Meaning and interpretation of markup
Deutsch-Österreich. W3C-Büro
Fraunhofer Gesellschaft - Institut Medienkommunikation
C. M. Sperberg-McQueen
World Wide Web Consortium
MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL)
- introduction
- system overview
- image sentences
- application sentences
- inference rules / axioms
- an alternative design
- challenges
Acknowledgements / Responsibilities | |
The Bechamel Project (‘semantic elucidation of XML’)
- Claus Huitfeldt (Universitetet i Bergen)
- Allen Renear (University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign)
- David Dubin (University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign)
Also: Kjersti Bjørnestad Berg, Paul Meurer,
Sindre Sørensen.
to give an intellectually satisfying (and potentially useful)
account of the meaning of markup.
Relation to similar work (I) | |
Various similar projects:
- semantic annotation of schemas
- ontology mapping problems
- semantic extraction, semantic stores
- translation / improved translation into RDF
- translation / improved translation into topic maps
Relation to similar work (II) | |
Bechamel assumes we have yet to explain how markup means things.
- What is ‘meaning’?
- Are there universal rules governing the meaning of markup?
- Are there common patterns observable in practice?
- How can we document whether / the degree to which
a transformation preserves / loses meaning?
Does markup have meaning? | |
Perhaps not; some people think not.
But perhaps it does after all.
- What else can tags like chapter,
abbr mean?
- Why else do we guide our processing by the markup?
- How else can we argue over whether a given tagging
is correct or incorrect?
Some salient characteristics:
Characteristics of markup vocabularies | |
A better grip on semantics ought to help with
- inter-translation among vocabularies
- retrieval across (or within) vocabularies
- comparison of content
- authenticity checking
- finding relevant vocabularies
- complexity measurement / design
But mostly, it's just interesting.
Working notion of meaning | |
... we shall accept that
the meaning of A is the
set of sentences S true because of A. The set S may also be
called the set of consequences of A. Calling sentences of S
consequences of A underscores the fact that there is an underlying
logic which allows one to deduce that a sentence is a consequence of
Wladyslaw M. Turski and Thomas S. E. Maibaum,
The specification of computer programs
(Wokingham: Addison-Wesley,
1987), p. 4.
Specifying the meaning of markup | |
So ...
- what inferences are licensed by each element type?
- by each attribute?
- for each location? (i.e. how do you associate the meaning with
a particular instance?)
Wittgenstein VW 103: 18r
Kann man aber wirklich so leben
daß das Leben aufhört
problematisch zu sein?
Wittgenstein, VW 108: 37
100 /
Ich beschreibe eine↑n↓ Tatsache
↑Sachverhalt↓ doch nicht ↑dadurch↓
daß ich das erwähne was mit
ihr↑m↓ nichts zu tun hat &
daß ...
<s>Kann man aber <d>wirklich</d> so leben
daß das Leben auf­hört
problematisch zu sein?</s>
<s>Ich beschreibe <p.em><p.em.el><uw1>eine<el>n</el>
<d>Tatsache</d></uw1> <i>Sachverhalt</i> doch nicht
<imw>dadurch</imw> daß ich das erwähne was
mit ih<p.o><p.o.el>r</p.o.el><p.o.el>m</p.o.el></p.o>
nichts zu tun hat &
></p.trsn>onstatiere daß ...</s>
Markup-related inferences | |
- The manuscript contains some particular words (strings of characters).
- Some words (characters) are deleted in the MS.
- Some words (characters) are added above the line in the MS.
- This particular subsequence of words (characters) forms a sentence.
- Rules are vocabulary-specific.
- The coding <F>a</F> is
both visually and semantically parallel to Fa
- Definition of F to be provided ...
- In many cases, the relevant property has arity > 1:
F(a,b), F(a,b,c), ...
- As a consequence:
- We need deixis.
- Argument structure is crucial.
DTD-specific interpretation | |

<title level="j">CHum</title>"node X is a title, with 'level' = 'j'"
"there exists a journal called CHum"
Image sentences are about information items in the
XML information set:
content(n8366,"Ich beschreibe ").
