert(file_search_path(po_bin,Dir)). file_search_path(dctg,po_bin('..')). file_search_path(po_tests,dctg('testdata/tests')). file_search_path(po_out,dctg('testdata/tmp')). file_search_path(po_lib,dctg('lib')). ?- ensure_loaded(po_lib('')). ?- ensure_loaded(po_bin('')). ?- ensure_loaded(po_bin('')). {Start schema-validity assessment (PV) 250} {Calculate name for PSVI file (PV) 254} {Start schema-validity assessment and dump PSVI (PV) 253} {Find root element in infoset (PV) 252} {Identify a parsed node as the validation root (PV) 208} {Schema-information predicate (PV) 207}
/* run tests on the pv DCTG grammar */ {W3C copyright notice 86} /* Consult this file, then run * * ?- run_tests. * * Use the predicates 'good', 'bad', 'ugly' to run valid, invalid, all. * Use good(PSVI,Msglvl) etc. to control output: * PSVI = psvi | nopsvi * Msglvl = verbose | terse | silent */ ?- prolog_load_context(directory,Dir), assert(file_search_path(po_bin,Dir)). ?- ensure_loaded(po_bin('')). ?- ensure_loaded(po_bin('')).Continued in <Predicates to load and run test files (PV) 259>, <Error reports (PV) 266>, <Running all tests (PV) 267>
/* run_test(File,Flag,Msglvl): parse File, write psvi, * check top-level output, report */ run_test(File,Flag,Msglvl) :- {Report at start of test (PV) 260}, potestfile(File,ExpectedRC), absolute_file_name(po_tests(File),Testfile), (Flag = psvi -> sva_po_psvi_file(Testfile,PSVI,Valid,Attempted) ; sva_po_file(Testfile,PSVI,Valid,Attempted) ), report_rc(Msglvl,ExpectedRC,Valid,File,PSVI) . {Report at end of test (PV) 261}
( Msglvl = verbose -> ( write('Testing '), writeq(File), write(': '), nl ) ; ( Msglvl = terse -> ( write('Testing '), writeq(File) ) ; true ) )
/* report_rc: report the result appropriately */ {Report at end of test (verbose) (PV) 262} {Report at end of test (terse) (PV) 263} {Report at end of test ('silent' mode) (PV) 264}
report_rc(verbose,ExpectedRC,Valid,_File,PSVI) :- write(' Expected result: '), write(ExpectedRC), nl, write(' Actual result: '), write(Valid), nl, ( Valid = invalid -> ( PSVI^^schema_error_code(Lerr) -> error_report(verbose,Lerr) ; write('No schema error code') ) ; true ).
report_rc(terse,ExpectedRC,Valid,_File,PSVI) :- write(' ('), write(ExpectedRC), write('): '), write(Valid), write(' '), ( Valid = invalid -> ( PSVI^^schema_error_code(Lerr) -> error_report(terse,Lerr) ; write('no schema error code') ) ; true ), ( (Valid = notKnown, ExpectedRC = invalid) -> true ; Valid \= ExpectedRC -> write(' !! NOT OK !! result not as expected !!') ; true ), nl.
report_rc(silent,ExpectedRC,Valid,File,_PSVI) :- ( ExpectedRC = Valid -> true ; (ExpectedRC = invalid, Valid = notKnown) -> true ; write('!! NOT OK !! Error in file '), writeq(File), write(', expected '), write(ExpectedRC), write(', got '), write(Valid) ).
report(notKnown,invalid) :- write('ok (expected invalid, got notKnown)'), nl. report(notKnown,valid) :- write('!!! NOT OK: expected valid, got invalid !!!'), nl. report(valid,invalid) :- write('!!! NOT OK: expected invalid, got valid !!!'), nl. report(invalid,valid) :- write('!!! NOT OK: expected valid, got invalid !!!'), nl.
error_report(_Msglvl,[]). error_report(terse,[error(KW,Desc,_Details)|Lerr]) :- write(KW), write(' ('), write(Desc), write(')'), (Lerr = [_|_] -> write(', ') ; true), error_report(terse,Lerr). error_report(verbose,[error(KW,Desc,Details)|Lerr]) :- write(' '), write(KW), write(': '), write(Desc), nl, details_report(Details), error_report(terse,Lerr). details_report([]). details_report([Item|Litems]) :- write(' - '), ( Item = ce(Lerr) -> ( write('Contributing error(s): '), nl, error_report(verbose,Lerr), write(' End contributing error(s).') ) ; write(Item) ), nl, details_report(Litems).
good :- good(nopsvi,terse). bad :- bad(nopsvi,terse). ugly :- ugly(nopsvi,terse). good(Option,Msglvl) :- run_tests(valid,Option,Msglvl). bad(Option,Msglvl) :- run_tests(invalid,Option,Msglvl). ugly(Option,Msglvl) :- run_tests(valid,Option,Msglvl), run_tests(invalid,Option,Msglvl). run_tests :- ugly. run_tests(RC,Option,Msglvl) :- bagof(File,potestfile(File,RC),Files), member(F,Files), run_test(F,Option,Msglvl), fail. run_tests(_RC,_Option,_Msglvl).
for f in $TESTDIR/po1*.xml; do echo $f; pl -f $TESTPROG -g "run_test('${f#*po/tests/}',nopsvi)" -t halt; done > temp.dcgtests.stdout 2> temp.dcgtests.stderrwhere in my current setup I have
TESTDIR=/mnt/pidgin/usr/lib/xmlschema/po/tests TESTPROG=~/2004/schema/dctg/Prolog/test_core.plBoth standard output and error output are directed to files, because experiment shows that sending them to the console imposes an overhead of about 100ms per instance document.
time bash corewhere the argument to identifies the loop to be run.
Grammar | Collection | Per document |
PV | 17.927s | 239ms |
Core | 11.614s | 154ms |
DCG | 8.48 | 113ms |
Grammar | Collection (singly) | Per document | Collection (from Prolog) | Per document |
PV | 17.927s | 239ms | 1.481s | 20ms |
Core | 11.614s | 154ms | 0.614s | 8ms |
DCG | 8.48 | 113ms | 0.304s | 4ms |
time bash ../Prolog/ $g all diskthe mean results were as follows.
Grammar | Type | time bash ... | time pl ... |
DCG | user | 270ms | 255ms |
DCG | elapsed | 304ms | 369ms |
Core | user | 562ms | 548ms |
Core | elapsed | 614ms | 683ms |
PV | user | 1422ms | 1418ms |
PV | elapsed | 1481ms | 1562ms |
time pl -f ../Prolog/ -g "ugly(dcg)" -t haltthe mean timing results were:
time pl -f ../Prolog/ -g "ugly" -t haltgave the following means:
time pl -f ../Prolog/ -g "ugly" -t haltthese:
Figure 3: Abstract call graph for the 2L layer
/* a definite-clause translation grammar * representation of the sample purchase-order schema from * the XML Schema tutorial. * This is version 2L, which does partial validation. * * This DCTG was generated by a literate programming * system; if maintenance is necessary, make changes * to the source (podctg.xml) not to this output file. */ {W3C copyright notice 86} /* no module directive, at least for now. */ :- multifile simpletype/6. /* 1 Initiating schema-validity assessment (po-specific) */ {Initiating schema-validity assessment, po-specific (2L) 318} /* 2 single-element rules: e_ELEMID rules * have been replaced by generic element() rule. */ /* 3 validating elements against their element declarations */ {Rules for validating against element declarations (2L) 350} /* element declarations */ {Validating elements against element declarations (2L) 345} {Element declarations in purchase-order schema (2L) 271} /* 4 simple-type rules: * sva_content(TYPEID,...), sva_plf(TYPEID,...), value checks */ {Checking (pre-)lexical forms against schema-specific types (2L) 375} {Simple type definitions in purchase-order schema (2L) 288} /* 5 content-model rules: * sva_content(TYPEID), content(TYPEID) */ {Complex-content rules (2L) 391} {Simple-type content rules for purchase-order types (2L) 359} {Complex types for PO schema (2L) 309} /* 6 attribute-list rules: * sva_atts_TYPEID, lras_TYPEID, ras_TYPEID */ {Attribute rules for complex types (2L) 406} {Attribute handling for simple types (2L) 407}
/* library routines not specific to any one schema. * This is version 2L, which reifies the schema components and uses * a second-level interpreter. * * This code was generated by a literate programming system; if * maintenance is necessary, make changes to the source (podctg.xml) * not to this output file. */ {W3C copyright notice 86} /* This list of exports seems long; it should * probably be trimmed later, after more of 2L * is finished. */ /* At the moment, it's more trouble than it's worth. * Suppress it. :- module(xsd_lib_2l, [aelist_chars/3, anoint_root/2, attribute_unknown/2, atts_absent/3, atts_defaulted/4, atts_present/3, calc_validation_attempted/3, calc_validity/6, content_error/3, content_skip/4, default_sva_options/1, digit/3, digits/3, hyphen/3, in_infoset/3, infoset_root/2, inscope_namespaces/3, option_value/3, partition/3, ras_nsd/4, ras_xsi/4, report_results/4, set_sva_options/3, sva_content_t_xsd_date/3, sva_content_t_xsd_decimal/3, sva_content_t_xsd_string/3, sva_plf_t_xsd_date/4, sva_plf_t_xsd_NMTOKEN/4, sva_xsitype/4, ws_normalize/4 ]). */ :- multifile simpletype/6. :- multifile type_value/3. :- multifile sva_type_content/6. :- dynamic sevastopol_global_option/2. /* 1 Initiating schema-validity assessment (generic) */ {Initiating schema-validity assessment, generic (2L) 317} /* Ugly hack, please forgive. I'll clean it up eventually. */ sevastopol_global_option(xsitype_fallback,true). /* 2 Utilities for validation against element declarations */ /* Overall validation of an element */ {Validating an element (2L) 343} /* Matching GI against element declaration */ {Matching elements against element declarations (2L) 344} /* Maintaining in-scope namespaces property */ {Calculating in-scope namespaces (2L) 351} /* Rules for checking xsi:type */ {Check value given in xsi:type (2L) 352} {xsi:type fallback to declared type (2L) 349} {The type_base relation (2L) 357} /* Checking type derivations (incomplete implementation) */ {Checking type derivations (2L) 353} /* Resolving QNames and finding types from element names */ {Resolve QName to type (2L) 354} {Expand Qname to expanded name triple (2L) 355} /* Rules for calculating validity of elements */ {Calculating validation-attempted property (2L) 356} /* Consulting properties of element declarations */ {Extract properties from element declarations (2L) 287} /* 3 Utilities for working with simple types and * their values */ {Generic predicates for simple types (2L) 376} {Built-in simple type definitions (2L) 289} /* Rules for checking pre-lexical form of builtin types */ {Checking pre-lexical forms against built-in types (2L) 360} /* DCTG rules for built-in simple types */ {Grammar rules for lexical forms of built-in types (2L) 374} /* Rules for simple content */ {sva_content rules for built-in types (2L) 358} /* 4 Utilities for working with complex content */ /* Rules for mixed content. The same as in PV. */ {Distinguishing mixed-content error from child-sequence error (PV) 242} {The content_skip predicate (PV) 245} {The grammar rule atts_skip (PV) 398} /* 5 Utilities for working with attributes */ /* Generic rules for validating attributes */ {Generic rules for attribute validation (2L) 408} /* Rules for attribute occurrence checking */ {Utilities for checking attribute occurrences (2L) 409} /* Rules for xsi attributes and namespace declarations */ {Grammar rules for namespace and XSI attributes (2L) 396} /* 6 Other utilities */ /* writing out the PSVI */ {Top-level predicate for writing PSVI 60} /* Consulting properties of types */ {Extract properties from type definitions (2L) 315}
elemdecl(ELEMID, SCD, Local_name, Target_namespace, Scope, [ (id(ELEMID)), (scd(SCD)), (name(Local_name)), (target_namespace(Target_namespace)), (type_definition(TYPEID)), (scope(keyword(Scope))), (value_constraint(Value_constraint_or_absent)), (nillable(Boolean)), (identity_constraint_definitions(List_ID_constraints)), (substitution_group_affiliation(List_subst_group)), (disallowed_substitutions(List_Disallowed_subs)), (substitution_group_exclusions(List_SubGroup_exclusions)), (abstract(Boolean)), (annotation(Infoset_or_absent)) ]).
elemdecl(e_purchaseOrder, '/element(purchaseOrder)', purchaseOrder, '', global, [ (id(e_purchaseOrder)), (scd('/element(po:purchaseOrder)')), (name(purchaseOrder)), (target_namespace('')), (type_definition(t_PurchaseOrderType)), (scope(keyword(global))), (value_constraint(keyword(absent))), (nillable(false)), (identity_constraint_definitions([])), (substitution_group_affiliation(keyword(absent))), (disallowed_substitutions([])), (substitution_group_exclusions([])), (abstract(false)), (annotation(keyword(absent))) ]).
