[20 November 2009, additional pointer 23 November]
Last week I spent in Leipzig, attending the Topic Maps Research and Applications 2009 conference organized by the Topic Maps Lab at the university there. And since I returned, I have found myself spending a lot of time thinking about topic maps. (Enough that I really need to stop for a bit and get back to other work.)
I’ve written a short trip report on the conference, which can be read in the archives of the Topic Maps in LIS list run by Kevin Trainor. [23 November. The Topic Maps Lab has posted a version of the trip report that may be easier to read. Many thanks to them.] It doesn’t really do the conference justice, but perhaps it’s better than nothing. Other trip reports are [also] pointed to from the TM Lab page.
The short version of my report is: “Gosh, that was fun! And wow! is Leipzig ever worth a visit!”