Application sentences are about objects in the
application domain. For the Wittgenstein project, for example:
char(c174832, 'T', 174832).
char(c174833, 'a', 174833).
char(c174834, 't', 174834).
char(c174835, 's', 174835).
char(c174836, 'a', 174836).
char(c174837, 'c', 174837).
char(c174838, 'h', 174838).
char(c174839, 'e', 174839).
deleted(c174834). ...
For a purchase order application:
<ti>Band IV Philosophische Bemerkungen</ti>
<transcribers>Claus Huitfeldt 1984, Alois Pichler 1991</transcribers>
<proofreaders>Ole Letnes 1992</proofreaders>
<revisionhistory>Transcribed by Claus Huitfeldt July 1984 ‐
February 1985. Recoded from CT I to CT IIb by Claus Huitfeldt
881002. Recoded from NWP to WAB registration standard 911031;
recoded from mecs101 to mecs102 920212. Retranscribed by Alois
Pichler 1991. Special notations, Protocols und Typography März
1992. Erste Korrektur Ole Letnes April bis Juni 1992. Vergleich mit
dem Original Herbst 1992; korrigiert nach diesem Vergleich September
1995. Spellcheck by Maria Sollohub and Alois Pichler,
September 1995.</revisionhistory>
<hands>H1, H2</hands>
- The file vw108 is a transcription of
von Wright item 108.
- The file vw108 conforms to MECS-WIT
version 1.02.
- The title of the item transcribed in file vw108
is Band IV Philosophische Bemerkungen.
- The item transcribed in file vw108
is estimated to have been written on or after 13 December 1929.
- The item transcribed in file vw108
is estimated to have been written on or before 9 August 1930.
- The transcription in vw108 was made by
“Claus Huitfeldt 1984, Alois Pichler 1991”.
- The transcription in vw108 was proofread by
“Ole Letnes 1992”.
- ...
- Node n.vw108.0001 is a transcription of
the item with number 108 in von Wright's catalog of 1984.
(∃ i : item)
(item_vwnumber(i, 108)
& transcribes(n.vw108.0001,i)
& (∀ j)(item_vwnumber(j,108) ⇒ i = j)
& (∀ k)(transcribes(n.vw108.0001,k) ⇒ i = k))
- The file vw108 conforms to MECS-WIT
version 1.02.
- The title of the item transcribed in file vw108
is Band IV Philosophische Bemerkungen.
... item_title(i,'Band IV Philosophische Bemerkungen')
The item transcribed in file
is estimated to have been written on or after 13 December 1929.
... item_a_quo(i,'1929-12-13')
The item transcribed in file
is estimated to have been written on or before 9 August 1930.
... item_ad_quem(i,'1930-08-09')
The transcription in
vw108 was made by
“Claus Huitfeldt 1984, Alois Pichler 1991”.
... (∃ p : persons)
(transcribes_as(p, i, m)
& nl_describes(
"Claus Huitfeldt 1984, Alois Pichler 1991",
The transcription in
vw108 was proofread by
“Ole Letnes 1992”.
... (∃ p : persons)
(proofreads_against(p, m, i)
& nl_describes("Ole Letnes 1992", p)))
<title level="j">CHum</title>
"node X is a title, with 'level' = 'j'"
"if there exists an element of type 'title' with 'level' = 'j',
then there exists a journal whose name is spelled by the contents
of the element"
To make inference rules, we
- replace names with variables
- describe the conditions under which the conclusion is valid
- wrap the conditional in variable bindings
The contents of a
e provide a natural-language description of
the person(s) who transcribed the document containing
(∀ n : node) (∀ m : node)
(∀ i : item) (∀ s : string)
(gi(n,'transcribers') & contents(n,s)
& root(n,m) & transcribes(m,i)
⇒ (∃ p : persons)
(transcribes_as(p, i, m)
& nl_describes(s, p)))
Formalized tag set description | |
The formalized tag-set documentation for TEI (in part):
<attribute match="@lang">
<p>If an element has a <ident>lang</ident>
attribute, the attribute value names the
language of the element's content (unless
<rule distributed="true" lang="Prolog">
lang(<de xv="../@id"/>,.) :- !.
<p>Otherwise, the language is the same as that
of the parent element.</p>
<rule distributed="false" lang="Prolog">
lang(E,L) :- parent(P,E), lang(P,L).