{Element declaration: purchaseOrder (2L) 270} {Element declaration: comment (2L) 273} {Element declaration: shipTo (2L) 274} {Element declaration: billTo (2L) 275} {Element declaration: items (2L) 276} {Element declaration: name (2L) 277} {Element declaration: street (2L) 278} {Element declaration: city (2L) 279} {Element declaration: state (2L) 280} {Element declaration: zip (2L) 281} {Element declaration: item (2L) 282} {Element declaration: productName (2L) 283} {Element declaration: quantity (2L) 284} {Element declaration: USPrice (2L) 285} {Element declaration: shipDate (2L) 286}
(value_constraint(keyword(absent))), (nillable(false)), (identity_constraint_definitions([])), (substitution_group_affiliation(keyword(absent))), (disallowed_substitutions([])), (substitution_group_exclusions([])), (abstract(false)), (annotation(keyword(absent)))
elemdecl(e_comment, '/element(comment)', comment, '', global, [ (id(e_comment)), (scd('/element(po:comment)')), (target_namespace('')), (name(comment)), (type_definition(t_xsd_string)), (scope(keyword(global))), {Common properties (2L) 272} ]).
elemdecl(e_shipTo_t_PurchaseOrderType, '/complexType(po:PurchaseOrderType)/sequence()/element(shipTo)', shipTo, '', local, [ (id(e_shipTo_t_PurchaseOrderType)), (scd('/complexType(po:PurchaseOrderType)/sequence()/element(shipTo)')), (name(shipTo)), (target_namespace('')), (type_definition(t_USAddress)), (scope(t_PurchaseOrderType)), {Common properties (2L) 272} ]).
elemdecl(e_billTo_t_PurchaseOrderType, '/complexType(po:PurchaseOrderType)/sequence()/element(billTo)', billTo, '', local, [ (id(e_billTo_t_PurchaseOrderType)), (scd('/complexType(po:PurchaseOrderType)/sequence()/element(billTo)')), (name(billTo)), (target_namespace('')), (type_definition(t_USAddress)), (scope(t_PurchaseOrderType)), {Common properties (2L) 272} ]).
elemdecl(e_items_t_PurchaseOrderType, '/complexType(po:PurchaseOrderType)/sequence()/element(items)', items, '', local, [ (id(e_items_t_PurchaseOrderType)), (scd('/complexType(po:PurchaseOrderType)/sequence()/element(items)')), (name(items)), (target_namespace('')), (type_definition(t_Items)), (scope(t_PurchaseOrderType)), {Common properties (2L) 272} ]).
elemdecl(e_name_t_USAddress, '/complexType(po:USAddress)/sequence()/element(name)', name, '', local, [ (id(e_name_t_USAddress)), (scd('/complexType(po:USAddress)/sequence()/element(name)')), (name(name)), (target_namespace('')), (type_definition(t_xsd_string)), (scope(t_USAddress)), {Common properties (2L) 272} ]).
elemdecl(e_street_t_USAddress, '/complexType(po:USAddress)/sequence()/element(street)', street, '', local, [ (id(e_street_t_USAddress)), (scd('/complexType(po:USAddress)/sequence()/element(street)')), (name(street)), (target_namespace('')), (type_definition(t_xsd_string)), (scope(t_USAddress)), {Common properties (2L) 272} ]).
elemdecl(e_city_t_USAddress, '/complexType(po:USAddress)/sequence()/element(city)', city, '', local, [ (id(e_city_t_USAddress)), (scd('/complexType(po:USAddress)/sequence()/element(city)')), (name(city)), (target_namespace('')), (type_definition(t_xsd_string)), (scope(t_USAddress)), {Common properties (2L) 272} ]).
elemdecl(e_state_t_USAddress, '/complexType(po:USAddress)/sequence()/element(state)', state, '', local, [ (id(e_state_t_USAddress)), (scd('/complexType(po:USAddress)/sequence()/element(state)')), (name(state)), (target_namespace('')), (type_definition(t_xsd_string)), (scope(t_USAddress)), {Common properties (2L) 272} ]).
elemdecl(e_zip_t_USAddress, '/complexType(po:USAddress)/sequence()/element(zip)', zip, '', local, [ (id(e_zip_t_USAddress)), (scd('/complexType(po:USAddress)/sequence()/element(zip)')), (name(zip)), (target_namespace('')), (type_definition(t_xsd_decimal)), (scope(t_USAddress)), {Common properties (2L) 272} ]).
elemdecl(e_item_t_Items, '/complexType(po:Items)/sequence()/element(item)', item, '', local, [ (id(e_item_t_Items)), (scd('/complexType(po:Items)/sequence()/element(item)')), (name(item)), (target_namespace('')), (type_definition(t_e_item_t_Items)), (scope(t_Items)), {Common properties (2L) 272} ]).
elemdecl(e_productName_t_e_item_t_Items, '/complexType(po:Items)/sequence()/element(item)/complexType()/sequence()/element(productName)', productName, '', local, [ (id(e_productName_t_e_item_t_Items)), (scd('/complexType(po:Items)/sequence()/element(item)/complexType()/sequence()/element(productName)')), (name(productName)), (target_namespace('')), (type_definition(t_xsd_string)), (scope(t_e_item_t_Items)), {Common properties (2L) 272} ]).
elemdecl(e_quantity_t_e_item_t_Items, '/complexType(po:Items)/sequence()/element(item)/complexType()/sequence()/element(quantity)', quantity, '', local, [ (id(e_quantity_t_e_item_t_Items)), (scd('/complexType(po:Items)/sequence()/element(item)/complexType()/sequence()/element(quantity)')), (name(quantity)), (target_namespace('')), (type_definition(t_e_quantity_t_e_item_t_Items)), (scope(t_e_item_t_Items)), {Common properties (2L) 272} ]).
elemdecl(e_USPrice_t_e_item_t_Items, '/complexType(po:Items)/sequence()/element(item)/complexType()/sequence()/element(USPrice)', 'USPrice', '', local, [ (id(e_USPrice_t_e_item_t_Items)), (scd('/complexType(po:Items)/sequence()/element(item)/complexType()/sequence()/element(USPrice)')), (name('USPrice')), (target_namespace('')), (type_definition(t_xsd_decimal)), (scope(t_e_item_t_Items)), {Common properties (2L) 272} ]).
elemdecl(e_shipDate_t_e_item_t_Items, '/complexType(po:Items)/sequence()/element(item)/complexType()/sequence()/element(shipDate)', shipDate, '', local, [ (id(e_shipDate_t_e_item_t_Items)), (scd('/complexType(po:Items)/sequence()/element(item)/complexType()/sequence()/element(shipDate)')), (name(shipDate)), (target_namespace('')), (type_definition(t_xsd_date)), (scope(t_e_item_t_Items)), {Common properties (2L) 272} ]).
elemdecl_property(scd,ED,SCD) :- elemdecl(ED, SCD, _LN, _NS, _Level, _Properties). elemdecl_property(namespace, ED, NS) :- elemdecl(ED, _SCD, _LN, NS, _Level, _Properties). elemdecl_property(local_name,ED,LN) :- elemdecl(ED, _SCD, LN, _NS, _Level, _Properties). elemdecl_property(level,ED,SCD) :- elemdecl(ED, SCD, _LN, _NS, _Level, _Properties). elemdecl_property(Prop,ED,Val) :- Prop \= scd, Prop \= local_name, Prop \= namespace, Prop \= level, elemdecl(ED, _SCD, _LN, _NS, _Level, Properties), Att =.. [Prop, Val], Properties ^^ Att.
simpletype(TypeID, SCD, TypeName, TargetNS, LocalGlobal [ (id(TypeID)), (scd(SCD)), (anonymous(true|false)), (name(TypeName)), (target_namespace(TargetNS)), (variety( atomic|list|union )), (primitive_type_definition( TypeID_P )), (item_type_definition( TypeID_I )), (member_type_definitions([ TypeID_M, TypeID_M2, ... ])), (facets(ListOfFacets)), (fundamental_facets(ListOfFundamentals)), (base_type_definition(t_xsd_anySimpleType)), (final([restriction, list, union])), (annotation(keyword(absent))) ]).
length(value(V), fixed(Bool), annotation()), minLength(value(V), fixed(Bool), annotation()), maxLength(value(V), fixed(Bool), annotation()), pattern(value(V), annotation(), dctg_rule()), enumeration(value([Vs]), annotation()), whiteSpace( value(preserve|replace|collapse), fixed(Bool), annotation()), maxInclusive(value(V), fixed(Bool), annotation()), maxExclusive(value(V), fixed(Bool), annotation()), minInclusive(value(V), fixed(Bool), annotation()), minExclusive(value(V), fixed(Bool), annotation()), totalDigits(value(V), fixed(Bool), annotation()), fractionDigits(value(V), fixed(Bool), annotation())
ordered(false|partial|total), bounded(true|false), cardinality(finite|countable), numeric(true|false)
{Simple type: SKU (2L) 297} {Simple type for quantities (2L) 302}
{Simple type: anySimpleType (2L) 290} {Simple type: string (2L) 293} {Simple type: normalizedString (2L) 294} {Simple type: token (2L) 295} {Simple type: NMTOKEN (2L) 296} {Simple type: decimal (2L) 298} {Simple type: integer (2L) 299} {Simple type: non-negative integer (2L) 300} {Simple type: positive integer (2L) 301} {Simple type: date (2L) 303} {Simple type: integer (2L) 299} {Simple type definition for QName (2L) 304} {Simple type definitions for anyURI and list of anyURI (2L) 305} {Simple type definition for boolean (2L) 306}
simpletype(t_xsd_anySimpleType, 'simpleType(anySimpleType)', anySimpleType, '', global, [ (id(t_xsd_anySimpleType)), (scd('simpleType(xsd:anySimpleType)')), (anonymous(true)), (name(anySimpleType)), (target_namespace('')), (base_type_definition(t_xsd_anyType)), (facets([])), (final([])), (variety(keyword(absent))), (primitive_type_definition(keyword(absent))), (item_type_definition(keyword(absent))), (member_type_definitions(keyword(absent))), (annotation(keyword(absent))) ]).
complextype(t_xsd_anyType, '/complexType(xsd:anyType)', 'anyType', '', global, [ (id(t_xsd_anyType)), (scd('/complexType(xsd:anyType)')), (anonymous(false)), (name('anyType')), (target_namespace('')), (base_type_definition(keyword(absent))), /* perhaps the base type definition should be t_xsd_anyType */ (derivation_method(keyword(absent))), (final([])), (abstract(false)), (attribute_uses([ au(required(false), attdecl(a_xsd_anyType_), value_constraint(keyword(absent))) ])), (attribute_wildcard(keyword(absent))), (content_type(c_model(content_t_xsd_anyType,mixed))), (prohibited_substitutions([])), (annotations(keyword(absent))) ]).
attdecl(a_xsd_anyType_, '/complexType(xsd:anyType)/anyAttribute()', 'keyword(any)', '', local, [ (name(partNum)), (target_namespace('')), (type_definition(t_SKU)), (scope(t_e_item_t_Items)), (value_constraint(keyword(absent))), (annotation(keyword(absent))) ]).
simpletype(t_xsd_string, '/simpleType(xsd:string)', string, '', global, [ (id(t_xsd_string)), (scd('/simpleType(xsd:string)')), (anonymous(false)), (name(string)), (target_namespace('')), (variety(atomic)), (primitive_type_definition( t_xsd_string )), (item_type_definition( keyword(absent) )), (member_type_definitions([])), (facets([ whiteSpace(value(preserve), fixed(false), annotation(keyword(absent))) ])), (fundamental_facets([ ordered(false), bounded(false), cardinality(countable), numeric(false) ])), (base_type_definition(t_xsd_anySimpleType)), (final([])), (annotation(keyword(absent))) /* This is not true: like all builtins, string does have * annotation in the schema for schemas. But I don't have * any particular use for it, so I'm omitting it for now. */ ]).
simpletype(t_xsd_normalizedString, '/simpleType(xsd:normalizedString)', normalizedString, '', global, [ (id(t_xsd_normalizedString)), (scd('/simpleType(xsd:normalizedString)')), (anonymous(false)), (name(normalizedString)), (target_namespace('')), (variety(atomic)), (primitive_type_definition( t_xsd_string )), (item_type_definition( keyword(absent) )), (member_type_definitions([])), (facets([ whiteSpace(value(replace), fixed(false), annotation(keyword(absent))) ])), (fundamental_facets([ ordered(false), bounded(false), cardinality(countable), numeric(false) ])), (base_type_definition(t_xsd_string)), (final([])), (annotation(keyword(absent))) ]).
simpletype(t_xsd_token, '/simpleType(xsd:token)', token, '', global, [ (id(t_xsd_token)), (scd('/simpleType(xsd:token)')), (anonymous(false)), (name(token)), (target_namespace('')), (variety(atomic)), (primitive_type_definition( t_xsd_string )), (item_type_definition( keyword(absent) )), (member_type_definitions([])), (facets([ whiteSpace(value(collapse), fixed(false), annotation(keyword(absent))) ])), (fundamental_facets([ ordered(false), bounded(false), cardinality(countable), numeric(false) ])), (base_type_definition(t_xsd_normalizedString)), (final([])), (annotation(keyword(absent))) ]).
simpletype(t_xsd_NMTOKEN, '/simpleType(xsd:NMTOKEN)', 'NMTOKEN', '', global, [ (id(t_xsd_NMTOKEN)), (scd('/simpleType(xsd:NMTOKEN)')), (anonymous(false)), (name('NMTOKEN')), (target_namespace('')), (variety(atomic)), (primitive_type_definition( t_xsd_string )), (item_type_definition( keyword(absent) )), (member_type_definitions([])), (facets([ whiteSpace(value(collapse), fixed(false), annotation(keyword(absent))), pattern(value('\c+'), annotation(keyword(absent)), dctg_rule(t_xsd_string)) /* actually, the pattern does have annotation, but I have * no use for it at the moment */ ])), (fundamental_facets([ ordered(false), bounded(false), cardinality(countable), numeric(false) ])), (base_type_definition(t_xsd_token)), (final([])), (annotation(keyword(absent))) ]).
simpletype(t_SKU, 'simpleType(po:SKU)', 'SKU', '', global, [ (id(t_SKU)), (scd('simpleType(po:SKU)')), (anonymous(false)), (name('SKU')), (target_namespace('')), (variety(atomic)), (primitive_type_definition(t_xsd_string)), (item_type_definition(keyword(absent))), (member_type_definitions([])), (facets([ whiteSpace(value(preserve), fixed(false), annotation(keyword(absent))), pattern(value('\d{3}-[A-Z]{2}'), annotation(keyword(absent)), dctg_rule(t_SKU)) ])), (fundamental_facets([ ordered(false), bounded(false), cardinality(countable), numeric(false) ])), (base_type_definition(t_xsd_string)), (final([])), (annotation(keyword(absent))) ]).
simpletype(t_xsd_decimal, 'simpleType(xsd:decimal)', decimal, '', global, [ (id(t_xsd_decimal)), (scd('simpleType(xsd:decimal)')), (anonymous(false)), (name(decimal)), (target_namespace('')), (variety(atomic)), (primitive_type_definition(t_xsd_decimal)), (item_type_definition(keyword(absent))), (member_type_definitions([])), (facets([ whiteSpace(value(collapse), fixed(true), annotation(keyword(absent))) ])), (fundamental_facets([ ordered(total), bounded(false), cardinality(countable), numeric(true) ])), (base_type_definition(t_xsd_anySimpleType)), (final([])), (annotation(keyword(absent))) ]).
simpletype(t_xsd_integer, 'simpleType(xsd:integer)', integer, '', global, [ (id(t_xsd_integer)), (scd('simpleType(xsd:integer)')), (anonymous(false)), (name(integer)), (target_namespace('')), (variety(atomic)), (primitive_type_definition(t_xsd_decimal)), (item_type_definition(keyword(absent))), (member_type_definitions([])), (facets([ whiteSpace(value(collapse), fixed(true), annotation(keyword(absent))), fractionDigits(value(0), fixed(true), annotation(keyword(absent))) ])), (fundamental_facets([ ordered(total), bounded(false), cardinality(countable), numeric(true) ])), (base_type_definition(t_xsd_decimal)), (final([])), (annotation(keyword(absent))) ]).
