A paper accepted for presentation at Extreme Markup Languages 2005, Montréal
In words, the derivative of R with respect to s is the set of strings t which can follow s in sentences of R, or: the set of strings t such that the concatenation of s and t is a sentence in R.Given a set R of sequences and some finite sequence s, the derivative of R with respect to s is denoted by DsR and is DsR = {t | st ∈ R}.
and(E | (F | G))
= ((E | F) | G)
= (E | F | G)
and(E, (F, G))
= ((E, F), G)
= (E, F, G)
(E & (F & G))
= ((E & F) & G)
= (E & F & G)
Ds E = D<x1, x2, ... xn> E = Dxn (... (Dx3 (Dx2 (Dx1 E))) ...)
( (script | style | meta)*, ( (title, (script | style | meta)*, (base, (script | style | meta)*)?) | (base, (script | style | meta)*, (title, (script | style | meta)*)) ) )which is a slight simplification of the definition of head in XHTML. If we seek to validate the sequence <meta, title, style> against this content model, we proceed as follows:
(e{1,5}, b{0,1}){1,5}
e{0,4}, b?, (e{1,5}, b?){0,4}
e{0,3}, b?, (e{1,5}, b?){0,4} | e{0,4}, b?, (e{1,5}, b?){0,3}
e{0,2}, b?, (e{1,5}, b?){0,4} | e{0,4}, b?, (e{1,5}, b?){0,3} | e{0,3}, b?, (e{1,5}, b?){0,3} | e{0,4}, b?, (e{1,5}, b?){0,2}
(e{1,5}, b?){0,4} | (e{1,5}, b?){0,3} | (e{1,5}, b?){0,3} | (e{1,5}, b?){0,2}'
e?, b?, (e{1,5}, b?){0,4} | e{0,4}, b?, (e{1,5}, b?){0,3} | e{0,3}, b?, (e{1,5}, b?){0,3} | e{0,4}, b?, (e{1,5}, b?){0,2} | e{0,2}, b?, (e{1,5}, b?){0,3} | e{0,4}, b?, (e{1,5}, b?){0,2} | e{0,3}, b?, (e{1,5}, b?){0,2} | e{0,4}, b?, (e{1,5}, b?)?
(N.B. this definition of subsumption corresponds to shallow local validation, not to deep validation.)B subsumes R if and only if for all strings s, δ(Ds (R and ~B)) = {}
We'll use variables n (current string length), X (the set of characteristic derivatives found so far), and f (a Boolean flag).
Start with n = 0, X = {}, f = false. For each s in the set of all strings of length n,
Let F = Ds E. If F is equivalent to any member of X, do nothing. Otherwise, let X = X union {F} and let f = true. If f = true, then increment n and go to step 2. Otherwise, f = false, and X contains the set of characteristic derivatives.
we end up calculating the derivatives of R in parallel to those of B, with the exception that we don't necessarily generate all n × m pairs of characteristic derivatives.Ds (R and ~B) = (Ds R) and (Ds ~B) = (Ds R) and ~(Ds B)
(((c, d, b){2,3}), c, d, e, f) and ~( ( (c, d, ((b, c, d){0,4}), (e?), ((((b, c, d){0,5}), (e?)){0,3})) | (c, d, ((b, c, d){0,4}), (e?), ((((b, c, d){0,5}), (e?)){0,2})) | (c, d, ((b, c, d){0,4}), (e?), ((((b, c, d){0,5}), (e?))?)) | (c, d, ((b, c, d){0,4}), (e?)) ), f)
(d, b, ((c, d, b){1,2}), c, d, e, f) and ~( ( (d, ((b, c, d){0,4}), (e?), ((((b, c, d){0,5}), (e?)){0,3})) | (d, ((b, c, d){0,4}), (e?), ((((b, c, d){0,5}), (e?)){0,2})) | (d, ((b, c, d){0,4}), (e?), ((((b, c, d){0,5}), (e?))?)) | (d, ((b, c, d){0,4}), (e?)) ), f )