An alternative system design | |
- technical / plumbing
- distributed / non-distributed properties
- overriding inheritance
- milestone elements
- unique identity of individuals
- design / philosophical
- completeness
- fertile valley vs. desert landscape
- meta-markup
If the word Tatsache is deleted,
then the letter T is deleted.
If the word Indenture is rendered in black-letter,
then its initial letter I is rendered in black-letter.
Consider this (from
Tristram Shandy):
<hi rend="gothic">And this Indenture
further witnesseth</hi> that the said
<hi rend="italic">Walter Shandy</hi>,
merchant, in consideration of the said
intended marriage ...
Or equivalently*:
<p><hi rend="gothic">And</hi>
<hi rend="gothic">this</hi>
<hi rend="gothic">Indenture</hi>
<hi rend="gothic">further</hi>
<hi rend="gothic">witnesseth</hi> that the said
<hi rend="italic">Walter Shandy</hi>,
merchant, in consideration of the said
intended marriage ... </P>
These examples license the same inferences.
Distributed properties: commonly inherited.
If an ancestor is in English (has lang="en"),
then this element also is in English.
Non-distributed properties | |
Non-distributed properties are true of the element
as a
whole, but not true of all of the individual words or characters
of the content. From the markup
<P>Reader, I married him.</P>
we can infer the existence of one
paragraph, but we cannot infer that the word
Reader is itself a paragraph. We can, however,
infer that it has the property of being
within a
Overrides and incompatibilities | |
<doc lang="en">
<p>Wittgenstein wrote:
<q lang="de"><ital>Die Welt ist alles,
was der Fall ist.</ital></q>
It is hard to escape, at first reading,
the suspicion that Wittgenstein is guilty
here of a gross platitude; it is only
after reading the rest of the
<title lang="la">Tractatus</title> that on returning
to its famous first sentence one appreciates
the depths of its intension.</p>
If an ancestor is in English (has lang="en"),
then this element also is in English.
If an ancestor is in English (has lang="en"),
then this element also is in English.
If an ancestor is in English (has lang="en"),
then this element also is in English, unless
this element or an ancestor has a different
value for lang.
Generally, inferences about an element (or about what it
represents) rely on the generic identifier and
attributes of
- the element
- its ancestors
But how do we know what page a word is on?
Typically, the page is not an ancestor of the paragraph.
References to the same individual | |
When we speak of “the item transcribed by
this MECS-WIT document”, or
“the bibliographic item described by
the enclosing bibl element”,
how do we translate the
Existential assertion:
(there exists x)
& bibl_item_desc(x,[[.]])
& (∀ y)(bibl_item_desc(y,[[.]]) ↔ x = y))
and reference:
& (∀ x)
(bibl_item_desc(x, [[ancestor::bibl]])
→ bib_item_title(x,[[.]])]
Can we really expect to list "all and only the inferences
licensed by the markup"?
No: we cannot list them all (infinite set).
We may be able to identify a basis (a finite set of
sentences from which the members of the infinite set follow).
Or maybe not?
What do the deictic expressions actually denote?
- the element (in this encoding)
- the text (= this rule asserts that in the text there
is some (component?) part which is represented by this XML element in this
encoding, and that that component has some property.
- some referent of the text
- some other encoding or representation of the text
- the words or characters contained* (except for notes, etc.) within
this element (but N.B. deletions, insertions)
- the element (This TEI header was last updated 2001-06-15.)
- the text (This work [i.e. Peer Gynt] was created
in 1874)
- some referent of the text
(Henrik Ibsen was born in ...)
- the words or characters contained in
this element
(The string "Ibsen" is a proper noun here — not
the name element)
- some other encoding or representation of the text
(A page-break occurs at this point in the edition of 1874)
char(c174832, 'T', 174832).
char(c174833, 'a', 174833).
char(c174834, 't', 174834).
deleted(c174834). ...
deletion(d342, c174832, c174839).
Do deletions exist?
A ‘desert landscape’ view | |
The Wittgenstein transcripts postulate
- the manuscript
- the transcription
- pages
- text blocks (main block, left margin, ...)
- characters
possibly also
- the von Wright catalog and its entries
- words and sentences as described by Duden
- people
- dates
- MECS-WIT version numbers
The name
desert landscape
is borrowed from W.V.O. Quine.
We may also postulate
- sections
- revisions
- acts of deletion
- insertions
- formulae
- quotations
- names, dates, things, ...