simpletype(t_xsd_nonNegativeInteger, 'simpleType(xsd:nonNegativeInteger)', nonNegativeInteger, '', global, [ (id(t_xsd_nonNegativeInteger)), (scd('simpleType(xsd:nonNegativeInteger)')), (anonymous(false)), (name(nonNegativeInteger)), (target_namespace('')), (variety(atomic)), (primitive_type_definition(t_xsd_decimal)), (item_type_definition(keyword(absent))), (member_type_definitions([])), (facets([ whiteSpace(value(collapse), fixed(true), annotation(keyword(absent))), fractionDigits(value(0), fixed(true), annotation(keyword(absent))), minInclusive(value(0), fixed(false), annotation(keyword(absent))) ])), (fundamental_facets([ ordered(total), bounded(false), cardinality(countable), numeric(true) ])), (base_type_definition(t_xsd_integer)), (final([])), (annotation(keyword(absent))) ]).
simpletype(t_xsd_positiveInteger, 'simpleType(xsd:positiveInteger)', positiveInteger, '', global, [ (id(t_xsd_positiveInteger)), (scd('simpleType(xsd:positiveInteger)')), (anonymous(false)), (name(positiveInteger)), (target_namespace('')), (variety(atomic)), (primitive_type_definition(t_xsd_decimal)), (item_type_definition(keyword(absent))), (member_type_definitions([])), (facets([ whiteSpace(value(collapse), fixed(true), annotation(keyword(absent))), fractionDigits(value(0), fixed(true), annotation(keyword(absent))), minInclusive(value(1), fixed(false), annotation(keyword(absent))) ])), (fundamental_facets([ ordered(total), bounded(false), cardinality(countable), numeric(true) ])), (base_type_definition(t_xsd_nonNegativeInteger)), (final([])), (annotation(keyword(absent))) ]).
simpletype(t_e_quantity_t_e_item_t_Items, '/complexType(po:Items)/sequence()/element(item)/complexType()/sequence()/element(quantity)/simpleType()', t_e_quantity_t_e_item_t_Items, '', local, [ (id(t_e_quantity_t_e_item_t_Items)), (scd('/complexType(po:Items)/sequence()/element(item)/complexType()/sequence()/element(quantity)/simpleType()')), (anonymous(true)), (name(t_e_quantity_t_e_item_t_Items)), (target_namespace('')), (variety(atomic)), (primitive_type_definition(t_xsd_decimal)), (item_type_definition(keyword(absent))), (member_type_definitions(keyword(absent))), (facets([ /* from decimal */ whiteSpace( value(collapse), fixed(true), annotation(keyword(absent))), /* from integer */ fractionDigits(value(0), fixed(true), annotation(keyword(absent))), /* from nonnegativeInteger, later overridden */ /* minInclusive(value(0), fixed(false), annotation(keyword(absent))), */ /* from positiveInteger */ minInclusive(value(1), fixed(false), annotation(keyword(absent))), /* from final derivation step for quantity */ maxExclusive(value(100), fixed(false), annotation(keyword(absent))) ])), (fundamental_facets([ ordered(total), bounded(true), cardinality(finite), numeric(true) ])), (base_type_definition(t_xsd_positiveInteger)), (final([])), (annotation(keyword(absent))) ]).
simpletype(t_xsd_date, 'simpleType(xsd:date)', date, '', global, [ (id(t_xsd_date)), (scd('simpleType(xsd:date)')), (anonymous(false)), (name(date)), (target_namespace('')), (variety(atomic)), (primitive_type_definition(t_xsd_date)), (item_type_definition(keyword(absent))), (member_type_definitions([])), (facets([ whiteSpace(value(collapse), fixed(true), annotation(keyword(absent))) ])), (fundamental_facets([ ordered(partial), bounded(false), cardinality(countable), numeric(false) ])), (base_type_definition(t_xsd_anySimpleType)), (final([])), (annotation(keyword(absent))) ]).
simpletype(t_xsd_QName, '/simpleType(xsd:QName)', QName, '', global, [ (id(t_xsd_QName)), (scd('/simpleType(xsd:QName)')), (anonymous(false)), (name(QName)), (target_namespace('')), (variety(atomic)), (primitive_type_definition(t_xsd_QName)), (item_type_definition(keyword(absent))), (member_type_definitions([])), (facets([ whiteSpace(value(collapse), fixed(true), annotation(keyword(absent))) ])), (fundamental_facets([ ordered(false), bounded(false), cardinality(countable), numeric(false) ])), (base_type_definition(t_xsd_anySimpleType)), (final([])), (annotation(keyword(absent))) ]).
simpletype(t_xsd_anyURI, '/simpleType(xsd:anyURI)', anyURI, '', global, [ (id(t_xsd_anyURI)), (scd('/simpleType(xsd:anyURI)')), (anonymous(false)), (name(anyURI)), (target_namespace('')), (variety(atomic)), (primitive_type_definition(t_xsd_anyURI)), (item_type_definition(keyword(absent))), (member_type_definitions([])), (facets([ whiteSpace(value(collapse), fixed(true), annotation(keyword(absent))) ])), (fundamental_facets([ ordered(false), bounded(false), cardinality(countable), numeric(false) ])), (base_type_definition(t_xsd_anySimpleType)), (final([])), (annotation(keyword(absent))) ]). /* the anonymous type associated with schemaLocation */ simpletype(t_xsd_list_anyURI, '/attribute(xsi:schemaLocation)/simpleType(*)', '', '', local, [ (id(t_xsd_list_anyURI)), (scd('/simpleType(xsd:anyURI)')), (anonymous(true)), (name(keyword(absent))), (target_namespace('')), (variety(list)), (primitive_type_definition(t_xsd_anySimpleType)), (item_type_definition(t_xsd_anyURI)), (member_type_definitions([])), (facets([])), (fundamental_facets([ ordered(false), bounded(false), cardinality(countable), numeric(false) ])), (base_type_definition(t_xsd_anySimpleType)), (final([])), (annotation(keyword(absent))) ]).
simpletype(t_xsd_boolean, '/simpleType(xsd:boolean)', boolean, '', global, [ (id(t_xsd_boolean)), (scd('/simpleType(xsd:boolean)')), (anonymous(false)), (name(boolean)), (target_namespace('')), (variety(atomic)), (primitive_type_definition(t_xsd_boolean)), (item_type_definition(keyword(absent))), (member_type_definitions([])), (facets([ whiteSpace(value(collapse), fixed(true), annotation(keyword(absent))) ])), (fundamental_facets([ ordered(false), bounded(false), cardinality(finite), numeric(false) ])), (base_type_definition(t_xsd_anySimpleType)), (final([])), (annotation(keyword(absent))) ]).
complextype(TYPEID, SCD, Local_name, Target_namespace, Scope, [ (id(TYPEID)), (scd(SCD)), (anonymous(Boolean)), (name(Local_name)), (target_namespace(Target_namespace)), (base_type_definition(BASE_TYPEID)), (derivation_method(DerivationKW)), (final(FinalKWList)), (abstract(Boolean)), (attribute_uses([ au(RQ,AC,VC), ... ])), (attribute_wildcard(Wildcard)), (content_type(ContentType)), (prohibited_substitutions(ListProhibitedKW)), (annotations(InfosetOrAbsent)) ]).
complextype(t_PurchaseOrderType, '/complexType(po:PurchaseOrderType)', 'PurchaseOrderType', '', global, [ (id(t_PurchaseOrderType)), (scd('/complexType(po:PurchaseOrderType)')), (anonymous(false)), (name('PurchaseOrderType')), (target_namespace('')), (base_type_definition(t_xsd_anyType)), (derivation_method(restriction)), (final([])), (abstract(false)), (attribute_uses([ au(required(false), attdecl(a_orderDate_t_PurchaseOrderType), value_constraint(keyword(absent))) ])), (attribute_wildcard(keyword(absent))), (content_type(c(content_t_PurchaseOrderType,element-only))), (prohibited_substitutions([])), (annotations(keyword(absent))) ]).
attdecl(a_orderDate_t_PurchaseOrderType, '/complexType(po:PurchaseOrderType)/attribute(orderDate)', orderDate, '', local, [ (name(orderDate)), (target_namespace('')), (type_definition(t_xsd_date)), (scope(t_PurchaseOrderType)), (value_constraint(keyword(absent))), (annotation(keyword(absent))) ]).
/* Complex type definitions */ {anyType (2L) 291} {Complex type: t_PurchaseOrderType (2L) 307} {Complex type: t_USAddress (2L) 310} {Complex type: t_Items (2L) 312} {Complex type: t_e_item_t_Items (2L) 313} /* Attribute declarations */ {Attribute wildcard for anyType (2L) 292} {Address attributes (2L) 311} {Address attributes (2L) 314} {Purchase order attributes (2L) 308}
complextype(t_USAddress,'/complexType(po:USAddress)', 'USAddress', '', global, [ (id(t_USAddress)), (scd('/complexType(po:USAddress)')), (anonymous(false)), (name('USAddress')), (target_namespace('')), (base_type_definition(t_xsd_anyType)), (derivation_method(restriction)), (final([])), (abstract(false)), (attribute_uses([ au(required(false), attdecl(a_country_t_USAddress), value_constraint(keyword(absent))) ])), (attribute_wildcard(keyword(absent))), (content_type(c_model(content_t_USAddress,element-only))), (prohibited_substitutions([])), (annotations(keyword(absent))) ]).
attdecl(a_country_t_USAddress, '/complexType(po:USAddress)/attribute(country)', country, '', local, [ (name(country)), (target_namespace('')), (type_definition(t_xsd_NMTOKEN)), (scope(t_USAddress)), (value_constraint(fixed('US'))), (annotation(keyword(absent))) ]).
complextype(t_Items,'/complexType(po:Items)', 'Items', '', global, [ (id(t_Items)), (scd('/complexType(po:Items)')), (anonymous(false)), (name('Items')), (target_namespace('')), (base_type_definition(t_xsd_anyType)), (derivation_method(restriction)), (final([])), (abstract(false)), (attribute_uses([])), (attribute_wildcard(keyword(absent))), (content_type(c_model(content_t_Items,element-only))), (prohibited_substitutions([])), (annotations(keyword(absent))) ]).
complextype(t_e_item_t_Items, '/complexType(po:Items)/sequence()/element(item)/complexType() ', t_e_item_t_Items, '', local, [ (id(t_e_item_t_Items)), (scd('/complexType(po:PurchaseOrderType)')), (anonymous(true)), (name('t_e_item_t_Items')), (target_namespace('')), (base_type_definition(t_xsd_anyType)), (derivation_method(restriction)), (final([])), (abstract(false)), (attribute_uses([ au(required(true), attdecl(a_partNum_t_e_item_t_Items), value_constraint(keyword(absent))) ])), (attribute_wildcard(keyword(absent))), (content_type(c_model(content_t_e_item_t_Items,element-only))), (prohibited_substitutions([])), (annotations(keyword(absent))) ]).
attdecl(a_partNum_t_e_item_t_Items, '/complexType(po:Items)/sequence()/element(item)/complexType()/attribute(partNum)', partNum, '', local, [ (name(partNum)), (target_namespace('')), (type_definition(t_SKU)), (scope(t_e_item_t_Items)), (value_constraint(keyword(absent))), (annotation(keyword(absent))) ]).
type_property(scd,TypeID,SCD) :- simpletype(TypeID, SCD, _LN, _NS, _Level, _Properties); complextype(TypeID, SCD, _LN, _NS, _Level, _Properties). type_property(local_name,TypeID,LN) :- simpletype(TypeID, _SCD, LN, _NS, _Level, _Properties); complextype(TypeID, _SCD, LN, _NS, _Level, _Properties). type_property(namespace, TypeID, NS) :- simpletype(TypeID, _SCD, _LN, NS, _Level, _Properties); complextype(TypeID, _SCD, _LN, NS, _Level, _Properties). type_property(level,TypeID,Level) :- simpletype(TypeID, _SCD, _LN, _NS, Level, _Properties); complextype(TypeID, _SCD, _LN, _NS, Level, _Properties). type_property(type,TypeID,simple) :- simpletype(TypeID, _SCD, _LN, _NS, _Level, _Properties). type_property(type,TypeID,complex) :- complextype(TypeID, _SCD, _LN, _NS, _Level, _Properties).Continued in <Fallback clause (2L) 316>
type_property(Prop,TypeID,Val) :- Prop \= scd, Prop \= local_name, Prop \= namespace, Prop \= level, Prop \= type, ( simpletype(TypeID, _SCD, _LN, _NS, _Level, Properties) ; complextype(TypeID, _SCD, _LN, _NS, _Level, Properties) ), Att =.. [Prop, Val], Properties ^^ Att.