(c, d, e, f) and ~( ( (c, d, ((b, c, d)?), (e?), ((((b, c, d){0,5}), (e?)){0,3})) | (c, d, ((b, c, d){0,4}), (e?), ((((b, c, d){0,5}), (e?)){0,2})) | (c, d, ((b, c, d){0,4}), (e?), ((((b, c, d){0,5}), (e?))?)) | (c, d, ((b, c, d){0,4}), (e?)) | (c, d, ((b, c, d){0,3}), (e?), ((((b, c, d){0,5}), (e?)){0,2})) | (c, d, ((b, c, d){0,4}), (e?), ((((b, c, d){0,5}), (e?))?)) | (c, d, ((b, c, d){0,4}), (e?)) | (c, d, ((b, c, d){0,3}), (e?), ((((b, c, d){0,5}), (e?))?)) | (c, d, ((b, c, d){0,4}), (e?)) | (c, d, ((b, c, d){0,3}), (e?)) | (c, d, ((b, c, d){0,2}), (e?), ((((b, c, d){0,5}), (e?)){0,2})) | (c, d, ((b, c, d){0,4}), (e?), ((((b, c, d){0,5}), (e?))?)) | (c, d, ((b, c, d){0,4}), (e?)) | (c, d, ((b, c, d){0,3}), (e?), ((((b, c, d){0,5}), (e?))?)) | (c, d, ((b, c, d){0,4}), (e?)) | (c, d, ((b, c, d){0,3}), (e?)) | (c, d, ((b, c, d){0,2}), (e?), ((((b, c, d){0,5}), (e?))?)) | (c, d, ((b, c, d){0,4}), (e?)) | (c, d, ((b, c, d){0,3}), (e?)) | (c, d, ((b, c, d){0,2}), (e?)) | (c, d, ((b, c, d)?), (e?), ((((b, c, d){0,5}), (e?)){0,2})) | (c, d, ((b, c, d){0,4}), (e?), ((((b, c, d){0,5}), (e?))?)) | (c, d, ((b, c, d){0,4}), (e?)) | (c, d, ((b, c, d){0,3}), (e?), ((((b, c, d){0,5}), (e?))?)) | (c, d, ((b, c, d){0,4}), (e?)) | (c, d, ((b, c, d){0,3}), (e?)) | (c, d, ((b, c, d){0,2}), (e?), ((((b, c, d){0,5}), (e?))?)) | (c, d, ((b, c, d){0,4}), (e?)) | (c, d, ((b, c, d){0,3}), (e?)) | (c, d, ((b, c, d){0,2}), (e?)) | (c, d, ((b, c, d)?), (e?), ((((b, c, d){0,5}), (e?))?)) | (c, d, ((b, c, d){0,4}), (e?)) | (c, d, ((b, c, d){0,3}), (e?)) | (c, d, ((b, c, d){0,2}), (e?)) | (c, d, ((b, c, d)?), (e?)) ), f)
(c, d, e, f) and ~( ( (c, d, ((b, c, d)?), (e?), ((((b, c, d){0,5}), (e?)){0,3})) | (c, d, ((b, c, d){0,4}), (e?), ((((b, c, d){0,5}), (e?)){0,2})) | (c, d, ((b, c, d){0,4}), (e?), ((((b, c, d){0,5}), (e?))?)) | (c, d, ((b, c, d){0,4}), (e?)) | (c, d, ((b, c, d){0,3}), (e?), ((((b, c, d){0,5}), (e?)){0,2})) | (c, d, ((b, c, d){0,3}), (e?), ((((b, c, d){0,5}), (e?))?)) | (c, d, ((b, c, d){0,3}), (e?)) | (c, d, ((b, c, d){0,2}), (e?), ((((b, c, d){0,5}), (e?)){0,2})) | (c, d, ((b, c, d){0,2}), (e?), ((((b, c, d){0,5}), (e?))?)) | (c, d, ((b, c, d){0,2}), (e?)) | (c, d, ((b, c, d)?), (e?), ((((b, c, d){0,5}), (e?)){0,2})) | (c, d, ((b, c, d)?), (e?), ((((b, c, d){0,5}), (e?))?)) | (c, d, ((b, c, d)?), (e?)) ), f)which has 13 disjuncts in the inner expression, rather than 35. It may be worth noting that Brzozowski shows explicitly that even if only relatively rudimentary simplification is done on the characteristic derivatives, there is still only a finite number of them. More formally, he shows that not only is there a finite number of characteristic derivatives such than none is equal to the others, there is also a finite number, albeit a larger number, such that none is similar to the others, where similar expressions can be transformed into each other using only the identities
f and ~( ( ((((b, c, d){0,5}), (e?)){0,3}) | ((((b, c, d){0,5}), (e?)){0,2}) | ((((b, c, d){0,5}), (e?))?) | '' ), f)
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