{Options for level 2L validation 328} {Handling infoset as input (2L) 331} {Handling file as input (2L) 333} {Handling stream handle as input (2L) 334} {Handling URI as input (2L) 335} {Checking whether a list is in Anjewierden/Wielemaker form (2L) 332} {Checking whether an atom is an HTTP URL (2L) 336} {Read command-line options, produce Prolog representation (2L) 338} {Mapping from property values to numbers (2L) 342} {Overall validity message 415} {Overall validity message (2L) 416} {Reporting validation results (2L) 414} {Find root element in infoset (PV) 252} {Identify a parsed node as the validation root (PV) 208}
{Predicate sevastopol/5, main top-level predicate (2L) 327} {Predicate sevastopol/4 (2L) 326} {Predicate sevastopol/0 337} {Calculate return code from validity and validation_attempted (2L) 340} {Schema-information predicate (PV) 207}
#!/bin/bash ### sevastopol: run purchase-order validator {W3C copyright notice 87} ### 1 check argument count, usage {Check argument count, issue usage message 320} ### 2 set verbosity option {Set options for shell script 321} ### 3 invoke Prolog with the appropriate arguments {Call Prolog with the appropriate arguments 323} ### 4 say something, if we need to {Check return code, issue message if needed 324} ### 5 exit {Exit with appropriate return code 325}
if [ $# -lt 1 -o "$1" = '?' -o "$1" = '-?' ] ; then echo "sevastopol: purchase-order validator, a conforming implementation of XML Schema 1.0" echo " with a fixed schema" echo "Usage: sevastopol INPUT [OPTION ...]" echo "where " echo "INPUT is the filename or URL of the purchase order to be validated" echo "OPTION is one of the known options:" echo " --language LANG specifies what language messages should be in, one of:" echo " en, de, fr" echo " --messages MSGLVL specifies how verbose messages should be: MSGLVL is one of:" echo " verbose, terse, silent" echo " --psvi PSVI_SET specifies how much of the PSVI to write out:" echo " red no output: [validity], [validation attempted], and" echo " [error code] on validation root only, conveyed" echo " by error messages and return code" echo " yellow [validity], [validation attempted], [error code], " echo " [notation system], and [notation public]" echo " wherever applicable" echo " blue yellow, plus information about [element declaration], " echo " [attribute declaration], [type definition], " echo " [member type definition], and [schema-normalized value]" echo " wherever applicable" echo " indigo yellow, plus [nil], [type definition name], " echo " [type definition namespace], [type definition type], " echo " [type definition anonymous], [member type definition name], " echo " [member type definition namespace], " echo " [member type definition type], " echo " [member type definition anonymous], [schema-normalized value], " echo " [schema default], [schema supplied], and" echo " [schema information], wherever applicable" echo " violet everything the processor has" echo " none same as 'red'" echo " full same as 'violet'" echo " --output FILENAME specifies a file to which output should be written." echo " Default: - (i.e. standard output stream)" echo " --test specifies that test-related predicates should be loaded." echo "" echo 'The return code is (1 * validity) + (4 * validation_attempted)), where' echo "valid = 0, notKnown = 1, invalid = 2, full = 0, partial = 1, none = 2" echo "So: return code of 0 = fully validated, valid" echo " 2 = fully validated, invalid" echo " 4 = partly validated, valid" echo " 5 = partly validated, validity notKnown" echo " 6 = partly validated, invalid" echo " 9 = not validated, validity notKnown" echo "N.B. return codes of 1, 8, and 10 denote combinations of the validity" echo "and validation attempted properties which will not occur." echo "" exit fi
trigger=0 fTest=0 fVerbose='terse' lArgs="$*" until [ -z "$1" ] ; do if [ "$1" = "--messages" ] ; then fVerbose=${2:-"terse"} shift elif [ "$1" = "--test" ] ; then fTest=1 fi shift done
trigger=0 fTest=0 for i do if [ "$i" = "--messages" ] ; then trigger=1 elif [ $trigger -eq 1 ] ; then fVerbose="$i" break elif [ "$i" = "--test" ] ; then fTest=1 break else trigger=0 fi done
PROLOGDIR="/home/cmsmcq/2004/schema/dctg/Prolog" if [ $fTest -eq 0 ] ; then PROG="$PROLOGDIR/" GOAL="sevastopol" else PROG="$PROLOGDIR/" GOAL="run_test" fi pl -q -f $PROG -g $GOAL -t 'halt(13)' -- "$lArgs" ; RC=$?
### if --messages verbose, then say what the result was if [ "$fVerbose" = "verbose" ] ; then VALCODE=[$RC%4] ATTCODE=[$RC/4] case "$VALCODE" in 0 ) VALSTR="valid";; 1 ) VALSTR="notKnown";; 2 ) VALSTR="invalid";; 3 ) VALSTR="error, this value should be impossible";; esac case "$ATTCODE" in 0 ) ATTSTR="full";; 1 ) ATTSTR="partial";; 2 ) ATTSTR="none";; 3 ) ATTSTR="error, this value should be impossible";; esac echo "sevastopol: Return code $RC: [validity = $VALSTR],[validation attempted = $ATTSTR]" >&2 fi
exit $RC
sevastopol(In,Out,V,VA) :- sevastopol(In,Out,V,VA,[]).
sevastopol(In,PSVI,V,VA,Options0) :- /* handle the options */ default_sva_options(Defaults), set_sva_options(Options0,Defaults,Options), /* set up the input infoset */ in_infoset(In,Infoset,Options), infoset_root(Infoset, Root), /* validate the infoset as a purchase order element, * fall back if you have to */ ( element(e_purchaseOrder, 'element(/1)', [ns('##NONE','')], PN, [Root],[]) ; infoitem([ns('##NONE','')], PN, [Root],[]) ), anoint_root(PN,PSVI), PSVI^^validity(V), PSVI^^validation_attempted(VA), /* write the output */ report_results(V, VA, PSVI, Options).
/* Options for 2L */ default_sva_options(l2opts(en,verbose,full,'-')). option_value(language,l2opts(L,_M,_P,_O),L). option_value(messages,l2opts(_L,M,_P,_O),M). option_value(psvi, l2opts(_L,_M,P,_O),P). option_value(output, l2opts(_L,_M,_P,O),O).Continued in <Setting options (2L) 329>, <Setting options (2L) 330>
set_option_value(language(L),l2opts(_L,M,P,O), l2opts(L,M,P,O)). set_option_value(messages(M),l2opts(L,_M,P,O), l2opts(L,M,P,O)). set_option_value(psvi(P), l2opts(L,M,_P,O), l2opts(L,M,P,O)). set_option_value(output(O), l2opts(L,M,P,_O), l2opts(L,M,P,O)). set_option_value(xsitype_fallback(F), l2opts(L,M,P,O), l2opts(L,M,P,O)) :- retractall(sevastopol_global_option(xsitype_fallback,_)), assert(sevastopol_global_option(xsitype_fallback,F)).
set_sva_options([],Options,Options). set_sva_options([O|Os],Options0,Options) :- set_option_value(O, Options0, Options1), set_sva_options(Os, Options1, Options).
in_infoset([H|T],[H|T],_Options) :- wielemaker_form([H|T]).
/* a list is in Anjewierden/Wielemaker form if all of * its members are atoms, or element structures, or * entity, sdata, ndata, or pi structures */ wielemaker_form([]). wielemaker_form([H|T]) :- atom(H), wielemaker_form(T). wielemaker_form([element(_,_,_)|T]) :- wielemaker_form(T). wielemaker_form([entity(_)|T]) :- wielemaker_form(T). wielemaker_form([sdata(_)|T]) :- wielemaker_form(T). wielemaker_form([ndata(_)|T]) :- wielemaker_form(T). wielemaker_form([pi(_)|T]) :- wielemaker_form(T).
in_infoset(Filename,Infoset,_Options) :- exists_file(Filename), load_structure(Filename,Infoset,[dialect(xmlns),space(remove)]).
in_infoset(stream(Handle),Infoset,_Options) :- load_structure(stream(Handle),Infoset, [dialect(xmlns),space(remove)]).
in_infoset(URL,Infoset,_Options) :- http_url(URL), http_open(URL,Stream,[timeout(15)]), load_structure(Stream,Infoset,[dialect(xmlns),space(remove)]), close(Stream).
http_url(URL) :- parse_url(URL, Parts), member(protocol(http),Parts).
sevastopol :- cl_args_options([Input],Options), sevastopol(Input, PSVI, V, VA, Options), po_psvi_rc(PSVI, V, VA, RC), halt(RC).
cl_args_options(Args,Options) :- current_prolog_flag(argv,CLArgs), cl_args_options(_Sys,Args,Options,CLArgs,[]).Continued in <Grammar for command line (2L) 339>
cl_args_options(Sys,Args,Options) --> sys_args(Sys), ['--'], args(Args), options(Options). cl_args_options(Sys,[],[]) --> sys_args(Sys). sys_args([Arg|Args]) --> [Arg], { Arg \= '--' }, sys_args(Args). sys_args([]) --> []. args([Arg|Args]) --> [Arg], { not(atom_concat('--',_F,Arg)) }, args(Args). args([]) --> []. options([O|Os]) --> option(O), options(Os). options([]) --> []. option(O) --> [Token], args(Args), { atom_concat('--',Functor,Token), O =.. [Functor | Args] }.
po_psvi_rc(PSVI, V, VA, RC) :- PSVI ^^ type_definition_name('PurchaseOrderType'), PSVI ^^ type_definition_namespace(''), validity_rc(V,IntV), validation_attempted_rc(VA,IntVA), RC is (4 * IntVA + IntV).Continued in <Calculate return code from validity and validation_attempted (2L) 341>
/* If the element was not validated against PurchaseOrderType, * then it's partially validated and invalid, for our purposes. * 6 = 4 (partially validated) + 2 (invalid). */ po_psvi_rc(PSVI, _V, _VA, 6) :- not((PSVI ^^ type_definition_name('PurchaseOrderType'), PSVI ^^ type_definition_namespace(''))).
/* Numeric equivalents for validity and validation-attempted * properties, for use in calculating return code */ validity_rc(valid,0). validity_rc(notKnown,1). validity_rc(invalid,2). validation_attempted_rc(full,0). validation_attempted_rc(partial,1). validation_attempted_rc(none,2).
element(ED_declared, VRoot, Lnsb0) ::= [element(GI, Lras, Lre)], { eii_match_decl_decl(GI,ED_declared,ED), inscope_namespaces(Lnsb0, Lras, Lnsb), sva_elemdecl_eii(ED,element(GI,Lras,Lre),Lnsb,Type,Lerr0), once(sva_type_atts(Type,Lras,VRoot,Lpa,Lpna,Lerr1)), sva_type_content(Type,VRoot,Lnsb,Lre,Lpe,Lerr2) } <:> local_name(Localname) ::- name_parts(GI,_,Localname) && namespace_name(Namespace) ::- name_parts(GI,Namespace,_) && type_definition_anonymous(TD_anon) ::- type_property(anonymous,Type,TD_anon) && type_definition_namespace(TD_ns) ::- type_property(target_namespace,Type,TD_ns) && type_definition_name(TD_ln) ::- type_property(name,Type,TD_ln) && type_definition_type(TD_type) ::- type_property(type,Type,TD_type) && info_item(element) && attributes(Lpa) && namespace_attributes(Lpna) && inscope_namespaces(Lnsb) && children(Lpe) && schema_error_code(Lerr) ::- flatten([Lerr0,Lerr1,Lerr2],Lerr) && validity(V) ::- calc_validity(Lerr0,Lerr1,Lerr2,Lpa,Lpe,V) && nil(false) && validation_context(VRoot) && validation_attempted(VA) ::- ( type_property(type,Type,complex) -> calc_validation_attempted(Lpa,Lpe,VA) ; type_property(type,Type,simple) -> VA = 'full' ; Type = kw(absent) -> VA = 'partial' ) .
eii_match_decl_decl(GI,ED,ED) :- name_parts(GI,NS,LN), elemdecl_property(namespace,ED,NS), elemdecl_property(local_name,ED,LN).
sva_elemdecl_eii(Elemid,element(_GI, Lras,_Lre), Lnsb, TypeID, Lerr) :- {Check for xsi:nil attribute, validate (2L) 346}, {Check for xsi:type attribute, validate (2L) 347}.
( member('': nil=_Value, Lras) -> Lerr0 = [error('cvc-elt.3.1', 'xsi:nil attribute not allowed: element not nillable', [element(Elemid), atts(Lras)])] ; Lerr0 = [])
( member( '': type=QN_LocalType,Lras) -> {Validate xsi:type, fall back if needed (2L) 348} ; Lerr1 = [], elemdecl_property(type_definition,Elemid,TypeID) ), append(Lerr0,Lerr1,Lerr)
sva_xsitype(Elemid, QN_LocalType, Lnsb, TypeID0, Lerr1), ( Lerr1 = [] -> TypeID = TypeID0 ; xsitype_fallback(Elemid,TypeID) )
xsitype_fallback(Elemid,Typeid) :- ( sevastopol_global_option(xsitype_fallback,true), elemdecl_property(type_definition,Elemid,Typeid) -> true ; Typeid = kw(absent) ).
/* Information about element/type bindings * (temporary location: move this to some more * appropriate location to be identified) */ elem_type(Eid,Tid) :- elemdecl_property(type_definition,Eid,Tid).
/* sva_xsitype(+Elemid, +QN_LocalType, +Lnsb, -TypeID, -Lerr): true if Lerr is the list of errors involved if QN_LocalType is the value of an xsi:type attribute on an element of type Elemid, with Lnsb the list of active namespace bindings. */ sva_xsitype(Elemid, QN_LocalType, Lnsb, Typeid, Lerr) :- /* First, check that it's a legal QName */ ( sva_type_plf(t_xsd_QName,QN_LocalType,LF,PN,Lerr0) -> {Check return from QName check (PV) 190} ; Lerr = [error('cvc-elt.4.1', 'xsi:type attribute should have a legal QName as its value', [element(Elemid),localtype(QN_LocalType), trace('sva_plf_t_xsd_QName did not return')])]).
/* sva_xsitype_resolve(+PN, +Lnsb, -Typeid, -Lerr): true iff the parsed QName PN resolves, in the context of the current list of namespace bindings Lnsb and the current schema, to type Typeid, or else we get the errors in Lerr. */ sva_xsitype_resolve(PN, Lnsb, Typeid, Lerr) :- qname_expand(PN, Lnsb, expqname(NS,LName,_Prefix), Lerr0), ( ( simpletype(Typeid, _SCD, LName, NS, _Local, _Props) ; complextype(Typeid, _SCD, LName, NS, _Local, _Props) ) -> Lerr = Lerr0 ; Lerr = [error(l2_sva_xsitype_resolve, 'expanded name does not map to a type', [ns(NS), ln(LName)]) | Lerr0] ).
type_base(T1,T2) :- type_property(base_type_definition,T1,T2).
sva_type_content(Tid,_VR,_Lnsb,Lre,Lpe,Lerr) :- type_property(type,Tid,simple), sva_type_plf(Tid,Lre,Lpe,_PN,Lerr). {Type-specific type_value constraints for built-ins (2L) 372}
/* Schema-specific rules for sva_content_TYPEID predicates * used to be here. Replaced by single generic rule * for sva_type_content(Typeid,VR,Lnsb,Lre,Lpe,Lerr). */ {Type-specific type_value constraints (2L) 369}
sva_type_plf(Tid,PLF,LF,PN,Lerr) :- ( aelist_chars(PLF,Lch,Lerr0) -> {Check return code from aelist_chars, if OK do wlv checks (2L) 361} ; Lerr = [error('sva_type_plf.1','aelist_chars failed', [type(Tid), ce([])])], PN = 'unparsed', LF = []).
( Lerr0 = [] -> {Get whitespace keyword, normalize pre-lexical form (2L) 362} ; Lerr = [error('sva_type_plf.2','aelist_chars failed', [type(Tid), ce(Lerr0)])], PN = 'unparsed', LF = [])
( ( ( type_property(facets,Tid,Lfacets), Lfacets ^^ whiteSpace(value(KwWS),fixed(_),annotation(_)) ) ; KwWS = 'preserve' ) -> {Perform whitespace normalization on pre-lexical form (2L) 363} ; Lerr = [error('sva_type_plf.3','unable to extract value of whitespace facet', [type(Tid), ce([])])], PN = 'unparsed', LF = [])
( ws_normalize(KwWS,Lch,LF,Lerr1) -> {Check return code from ws_normalize, if OK do lv checks (2L) 364} ; Lerr = [error('sva_type_plf.4','white-space normalization failed (cannot happen)', [type(Tid), ce([]), kw(KwWS), lch(Lch)])], PN = 'unparsed', LF = [])
( Lerr1 = [] -> {Check lexical form and value (2L) 365} ; Lerr = [error('sva_type_plf.5','white space normalization raised error', [type(Tid), ce(Lerr1), kw(KwWS), lch(Lch), lf(LF)])], PN = 'unparsed')
( type_lexform(Tid,PN,LF,[]) -> {Check return from type_lexform for errors, if OK do value checks (2L) 366} ; Lerr = [error('cvs-datatype-valid.1','bad lexical form, grammar did not return', [type(Tid), ce([]), lf(LF)])], PN = 'unparsed')
( PN ^^ errors(Lerr2), Lerr2 = [] -> {Check value constraints (2L) 367} ; Lerr = [error('cvs-datatype-valid.1','lexical form parsed with errors', [type(Tid), ce(Lerr2), lf(LF)])])
( type_value(Tid,PN,Lerr3) -> {Check return code from type_value (2L) 368} ; Lerr = [error('sva_type_plf.6','failure while checking value constraints', [type(Tid), ce([])])])
( Lerr3 = [] -> Lerr = [] ; Lerr = error('cvc-datatype-valid.2','failure to satisfy value constraints', [type(Tid), ce(Lerr3)]))
/* value constraints for SKU */ type_value(t_SKU,_PN,[]).Continued in <Checking quantity values (2L) 370>
/* value constraints for quantities */ type_value(t_e_quantity_t_e_item_t_Items,PN,Lerr) :- PN ^^ value(V), ( V >= 1 -> {Checking quantity value against max (2L) 371} ; Lerr = [error('cvc-minInclusive-valid', 'Value too small', [minInclusive(1), value(V), type(t_e_quantity_t_e_item_t_Items)])]).
( V < 100 -> Lerr = [] ; Lerr = [error('cvc-maxExclusive-valid', 'Value too large', [maxExclusive(100), value(V), type(t_e_quantity_t_e_item_t_Items)])])
type_value(t_xsd_string,_PN,[]). type_value(t_xsd_decimal,_PN,[]). type_value(t_xsd_date,PN,Lerr) :- date_ok(PN,Lerr). type_value(t_xsd_QName,_PN,[]). type_value(t_xsd_NMTOKEN,_PN,[]). type_value(t_xsd_anyURI,_PN,[]). type_value(t_xsd_list_anyURI,_PN,[]). type_value(t_xsd_boolean,_PN,[]).
type_facet_value(Fname,Tid,Fvalue) :- type_property(facets,Tid,Lfacets), Att =.. [Fname | Fargs], Lfacets ^^ Att, member(value(Fvalue, Fargs)).
/* DCTG rules for lexical forms of built-in types. */ {Lexical form of string (L2) 377} {Lexical form for NMTOKEN (2L) 378} {Lexical form of decimal (2L) 379} {Lexical form for dates (2L) 381} {Lexical form for QNames (2L) 382} {Lexical form of anyURI (L2) 383} {Lexical form for list_anyURI (2L) 384} {Lexical form for boolean (2L) 385} {Checking date values (PV) 134}
/* Schema-specific PLF rules used to be here; replaced by * single generic rule sva_type_plf/4. */ {Lexical form for SKU (2L) 387} {Lexical form for quantity type (2L) 386}
:- multifile type_lexform/4. type_lexform(t_xsd_string) ::= [] <:> errors([]) && value([]). type_lexform(t_xsd_string) ::= [Code], type_lexform(t_xsd_string)^^R, { ( atom_chars(Code,[Code]) -> Lerr0 = [] ; not(integer(Code)) -> Lerr0 = [error(pv_string1, 'Non-integer, non-character code point found', [code(Code)])] ; Code > 1114112 -> Lerr0 = [error(pv_string2, 'Code point too large', [code(Code)])] ; Code < 0 -> Lerr0 = [error(pv_string3, 'Code point negative', [code(Code)])] ; Code =:= 0 -> Lerr0 = [error(pv_string4, 'NUL character not legal in XML', [])] ; Lerr0 = [] ) } <:> errors(Lerr) ::- R ^^ errors(Lerr1), append(Lerr0,Lerr1, Lerr) && value(S) ::- R ^^ value(S0), (Lerr0 = [] -> S = [Code | S0] ; S = S0) .
type_lexform(t_xsd_NMTOKEN) ::= name_char^^C, other_name_chars^^Tail <:> value(V) ::- C^^value(Vc), Tail^^value(Vt), append(Vc,Vt,V) && errors([]) .
type_lexform(t_xsd_decimal) ::= type_lexform(t_xsd_integer)^^I, fractionalpart^^F <:> lexval(LV) ::- I^^lexval(LVi), F^^lexval(LVf), append(LVi,LVf,LV) && value(V) ::- I^^value(Vi), F^^value(Vf), /* if sign is negative, subtract Vf, * else add */ (I^^lexval(['-'|_]) -> V is Vi - Vf ; V is Vi + Vf) && errors(Lerr) ::- I^^errors(Lerr0), F^^errors(Lerr1), append(Lerr0,Lerr1,Lerr). {Lexical form of integer (2L) 380} {Grammar for fractional part of decimal (PV) 114}
type_lexform(t_xsd_integer) ::= opt_sign^^S, digits^^D, { S ^^ lexval(Sign), D ^^ lexval(LVd) } <:> lexval([Sign | LVd]) && value(V) ::- Sign = '+', length(LVd, S0), Scale is S0 - 1, D^^value(Scale,V) /* N.B. Scale is passed in as parameter to help * determine value. */ && value(Vn) ::- Sign = '-', length(LVd, S0), Scale is S0 - 1, D^^value(Scale,V0), Vn is 0 - V0 && errors(Lerr) ::- S^^errors(Lerrs), D^^errors(Lerrd), append(Lerrs,Lerrd,Lerr).
type_lexform(t_xsd_date) ::= year^^Y, hyphen, month^^M, hyphen, day^^D <:> errors(Lerr) ::- Y^^errors(Lerr1), M^^errors(Lerr2), D^^errors(Lerr3), flatten([Lerr1,Lerr2,Lerr3],Lerr) && year(YV) ::- Y^^value(YV) && month(MV) ::- M^^value(MV) && day(DV) ::- D^^value(DV) {Calculating a date value (PV) 133} . {Lexical form for year (PV) 128}
/* do an eager match first: use the colon if it's there */ type_lexform(t_xsd_QName) ::= type_lexform(t_xsd_NCName)^^P, colon, type_lexform(t_xsd_NCName)^^L <:> errors(Lerr) ::- P^^errors(Lerr1), L^^errors(Lerr2), flatten([Lerr1,Lerr2],Lerr) && prefix(Prefix) ::- P^^value(LcPrefix), atom_chars(Prefix,LcPrefix) && local_name(LName) ::- L^^value(LcLName), atom_chars(LName,LcLName) . /* if there is no colon, fall back to this. */ type_lexform(t_xsd_QName) ::= type_lexform(t_xsd_NCName)^^L <:> errors(Lerr) ::- L^^errors(Lerr) && prefix('') && local_name(LName) ::- L^^value(LName) . type_lexform(t_xsd_NCName) ::= namestart_char^^C, other_name_chars^^Tail <:> value(V) ::- C^^value(Vc), Tail^^value(Vt), append(Vc,Vt,V) && errors([]) . colon ::= [':']. namestart_char ::= [Char], { namestart_char(Char) } <:> value([Char]). name_char ::= [Char], { name_char(Char) } <:> value([Char]). other_name_chars ::= name_char^^C, other_name_chars^^Tail <:> value(V) ::- C^^value(Vc), Tail^^value(Vt), append(Vc,Vt,V) . other_name_chars ::= [] <:> value([]). /* Eventually, we'll do the right thing by Unicode. For now, * a quick approximation for those who really only use ASCII * anyway. */ /* namestart_char(Char) :- ( char_type(Char,csymf) ; Char = '.' ; Char = '-' ). name_char(Char) :- ( char_type(Char,csym) ; Char = '.' ; Char = '-' ). */ namestart_char('.'). namestart_char('-'). namestart_char(Char) :- char_type(Char,csymf). name_char('.'). name_char('-'). name_char(C) :- integer(C), C < 256, char_type(C,csym). name_char(Char) :- not(integer(Char)), char_type(Char,csym).
/* anyURI ::= scheme_name ':' scheme-specific ('#' hashless_string)? | random ('#' hashless_string)? */ :- use_module(po_lib('rfc2396.dctg')). type_lexform(t_xsd_anyURI) ::= rfc2396^^URI <:> errors([]) && uri(URI) . /* lexform_t_xsd_anyURI ::= [] <:> errors([]) && value([]). lexform_t_xsd_anyURI ::= [Code], lexform_t_xsd_anyURI^^R, { ( Code = '#' ( C -> Lerr0 = [] ; not(integer(Code)) -> Lerr0 = [error(pv_string1, 'Non-integer, non-character code point found', [code(Code)])] ; Code > 1114112 -> Lerr0 = [error(pv_string2, 'Code point too large', [code(Code)])] ; Code < 0 -> Lerr0 = [error(pv_string3, 'Code point negative', [code(Code)])] ; Code =:= 0 -> Lerr0 = [error(pv_string4, 'NUL character not legal in XML', [])] ; Lerr0 = [] ) } <:> errors(Lerr) ::- R ^^ errors(Lerr1), append(Lerr0,Lerr1, Lerr) && value(S) ::- R ^^ value(S0), (Lerr0 = [] -> S = [Code | S0] ; S = S0) . */
type_lexform(t_xsd_list_anyURI) ::= type_lexform(t_xsd_anyURI)^^U, continued_lexform_t_xsd_list_anyURI^^Us, { U^^uri(URI), Us^^urilist(URIs) } <:> urilist([URI|URIs]) && errors([]) . continued_lexform_t_xsd_list_anyURI ::= whitespace, type_lexform(t_xsd_list_anyURI)^^Us, { Us^^urilist(URIs) } <:> urilist(URIs). continued_lexform_t_xsd_list_anyURI ::= opt_whitespace <:> urilist([]) && errors([]). whitespace ::= ws, opt_whitespace. opt_whitespace ::= []. opt_whitespace ::= ws, opt_whitespace. ws ::= [' ']. ws ::= ['\t']. ws ::= ['\r']. ws ::= ['\n'].
type_lexform(t_xsd_boolean) ::= bool_true <:> errors([]). type_lexform(t_xsd_boolean) ::= bool_false <:> errors([]). bool_true ::= ['1']. bool_true ::= [t], [r], [u], [e]. bool_false ::= ['0']. bool_false ::= [f], [a], [l], [s], [e].
type_lexform(t_e_quantity_t_e_item_t_Items) ::= opt_plussign^^S, digits^^D, { S ^^ lexval(Sign), D ^^ lexval(LVd) } <:> lexval([Sign | LVd]) && value(V) ::- Sign = '+', length(LVd, S0), Scale is S0 - 1, D^^value(Scale,V) /* N.B. Scale is passed in as parameter to help * determine value. */ && errors(Lerr) ::- S^^errors(Es), D^^errors(Ed), append(Es,Ed,Lerr). opt_plussign ::= [] <:> lexval('+') && errors([]). opt_plussign ::= ['+'] <:> lexval('+') && errors([]).
type_lexform(t_SKU) ::= sku_decimal_part^^D, hyphen, sku_alpha_part^^A <:> errors(Lerr) ::- D^^errors(LerrD), A^^errors(LerrA), append(LerrD,LerrA,Lerr) && lexval(LV) ::- D^^lexval(LVD), A^^lexval(LVA), flatten([LVD,['-'],LVA],LV) && value(V) ::- D^^lexval(LVD), A^^lexval(LVA), flatten([LVD,['-'],LVA],V). /* Having both 'value' and 'lexval' looks rather dumb * for strings */ sku_decimal_part ::= digit^^D1, digit^^D2, digit^^D3 <:> errors(Lerr) ::- D1^^errors(Lerr1), D2^^errors(Lerr2), D3^^errors(Lerr3), flatten([Lerr1,Lerr2,Lerr3],Lerr) && lexval([LV1,LV2,LV3]) ::- D1^^lexval(LV1), D2^^lexval(LV2), D3^^lexval(LV3). sku_alpha_part ::= cap_a_z^^L1, cap_a_z^^L2 <:> errors(Lerr) ::- L1^^errors(Lerr1), L2^^errors(Lerr2), append(Lerr1,Lerr2,Lerr) && lexval([LV1,LV2]) ::- L1^^lexval(LV1), L2^^lexval(LV2). /* Since the ISO Prolog character set is ISO Latin 1, * it's not enough to call char_type(Char,upper), * we also need to check that the character is in the ASCII * range to make sure it's in the range [A-Z]. */ cap_a_z ::= [Char], { char_type(Char,upper), char_type(Char,ascii) } <:> errors([]) && lexval(Char).
sva_type_content(TYPEID,VRoot,Lnsb,Lre,Lpe,Lerrors) :- TYPEID \== kw(absent), (content(TYPEID,VRoot,Lnsb,Topnode,Lre,[]) -> Topnode ^^ children(Lpe), Lerrors = [] ; content_skip(Lnsb,Lre,Lpe,Lerrors0), content_error(Lre,TYPEID,Lerrors1), append(Lerrors0,Lerrors1,Lerrors)). /* If for some reason we don't have a type, we fall back to * content_skip. For example, if xsi:type failed to resolve */ sva_type_content(kw(absent), _VRoot, Lnsb, Lre, Lpe, Lerr) :- content_skip(Lnsb,Lre,Lpe,Lerr).
:- multifile content/6. content(t_PurchaseOrderType,VRoot,Lnsb) ::= element(e_shipTo_t_PurchaseOrderType,VRoot,Lnsb)^^S, element(e_billTo_t_PurchaseOrderType,VRoot,Lnsb)^^B, opt(e_comment,VRoot,Lnsb)^^C, element(e_items_t_PurchaseOrderType,VRoot,Lnsb)^^I {Children attribute of t_PurchaseOrder 36} . content(t_USAddress,VRoot,Lnsb) ::= element(e_name_t_USAddress,VRoot,Lnsb)^^N, element(e_street_t_USAddress,VRoot,Lnsb)^^S, element(e_city_t_USAddress,VRoot,Lnsb)^^C, element(e_state_t_USAddress,VRoot,Lnsb)^^ST, element(e_zip_t_USAddress,VRoot,Lnsb)^^Z {Children attribute of t_USAddress 33} . content(t_Items,VRoot,Lnsb) ::= star(e_item_t_Items,VRoot,Lnsb)^^L {Children attribute of content_t_Items 40} . content(t_e_item_t_Items,VRoot,Lnsb) ::= element(e_productName_t_e_item_t_Items,VRoot,Lnsb)^^PN, element(e_quantity_t_e_item_t_Items,VRoot,Lnsb)^^Q, element(e_USPrice_t_e_item_t_Items,VRoot,Lnsb)^^USP, opt(e_comment,VRoot,Lnsb)^^C, opt(e_shipDate_t_e_item_t_Items,VRoot,Lnsb)^^S {Children attribute of t_e_item_t_Items 37} .Continued in <Generic rules for optional and starred elements (2L) 390>
opt(_ELEMID,_VRoot,_Lnsb) ::= [] <:> children([]) . opt(ELEMID,VRoot,Lnsb) ::= element(ELEMID,VRoot,Lnsb)^^Elemchild <:> children([Elemchild]) . star(_ELEMID,_VRoot,_Lnsb) ::= [] <:> children([]) . star(ELEMID,VRoot,Lnsb) ::= element(ELEMID,VRoot,Lnsb)^^E, star(ELEMID,VRoot,Lnsb)^^L <:> children([E|T]) ::- L^^children(T) .
sva_type_atts(TYPEID,Lras,VRoot,Lpa,Lpna,Lerr) :- ( type_property(type,TYPEID,complex) ; TYPEID = t_xsd_anySimpleType ), lras(TYPEID,VRoot,LpaAll,Lras,[]), LpaAll^^errors(Lerr0), partition(LpaAll,LpaPres,Lpna), attocc(TYPEID,LpaPres,Lpa,Lerr1), append(Lerr0, Lerr1, Lerr). {Validating attributes against types (2L) 393}Continued in <Generic attribute rules, cont'd (2L) 394>, <Generic attribute rules, cont'd (2L) 395>
sva_type_atts(SimpleType, Lras, VRoot, Lpa, Lpna, Lerr) :- type_property(type,SimpleType,simple), once(sva_type_atts(t_xsd_anySimpleType,Lras, VRoot, Lpa, Lpna, Lerr)). /* If there is no type definition, there are not attribute * declarations. The validation required is the same as * for simple types, so we call that predicate. */ sva_type_atts(kw(absent), Lras, VRoot, Lpa, Lpna, Lerr) :- once(sva_type_atts(t_xsd_anySimpleType, Lras, VRoot, Lpa, Lpna, Lerr)).
lras(_TYPEID,_VRoot) ::= [] <:> attributes([]) && errors([]). lras(TYPEID,VRoot) ::= ras(TYPEID,VRoot)^^Pa, lras(TYPEID,VRoot)^^Lpa {Grammatical attributes for attribute-list recursion (PV) 226} . lras(TYPEID,VRoot) ::= ras(nsd,VRoot)^^Pa, lras(TYPEID,VRoot)^^Lpa {Grammatical attributes for attribute-list recursion (PV) 226} . lras(TYPEID,VRoot) ::= ras(xsi,VRoot)^^Pa, lras(TYPEID,VRoot)^^Lpa {Grammatical attributes for attribute-list recursion (PV) 226} .
:- multifile ras/5. ras(TYPEID,VRoot) ::= [Name=Value], { type_knownattributes(TYPEID,Latts), attribute_unknown(Name,Latts) } {Properties of unknown attributes (PV) 224}.
/* ras_nsd: grammatical rule for namespace-attribute * specifications */ ras(nsd,_VRoot) ::= [xmlns=DefaultNS] <:> info_item(attribute) && local_name(xmlns) && namespace_name('') && normalized_value(DefaultNS) && prefix('##NONE') && namespace(DefaultNS) && errors([]). ras(nsd,_VRoot) ::= [xmlns:Prefix=NSName] <:> info_item(attribute) && local_name(Prefix) && namespace_name('') && normalized_value(NSName) && prefix(Prefix) && namespace(NSName) && errors([]).Continued in <Grammar rules for XSI attributes (2L) 397>
/* ras_xsi: grammar rule for XSI attribute specifications */ ras(xsi,VRoot) ::= ['':type=Value], { sva_type_plf(t_xsd_QName,Value,LF,_PN,Lerr) } <:> local_name(type) && type_definition_name('QName') && type_definition_anonymous('false') {Common properties for xsi attributes (PV) 236} ras(xsi,VRoot) ::= ['':nil=Value], { sva_type_plf(t_xsd_boolean,Value,LF,_PN,Lerr) } <:> local_name(nil) && type_definition_name('boolean') && type_definition_anonymous('false') {Common properties for xsi attributes (PV) 236} ras(xsi,VRoot) ::= ['':schemaLocation=Value], { sva_type_plf(t_xsd_list_anyURI,Value,LF,_PN,Lerr) } <:> local_name(schemaLocation) && type_definition_name('t_a_schemaLocation') && type_definition_anonymous('true') {Common properties for xsi attributes (PV) 236} ras(xsi,VRoot) ::= ['':noNamespaceSchemaLocation=Value], { sva_type_plf(t_xsd_anyURI,Value,LF,_PN,Lerr) } <:> local_name(noNamespaceSchemaLocation) && type_definition_name('QName') && type_definition_anonymous('false') {Common properties for xsi attributes (PV) 236}
atts_skip(Lnsb,Lras,Lpa,Lpna) :- lras_skip(Lnsb,LpaAll,Lras,[]), partition(LpaAll,Lpa,Lpna). lras_skip(_Lnsb) ::= [] <:> attributes([]). lras_skip(Lnsb) ::= ras_skip(Lnsb)^^Pa, lras_skip(Lnsb)^^Lpa <:> attributes([Pa|L]) ::- Lpa^^attributes(L). lras_skip(Lnsb) ::= ras(nsd,Lnsb)^^Pa, lras_skip(Lnsb)^^Lpa <:> attributes([Pa|L]) ::- Lpa^^attributes(L). ras_skip(_Lnsb) ::= [Attname=Attval], { Attname \= xmlns, Attname \= xmlns:_Prefix, name_parts(Attname,NS,Local) } <:> local_name(Local) && info_item(attribute) && namespace_name(NS) && normalized_value(Attval) && validation_attempted(none) && validity(notKnown) .
type_knownattributes(t_PurchaseOrderType,[orderDate]). ras(t_PurchaseOrderType,VRoot) ::= [orderDate=Value], { sva_type_plf(t_xsd_date,Value,LF,_PN,Lerr) } {Properties for orderDate attribute (PV) 221}.Continued in <Attribute occurrences for PurchaseOrderType (2L) 400>
type_knownattributes(t_USAddress,[country]). ras(t_USAddress,VRoot) ::= [country=Value], { sva_type_plf(t_xsd_NMTOKEN,Value,LF,_PN,Lerr0), (LF = ['U', 'S'] -> Lerr = Lerr0 ; Lerr = [error('cvc-attribute.4','Value does not match fixed value', [val(Value), lf(LF), fixed('US')]) | Lerr0]) } <:> info_item(attribute) && local_name('country') && namespace_name('') && normalized_value('US') && type_definition_anonymous('false') && type_definition_namespace( '') && type_definition_name('NMTOKEN') && type_definition_type(simple) && schema_default('US') && schema_specified(infoset) && validation_attempted(full) && validity(valid) ::- Lerr = [] && validity(invalid) ::- Lerr \= [] && schema_error_code(Lerr) && schema_normalized_value(LF) && validation_context(VRoot) && errors([]) .Continued in <Attribute occurrence checking for USAddress (2L) 402>
attocc(t_USAddress,LpaPres,LpaAll,Lerr) :- CountryAtt = node( attribute(country), [], [ (info_item(attribute)), (namespace_name('')), (local_name('country')), (normalized_value('US')), (type_definition_anonymous('false')), (type_definition_namespace( '')), (type_definition_name('NMTOKEN')), (type_definition_type(simple)), (schema_default('US')), (schema_specified(schema)), (validation_attempted(full)), (validity(valid)), (schema_error_code([])), (schema_normalized_value(['U', 'S'])) ]), atts_defaulted(LpaPres,[CountryAtt],LpaAll,Lerr).
type_knownattributes(t_Items,[]). attocc(t_Items,L,L,[]).
type_knownattributes(t_e_item_t_Items,[partNum]). ras(t_e_item_t_Items,VRoot) ::= [partNum=Value], { sva_type_plf(t_SKU,Value,LF,_PN,Lerr) } <:> info_item(attribute) && local_name('partNum') && namespace_name('') && normalized_value(Value) && type_definition_anonymous('false') && type_definition_namespace( '') && type_definition_name('SKU') && type_definition_type(simple) && schema_specified(infoset) && validation_attempted(full) && validity(valid) ::- Lerr = [] && validity(invalid) ::- Lerr \= [] && schema_error_code(Lerr) && schema_normalized_value(LF) && validation_context(VRoot) && errors([]) . /* one required attribute: partNum */ attocc(t_e_item_t_Items,LpaPres,LpaAll,Lerr) :- atts_present(LpaPres,['':partNum],Lerr0), atts_absent(LpaPres,[],Lerr1), atts_defaulted(LpaPres,[],LpaAll,Lerr2), flatten([Lerr0,Lerr1,Lerr2],Lerr).
type_knownattributes(t_xsd_anySimpleType,[]). attocc(t_xsd_anySimpleType,L,L,[]).
/* Rules for validating attributes against complex types */ :- discontiguous type_knownattributes/2. :- discontiguous ras/5. :- multifile ras/5. :- discontiguous attocc/4. :- multifile attocc/4. {DCTG rules for purchase-order attributes (2L) 399} {Attribute rules for US address type (2L) 401} {Attribute handling for Items type (2L) 403} {Attribute handling for t_e_item_t_Items (2L) 404}
:- discontiguous type_knownattributes/2. :- discontiguous ras/5. :- multifile ras/5. :- discontiguous attocc/4. :- multifile attocc/4. {Generic attribute rules (2L) 392} {Attribute handling for simple types (2L) 405}
{Utilities for checking attribute occurrences (PV) 237} /* Venerable code from core layer */ {partition predicate 31}
/* load the 2L DCTG grammar and other * auxiliary material. */ {W3C copyright notice 86} ?- prolog_load_context(directory,Dir), assert(file_search_path(po_bin,Dir)). file_search_path(dctg,po_bin('..')). file_search_path(po_tests,dctg('testdata/tests')). file_search_path(po_out,dctg('testdata/tmp')). file_search_path(po_lib,dctg('lib')). ?- ensure_loaded(po_lib('')). ?- ensure_loaded(library('http/http_open')). ?- ensure_loaded(po_bin('')). ?- ensure_loaded(po_bin('')).
/* run tests on the 2L DCTG grammar */ {W3C copyright notice 86} /* Consult this file, then run * * ?- run_tests. * * Use the predicates 'good', 'bad', 'ugly' to run valid, invalid, all. * Use good(PSVI,Msglvl) etc. to control output: * PSVI = psvi | nopsvi * Msglvl = verbose | terse | silent */ ?- prolog_load_context(directory,Dir), assert(file_search_path(po_bin,Dir)). ?- ensure_loaded(po_bin('')). ?- ensure_loaded(po_bin('')). {Running one test (2L) 412} {Error reports (PV) 266} {Running one test (2L) 413}
/* run_test(File,Options): parse test File, compare result * to expectations, report discrepancies */ run_test(File) :- run_test(File,[psvi(none), messages(terse)]). run_test(File,Options0) :- /* handle the options */ default_sva_options(Defaults), set_sva_options(Options0,Defaults,Options), option_value(messages,Options,Msglvl), /* issue start message */ {Report at start of test (PV) 260}, /* run test */ potestfile(File,ExpectedRC), absolute_file_name(po_tests(File),Testfile), sevastopol(Testfile,PSVI,Valid,_VA,Options0), !, /* issue result message */ report_rc(Msglvl,ExpectedRC,Valid,File,PSVI), ! . {Report at end of test (PV) 261}
good :- good([psvi(none), messages(terse)]). bad :- bad([psvi(none), messages(terse)]). ugly :- ugly([psvi(none), messages(terse)]). good(Options) :- run_tests(valid,Options). bad(Options) :- run_tests(invalid,Options). ugly(Options) :- run_tests(valid,Options), run_tests(invalid,Options). run_tests :- ugly. run_tests(RC,Options) :- bagof(File,potestfile(File,RC),Files), member(F,Files), run_test(F,Options), fail. run_tests(_RC,_Options). make_psvis :- make_psvis([messages(terse), psvi(full)]). make_psvis(Options) :- bagof(File,potestfile(File,_RC),Files), member(Filename0,Files), /* calculate an output file name and specify it as output option */ atom_concat(Stem,'.xml',Filename0), atom_concat(Stem,'.psvi.2L.xml',Filename1), absolute_file_name(po_out(Filename1),Filename), run_test(Filename0,[output(Filename)|Options]), fail. make_psvis(_Options).
report_results(V, VA, PSVI, Options) :- report_messages(V, VA, PSVI, Options), report_psvi(PSVI, Options). report_messages(_V, _VA, _PSVI, Options) :- option_value(messages,Options,silent). report_messages(V, VA, PSVI, Options) :- option_value(messages,Options,Msglvl), Msglvl \= silent, option_value(language,Options,Lang), ( PSVI^^type_definition_name(TDN) ; TDN = '[absent]'), ( PSVI^^type_definition_namespace(TDNS) ; TDNS = '[absent]'), vmsg(Lang,Msglvl,V,VA,TDN,TDNS), inspect_and_report(PSVI,Lang,Msglvl). report_psvi(PSVI, Options) :- /* someday we'll pay more attention to Flavor, * but for now we just notice when it's 'none' */ option_value(psvi,Options,Flavor), ( Flavor = none -> true ; ( option_value(output,Options,Output), ( Output = '-' -> write_psvi(PSVI) ; ( telling(Stdout), tell(Output), write_psvi(PSVI), told, tell(Stdout), !) ) ) ). {Overall validity message (2L) 417}
vmsg(en,verbose,V,VA,TDN,TDNS) :- emsg(['The root element was validated against type {', TDNS, '}', TDN, ' with the following results: \n', '[validity] = "', V, '", [validation attempted] = "', VA, '"' ]). vmsg(en,terse,V,VA,TDN,TDNS) :- emsg(['Root was ', V, ' against {', TDNS, '}', TDN, ' (validation attempted: ', VA, ').' ]). vmsg(de,verbose,V,VA,TDN,TDNS) :- emsg(['Die Gueltigkeit des Wurzelelements wurde gegen Typ {', TDNS, '}', TDN, ' mit folgender Resultat geprueft: \n', '[validity] = "', V, '", [validation attempted] = "', VA, '"' ]). vmsg(de,terse,V,VA,TDN,TDNS) :- emsg(['Wurzelelement war ', V, ' gegen {', TDNS, '}', TDN, ' (validation attempted: ', VA, ').' ]).
emsg([H|T]) :- concat_atom([H|T],Msg), emsg(Msg). emsg(Msg) :- atom(Msg), current_stream(2, write, Stream), write(Stream,Msg), nl(Stream).
inspect_and_report(Node,Lang,Msglvl) :- ir(Node,'/1',Lang,Msglvl). ir(Node,Tumbler,Lang,Msglvl) :- /* do reports in post-order traversal */ Node ^^ attributes(LPa), ir_atts(LPa, Tumbler, Lang, Msglvl), Node ^^ children(LCh), ir(LCh, Tumbler, 0, Lang, Msglvl), ir_element(Node, Tumbler, Lang, Msglvl).Continued in <Recurring on attributes (2L) 418>, <Recurring on the children (2L) 419>, <Reporting one element (2L) 420>, <Element status message (2L) 421>, <Reporting error codes (2L) 422>, <Reporting one attribute (2L) 423>
ir_atts([], _, _, _). ir_atts([A|As], Tumbler, Lang, Msglvl) :- ir_attribute(A, Tumbler, Lang, Msglvl), ir_atts(As, Tumbler, Lang, Msglvl).
ir([], _, _, _, _). ir([N|Ns], Tumbler0, Num0, Lang, Msglvl) :- N ^^ info_item(element), integer(Num0), Num is Num0 + 1, concat_atom([Tumbler0,'/',Num], Tumbler), ir(N, Tumbler, Lang, Msglvl), ir(Ns,Tumbler0, Num, Lang, Msglvl). ir([N|Ns], Tumbler, Num, Lang, Msglvl) :- ( N ^^ info_item(textnode) ; N ^^ info_item(pi) ; atom(N) ), ir(Ns, Tumbler, Num, Lang, Msglvl).
ir_element(Node, Tumbler, Lang, Msglvl) :- Node ^^ validity(V), ( V = valid -> true ; ( ir_element_report(Lang, Msglvl, V, Tumbler, Node), ( Node ^^ schema_error_code(Lerr) -> ir_errors_report(Lerr, Lang, Msglvl, Tumbler) ; true ) ) ).
/* ir_element_report: say what's up with this one element */ /* if message level = 'silent', say nothing, otherwise ... */ ir_element_report(_L, silent, _V, _Tumbler, _Node). ir_element_report(en, verbose, invalid, Tumbler, Node) :- Node ^^ namespace_name(NS), Node ^^ local_name(LN), emsg(['Error at element(', Tumbler, '), {', NS, '}', LN]). ir_element_report(en, verbose, notKnown, Tumbler, Node) :- Node ^^ namespace_name(NS), Node ^^ local_name(LN), emsg(['Unknown validity at element(', Tumbler, '), {', NS, '}', LN]). ir_element_report(en, terse, invalid, Tumbler, _Node) :- emsg(['Error at element(', Tumbler, ')']). ir_element_report(en, terse, notKnown, _Tumbler, _Node). ir_element_report(de, verbose, invalid, Tumbler, Node) :- Node ^^ namespace_name(NS), Node ^^ local_name(LN), emsg(['Gueltigkeitsfehler in Element ', Tumbler, ', {', NS, '}', LN]). ir_element_report(de, verbose, notKnown, Tumbler, Node) :- Node ^^ namespace_name(NS), Node ^^ local_name(LN), emsg(['Unbekannte Gueltigkeit in Element ', Tumbler, ', {', NS, '}', LN]). ir_element_report(de, terse, invalid, Tumbler, _Node) :- emsg(['Fehler: element(', Tumbler, ')']). ir_element_report(de, terse, notKnown, _Tumbler, _Node).
ir_errors_report([], _, _, _). ir_errors_report([error(Code, Desc, Details)|Lerr], Lang, Msglvl, Tumbler) :- emsg([' ', Code, ': ', Desc]), (member(ce(Lerr1), Details) -> ir_errors_report(Lerr1, Lang, Msglvl, Tumbler) ; true), ir_errors_report(Lerr, Lang, Msglvl, Tumbler).
ir_attribute(A, Tumbler, Lang, Msglvl) :- A^^validity(V), ( V = valid -> true ; ( ir_attribute_report(Lang, Msglvl, V, Tumbler, A), ( A^^schema_error_code(Lerr) -> ir_errors_report(Lerr, Lang, Msglvl, Tumbler) ; true )) ). attnode_attname(Node,AN) :- Node ^^ namespace_name(NS0), Node ^^ local_name(LN), (NS0 \= '' -> concat_atom(['{',NS0,'}', LN], AN) ; AN = LN). ir_attribute_report(_L, silent, _V, _Tumbler, _Node). ir_attribute_report(en, verbose, invalid, Tumbler, Node) :- attnode_attname(Node, AN), emsg(['Error at attribute ', AN, ' of element(', Tumbler, ')']). ir_attribute_report(en, verbose, notKnown, Tumbler, Node) :- attnode_attname(Node, AN), emsg(['Unknown validity at attribute ', AN, ' of element(', Tumbler, ')']). ir_attribute_report(en, terse, invalid, Tumbler, Node) :- attnode_attname(Node, AN), emsg(['Error at element(', Tumbler, ')/@', AN]). ir_attribute_report(en, terse, notKnown, _Tumbler, _Node). ir_attribute_report(de, verbose, invalid, Tumbler, Node) :- attnode_attname(Node, AN), emsg(['Gueltigkeitsfehler im Attribut ', AN, 'vom Element ', Tumbler]). ir_attribute_report(de, verbose, notKnown, Tumbler, Node) :- attnode_attname(Node, AN), emsg(['Unbekannte Gueltigkeit im Attribute ', AN, 'vom Element ', Tumbler]). ir_attribute_report(de, terse, invalid, Tumbler, Node) :- attnode_attname(Node, AN), emsg(['Fehler: element(', Tumbler, '), Attribut ', AN]). ir_attribute_report(de, terse, notKnown, _Tumbler, _Node).
Grammar | Time to parse | |||
Test suite (75 documents) | One document | |||
DCG | 9.362 s | 125 ms | 0.277 s | 4 ms |
Core | 13.837 s | 184 ms | 0.750 s | 10 ms |
PV | 20.111 s | 268 ms | 1.760 s | 23 ms |
2L | 25.744 s | 343 ms | 2.665 s | 36 ms |
element(ED_declared, VRoot, Lnsb0) ::= [element(GI, Lras, Lre)], { eii_match_decl_decl(GI,ED_declared,ED), inscope_namespaces(Lnsb0, Lras, Lnsb), sva_elemdecl_eii(ED,element(GI,Lras,Lre),Lnsb,Type0,Lerr0), local_vs_declared(Type0,Lras,Type,Lerr1), ( Lerr1 = [] -> ( once(sva_type_atts(Type,Lras,VRoot,Lpa,Lpna,Lerr2)), sva_type_content(Type,VRoot,Lnsb,Lre,Lpe,Lerr3) ) /* if Lerr1 is not [], we do not have a good type and * cannot proceed */ ) }
wildcard(strict,NSconstraint, VRoot, Lnsb0) ::= [element(GI, Lras, Lre)], { name_parts(GI,NS,LN), ns_wildcard_match(NS,NSconstraint), elemdecl(ED_declared, _SCD, LN, NS, global, _Props), element(ED_declared, VRoot, Lnsb0, PN, [element(GI, Lras, Lre)], []) }If the predicate ns_wildcard_match does not succeed, then the wildcard does not match and the rule fails.
wildcard(strict,NSconstraint, VRoot, Lnsb0) ::= [element(GI, Lras, Lre)], { name_parts(GI,NS,LN), ns_wildcard_match(NS,NSconstraint), ( elemdecl(ED_declared, _SCD, LN, NS, global, _Props) -> element(ED_declared, VRoot, Lnsb0, PN, [element(GI, Lras, Lre)], []) ; content_lax(VRoot, Lnsb0, PN, [element(GI, Lras, Lre)], []) ) }
wildcard(strict,NSconstraint, VRoot, Lnsb0) ::= [element(GI, Lras, Lre)], { name_parts(GI,NS,LN), ns_wildcard_match(NS,NSconstraint), content_skip(VRoot, Lnsb0, PN, [element(GI, Lras, Lre)], []) }
rep(0,_Max,_ELEMID,_VRoot,_Lnsb) ::= [] <:> children([]). rep(Min,Max,ELEMID,VRoot,Lnsb) ::= { ( Max == unbounded ; Max > 0 ), decrement(Min,Newmin), decrement(Max,Newmax) } element(ELEMID,VRoot,Lnsb)^^EC, rep(Newmin,Newmax,ELEMID,VRoot,Lnsb)^^Rell <:> children([EC|ECs]) ::- Rell^^children(ECs).
element(ED_declared, VRoot, Lnsb0) ::= [element(GI, Lras, Lre)], { eii_match_decl_decl(GI,ED_declared,ED), inscope_namespaces(Lnsb0, Lras, Lnsb), sva_elemdecl_eii(ED,element(GI,Lras,Lre),Lnsb,Type,Lerr0), /* check; mixed or element-only? */ type_property(content_type(c_model(_,FlagMixEO))), once(sva_type_atts(Type,Lras,VRoot,Lpa,Lpna,Lerr1)), /* filter out child elements, check text nodes to * make sure they are whitespace only if type is * element-only */ filter_children(FlagMixEO,Lre,Lsubelements,Lerr2), sva_type_content(Type,VRoot,Lnsb,Lsubelements,Lpe0,Lerr3), /* recombine parsed children with text nodes in Lpe */ re_interleave(Lre,Lpe0,Lpe) }It might be better to avoid the need for the re_interleave predicate by moving the validation of child elements out of the element rule and invoking it separately, not on individual elements but on the list of children; it would return a list of parsed nodes interleaved with text nodes.
Abramson, Harvey. 1984. “Definite Clause Translation Grammars”. Proceedings of the 1984 International Symposium on Logic Programming, Atlantic City, New Jersey, February 6-9, 1984, pp. 233-240. (IEEE-CS 1984, ISBN 0-8186-0522-7)
Abramson, Harvey, and Veronica Dahl. 1989. Logic Grammars. Symbolic Computation AI Series. Springer-Verlag, 1989.
Abramson, Harvey, and Veronica Dahl, rev. Jocelyn Paine. 1990. DCTG: Prolog definite clause translation grammar translator. (Prolog code for translating from DCTG notation to standard Prolog. Note says syntax extended slightly by Jocelyn Paine to accept && between specifications of grammatical attributes, to minimize need for parentheses. Available from numerous AI/NLP software repositotries, including <URL:>, <URL:>, and <URL:>.)
Alblas, Henk. 1991. “Introduction to attribute grammars”. Attribute grammars, applications and systems: International Summer School SAGA, Prague, Czechoslovakia, June 4-13, 1991, Proceedings, pp. 1-15. Berlin: Springer, 1991. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 545.
Bratko, Ivan. 1990. Prolog programming for artificial intelligence. Second edition. Wokingham: Addison-Wesley. xxi, 597 pp.
Brown, Allen L., Jr., and Howard A. Blair. 1990. “A logic grammar foundation for document representation and layout”. In EP90: Proceedings of the International Conference on Electronic Publishing, Document Manipulation and Typography, ed. Richard Furuta. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990, pp. 47-64.
Brown, Allen, Matthew Fuchs, Jonathan Robie, and Philip Wadler. 2001. “XML Schema: Formal Description”. W3C Working Draft, 25 September 2001. [Cambridge, Sophia-Antipolis, and Tokyo]: World Wide Web Consortium. <URL:>
Brown, Allen L., Jr., Toshiro Wakayama, and Howard A. Blair. 1992. “A reconstruction of context-dependent document processing in SGML”. In EP92: Proceedings of Electronic Publishing, 1992, ed. C. Vanoirbeek and G. Coray. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992. Pages 1-25.
Brüggemann-Klein, Anne. 1993. Formal models in document processing. Habilitationsschrift, Freiburg i.Br., 1993. 110 pp. Available at <URL:> (Cover pages archival copy also at <URL:>).
Clocksin, W. F., and C. S. Mellish. 1984. Programming in Prolog. Second edition. Berlin: Springer, 1984.
Dershowitz, Nachum, and Edward M. Reingold. 1997. Calendrical calculations. Cambridge: CUP, 1997.
Gal, Annie, Guy Lapalme, Patrick Saint-Dizier, and Harold Somers. 1991. Prolog for natural language processing. Chichester: Wiley, 1991. xiii, 306 pp.
Gazdar, Gerald, and Chris Mellish. 1989. Natural language processing in PROLOG: An introduction to computational linguistics. Wokingham: Addison-Wesley, 1989. xv, 504 pp.
Grune, Dick, and Ceriel J. H. Jacobs. 1990. Parsing techniques: a practical guide. New York, London: Ellis Horwood, 1990. Postscript of the book is available from the first author's Web site at <URL:>
Holstege, Mary, and Asir S. Vedamuthu, ed. 2003. XML Schema: Component Designators. W3C Working Draft 09 January 2003. [Cambridge, Sophia-Antipolis, and Tokyo]: World Wide Web Consortium. <URL:>
Holstege, Mary, and Asir S. Vedamuthu, ed. 2005. XML Schema: Component Designators. W3C Working Draft 29 March 2005. [Cambridge, Sophia-Antipolis, and Tokyo]: World Wide Web Consortium. <URL:>
Knuth, D. E. 1968. “Semantics of context-free languages”. Mathematical Systems Theory 2: 127-145.
König, Esther, and Roland Seiffert. 1989. Grundkurs PROLOG für Linguisten. Tübingen: Francke. [= Uni-Taschenbücher 1525]
O'Keefe, Richard A. 1990. The Craft of Prolog. Cambridge: MIT Press.
Pereira, Fernando C. N., and Stuart M. Shieber, Prolog and natural-language analysis. CSLI lecture notes 10. Stanford: Center for the study of language and information, 1987.
Sperberg-McQueen, C. M. 2002. “ Canonical XML forms for post-schema-validation infosets: A preliminary reconnaissance”. Working paper prepared for the W3C XML Schema Working Group. 24 April 2002. <URL:>
Sperberg-McQueen, C. M. 2004a. “A brief introduction to definite clause grammars and definite clause translation grammars”. Working paper prepared for the W3C XML Schema Working Group.
Sperberg-McQueen, C. M. 2004b. “A definite-clause grammar representation of an XSD schema”. Working paper prepared for the W3C XML Schema Working Group.
Sperberg-McQueen, C. M. 2005. “Applications of Brzozowski derivatives to XML Schema processing”. Paper given at the Extreme Markup Languages 2005 conference sponsored by IDEAlliance, Montréal, August 2005. Available on the Web at <URL:>, <URL:>, and <URL:>.
Stepney, Susan. High-integrity compilation. Prentice-Hall. Available from <URL:>. Chapter 3 (Using Prolog) provides a terse introduction to DCTG notation and use.
Sterling, Leon, and Ehud Shapiro. 1994. The Art of Prolog: Advanced Programming Techniques. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.
W3C (World Wide Web Consortium). 2001a. “XML Schema Part 0: Primer”, ed. David Fallside. W3C Recommendation, 2 May 2001. [Cambridge, Sophia-Antipolis, Tokyo: W3C] <URL:>.
W3C (World Wide Web Consortium). 2001b. XML Schema Part 1: Structures, ed. Henry S. Thompson, David Beech, Murray Maloney, and Noah Mendelsohn. W3C Recommendation 2 May 2001. [Cambridge, Sophia-Antipolis, and Tokyo]: World Wide Web Consortium. <URL:>
W3C (World Wide Web Consortium). 2001c. XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes, ed. Biron, Paul V. and Ashok Malhotra. W3C Recommendation 2 May 2001. [Cambridge, Sophia-Antipolis, and Tokyo]: World Wide Web Consortium. <URL:>
Wadler, Philip. “A formal semantics of patterns in XSLT and XPath.” Markup Languages: Theory & Practice 2.2 (2000): 183-202.
Wielemaker, Jan. “SWI-Prolog SGML/XML parser: Version 1.0.14, March 2001”. <URL:>
/* coretests: simple one-item test routine for SWI Prolog * * This DCG was generated by a literate programming system; if * maintenance is necessary, make changes to the source (podctg.xml), * not to this output file. */ {W3C copyright notice 86} ?- prolog_load_context(directory,Dir), assert(file_search_path(po_bin,Dir)). /* grammar_version(KW,File) : File contains the grammar known as KW. */ grammar_version(core,po_bin('')). grammar_version(pv,po_bin('')). grammar_version('2l',po_bin('')). grammar_version(fb,po_bin('')). potestfile('po1.xml', 'valid'). potestfile('po1v10a.xml', 'valid'). potestfile('po1v25.xml', 'valid'). potestfile('po1v33.xml', 'valid'). potestfile('po1v38.xml', 'valid'). potestfile('po1v62d.xml', 'valid'). potestfile('po1v65.xml', 'valid'). potestfile('po1v79.xml', 'valid'). potestfile('po1v80.xml', 'valid'). potestfile('po1v100a.xml','valid'). potestfile('po1v100b.xml','valid'). potestfile('po1v121.xml', 'valid'). potestfile('po1v124.xml', 'valid'). potestfile('po1v128.xml', 'valid'). potestfile('po1v130.xml', 'valid'). potestfile('po1e04.xml', 'invalid'). potestfile('po1e13.xml', 'invalid'). potestfile('po1e14.xml', 'invalid'). potestfile('po1e15.xml', 'invalid'). potestfile('po1e15a.xml', 'invalid'). potestfile('po1e15b.xml', 'invalid'). potestfile('po1e15c.xml', 'invalid'). potestfile('po1e16.xml', 'invalid'). potestfile('po1e16b.xml', 'invalid'). potestfile('po1e18.xml', 'invalid'). potestfile('po1e19.xml', 'invalid'). potestfile('po1e20.xml', 'invalid'). potestfile('po1e20b.xml', 'invalid'). potestfile('po1e27.xml', 'invalid'). potestfile('po1e28.xml', 'invalid'). potestfile('po1e28b.xml', 'invalid'). potestfile('po1e30.xml', 'invalid'). potestfile('po1e31.xml', 'invalid'). potestfile('po1e32.xml', 'invalid'). potestfile('po1e35.xml', 'invalid'). potestfile('po1e36.xml', 'invalid'). potestfile('po1e41.xml', 'invalid'). potestfile('po1e42.xml', 'invalid'). potestfile('po1e43.xml', 'invalid'). potestfile('po1e44.xml', 'invalid'). potestfile('po1e46.xml', 'invalid'). potestfile('po1e47.xml', 'invalid'). potestfile('po1e48.xml', 'invalid'). potestfile('po1e50.xml', 'invalid'). potestfile('po1e51.xml', 'invalid'). potestfile('po1e52.xml', 'invalid'). potestfile('po1e55.xml', 'invalid'). potestfile('po1e56.xml', 'invalid'). potestfile('po1e62.xml', 'invalid'). potestfile('po1e62b.xml', 'invalid'). potestfile('po1e62c.xml', 'invalid'). potestfile('po1e63.xml', 'invalid'). potestfile('po1e64.xml', 'invalid'). potestfile('po1e68.xml', 'invalid'). potestfile('po1e70.xml', 'invalid'). potestfile('po1e70b.xml', 'invalid'). potestfile('po1e78.xml', 'invalid'). potestfile('po1e81.xml', 'invalid'). potestfile('po1e86.xml', 'invalid'). potestfile('po1e87.xml', 'invalid'). potestfile('po1e88.xml', 'invalid'). potestfile('po1e89.xml', 'invalid'). potestfile('po1e91.xml', 'invalid'). potestfile('po1e92.xml', 'invalid'). potestfile('po1e101a.xml', 'invalid'). potestfile('po1e101b.xml', 'invalid'). potestfile('po1e101c.xml', 'invalid'). potestfile('po1e101d.xml', 'invalid'). potestfile('po1e105bisa.xml','invalid'). potestfile('po1e105bisb.xml','invalid'). potestfile('po1e106.xml', 'invalid'). potestfile('po1e109.xml', 'invalid'). potestfile('po1e113.xml', 'invalid'). potestfile('po1e114.xml', 'invalid'). potestfile('po1e116.xml', 'invalid'). potestfile('po1e122a.xml', 'invalid'). potestfile('po1e122b.xml', 'invalid'). potestfile('po1e122c.xml', 'invalid'). potestfile('po1e125a.xml', 'invalid'). potestfile('po1e125b.xml', 'invalid'). potestfile('po1e125c.xml', 'invalid'). potestfile('po1e125d.xml', 'invalid'). potestfile('po1e125e.xml', 'invalid'). potestfile('po1e125f.xml', 'invalid'). potestfile('po1e127a.xml', 'invalid'). potestfile('po1e127b.xml', 'invalid'). potestfile('po1e129.xml', 'invalid'). potestfile('po1e131a.xml', 'invalid'). potestfile('po1e131b.xml', 'invalid'). potestfile('po1e132.xml', 'invalid').
cd ~/2003/schema/dctg $ /cygdrive/d/usr/src/pl/bin/plcon.exe -f -g 'one(current)' -t haltor
$ /cygdrive/d/usr/src/pl/bin/plcon.exe \ > -f d:/home/cmsmcq/2002/Prolog/ \ > -g 'good(current)' -t haltThe command line might be simpler if Prolog has a good search path, but I haven't gotten around to that yet.
#!/bin/bash ### test purchase-order schema validators ### for new errors or inconsistent changes. {W3C copyright notice 87} fMsglvl=$1 cd /home/cmsmcq/2005/schema/dctg ### First, check all grammars superficially: function runall () { echo "Running $2 tests on $1 ..." STDOUT=testdata/tmp/tests.$1.$2.stdout STDERR=testdata/tmp/stderr.$1.$2.stderr time bash Prolog/ $1 $2 tty > $STDOUT 2>$STDERR diff -s testdata/ref/reference.$1.$2.stdout $STDOUT if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then exit $? else rm -f $STDOUT $STDERR fi echo "" return } runall core all runall pv all runall 2L all ### Next, generate and diff the PSVI files for core, PV, and 2L ### and diff them with the reference copies ASN=~/lib/prolog/ function checkpsvi () { echo "Generating PSVI using $1 grammar" OUT=testdata/tmp/psvi.$1.stdout ERR=testdata/tmp/stderr.psvi.$1.stderr pl -f Prolog/$2 -g $3 -t halt > $OUT 2> $ERR OUTN=testdata/tmp/psvi.$1.normalize.stdout ERRN=testdata/tmp/stderr.psvi.$1.normalize.stderr if [ "$fMsglvl" = "verbose" ] ; then echo "Normalizing PSVI files for $1" fi for f in testdata/tmp/po*psvi.$1.xml do pl -f $ASN -g "attseq_normalize('$f','${f%.xml}.normalized.xml')" -t halt done > $OUTN 2> $ERRN FSAVE=0 for f in testdata/psvi$1/po*normalized.xml; do g=${f##*/} ### echo $g diff -q $f testdata/tmp if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then rm -f testdata/tmp/$g rm -f testdata/tmp/${g%.normalized.xml}.xml else echo "$g differs from reference copy" FSAVE=1 fi done if [ $FSAVE -eq 0 ] ; then rm -f $OUT $OUTN $ERR $ERRN fi echo } ### do it checkpsvi core "good(psvi)" checkpsvi pv "ugly(psvi,terse)" checkpsvi 2L "make_psvis" exit 0
att_merge([],Padft,[Padft]). att_merge([Pa|Lpa],Padft,[Pa|Lpa]) :- Pa^^namespace_name(NS), Padft^^namespace_name(NS), Pa^^local_name(Lnm), Padft^^local_name(Lnm), !. att_merge([Pa|Lpa],Padft,Lpa2) :- att_merge(Lpa,Padft,Lpa2).The if-then-else construct may also be used with the same effect:
att_merge([],Padft,[Padft]). att_merge([Pa|Lpa],Padft,Lpa2) :- ( { Pa^^namespace_name(NS), Padft^^namespace_name(NS), Pa^^local_name(Lnm), Padft^^local_name(Lnm) } -> Lpa2 = [Pa|Lpa] ; att_merge(Lpa,Padft,Lpa2) ).
sva_plf_TYPEID(PLF,LF,PN,Lerr) :- aelist_chars(PLF,Lchars,Lerr0), ( Lerr0 \== [] -> Lerr = ['aelist_chars failed' | Lerr0] ; /* aelist_chars succeeded */ ( ws_normalize(Keyword,Lchars,LF, Lerr1), ( Lerr1 \== [] -> Lerr = ['whitespace normalization failed (!)' | Lerr1] ; /* ws_normalize succeeded */ ( lexform_TYPEID(PN,LF,[]) ( PN^^errors(Lerr2), Lerr2 \== [] -> Lerr = ['bad lexical form' | Lerr2] ; /* lexform_TYPEID succeeded and returned node without errors */ ( vcheck1(PN,Lerr3), ( Lerr3 \== [] -> Lerr = ['failed vcheck1' | Lerr3] ; /* vcheck1 succeeded */ ( vcheck2(PN,Lerr4) ( Lerr4 \== [] -> Lerr = ['failed vcheck2' | Lerr4] ; /* vcheck2 succeeded */ ( vcheckN(PN,Lerr5) ( Lerr5 \== [] -> Lerr = ['failed vcheckN' | Lerr5] ; Lerr = [] ))))))))))) .
sva_plf_TYPEID(PLF,LF,PN,Lerr) :- (aelist_chars(PLF,Lchars) -> ({Sample: normalize whitespace 97}) ; Lerr = ['aelist_chars failed']).
ws_normalize(Keyword,Lchars,LF) -> ({Sample: check lexical form 98}) ; LF = [], Lerr = ['whitespace normalization failed (huh?!!)']
lexform_TYPEID(PN,LF,[]) -> ({Sample: perform value check 1 99}) ; Lerr = ['bad lexical form']
vcheck1(PN) -> ({Sample: perform value check 2 100}) ; Lerr = ['failed vcheck1']
vcheck2(PN) -> ({Sample: perform value check n 101}) ; Lerr = ['failed vcheck2']
vcheckN(PN) -> Lerr = [] ; Lerr = ['failed vcheckN']
sva_plf_TYPEID(PLF,LF,PN,Lerr) :- (aelist_chars(PLF,Lchars) -> (ws_normalize(Keyword,Lchars,LF) -> (lexform_TYPEID(PN,LF,[]) -> (vcheck1(PN) -> (vcheck2(PN) -> (vcheckN(PN) -> Lerr = [] ; Lerr = ['failed vcheckN']) ; Lerr = ['failed vcheck2']) ; Lerr = ['failed vcheck1']) ; Lerr = ['bad lexical form']) ; LF = [], Lerr = ['whitespace normalization failed (huh?!!)']) ; Lerr = ['aelist_chars failed']).
/* ws_collapse(A,B): B is like A, with all strings of blanks * collapsed to single blanks, and leading and trailing * blanks stripped. */ /* ws_collapse/2 strips leading blanks, then calls * ws_collapse/3 */ ws_collapse([],[],[]). ws_collapse([' '|T1],T2,Lerr) :- ws_collapse(T1,T2,Lerr). ws_collapse([H|T1],[H|T2],Lerr) :- H \= ' ', ws_collapse(internal,T1,T2,Lerr). /* ws_collapse/3 walks past non-blanks, and when it hits a * string of blanks, it drops all but the last one before * a non-blank. */ ws_collapse(internal,[],[],[]). ws_collapse(internal,[' '],[],[]). ws_collapse(internal,[H|T1],[H|T2],Lerr) :- H \= 32, ws_collapse(internal,T1,T2,Lerr). ws_collapse(internal,[' ',' '|T1],T2,Lerr) :- ws_collapse(internal,[' '|T1],T2,Lerr). ws_collapse(internal,[' ',H|T1],[' ',H|T2],Lerr) :- H \= ' ', ws_collapse(internal,T1,T2,Lerr).